[00:00:01] I press ctrl-d and nothing happens, although it does seem to hesitate for a second. [00:00:14] Anyway, there's nothing on my clipboard after that either. [00:02:51] *** Quits: gabriel9 (~bojan@pD9FAA2F6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving) [00:03:22] *** Quits: hutch34 (~hutch34@h125.241.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:04:05] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:05:56] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [00:06:21] reactormonk: works for me, you'll have to give more details. ;) [00:07:16] *** Quits: bgdawes (~quassel@2601:249:901:bad::648f) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:07:49] *** Joins: wolfcomm (~wolf@unaffiliated/wolfcommander) [00:07:52] Sirnanigans: I don't use the command-line client, but looking at the manpage it appears -f asks for a filename, with the contents on stdin -- not an absolute filepath, which can be used without the -f. [00:08:06] *** Joins: __dutch__ (~DutchIngr@static-97-66-215-44.earthlinkbusiness.net) [00:08:10] *** Quits: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:08:32] *** Joins: torak (~torak@ [00:09:12] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [00:09:31] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [00:09:46] *** Quits: novns (~novns@unaffiliated/novns) (Quit: Bye) [00:09:53] *** Joins: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) [00:10:27] *** Quits: Ranmaru (~ranmaru@2a02:908:13b3:7900:8f2:9e3c:ec78:83a7) (Quit: Leaving) [00:11:46] *** Quits: dreampwnzor (~dreampwnz@unaffiliated/dreampwnzor) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:11:54] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [00:12:19] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [00:13:28] *** Quits: andrewSC (~andrewSC@unaffiliated/andrewsc) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:13:31] where can i find the PARTUUID for the setting in loader/entries/arch.conf ? [00:13:49] *** Quits: louisdk (~louisdk@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:14:17] blkid [00:15:02] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:15:38] *** Quits: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:15:43] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [00:16:04] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [00:16:08] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:16:41] *** Joins: Konomi (~Konomi@unaffiliated/konomi) [00:17:55] *** Parts: Serus (~Serus@unaffiliated/serus) ("WeeChat 1.6") [00:19:50] hi, i can't get bidirectional copy paste to work. i have virtualbox-guest-modules-arch & virtualbox-guest-utils installed [00:20:02] my host is arch, my guest is arch [00:20:46] *** Quits: comma8 (~comma8@2601:1c2:500:b7fc::9c3f) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:21:02] dont use virtualbox [00:21:03] !next [00:21:04] Another satisfied customer! NEXT! [00:21:17] *** Joins: xiaodong (~xiaodong@ [00:21:49] *** Quits: barbs (~barbs@124-169-139-241.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:22:23] alternatives? [00:22:29] !notnext [00:22:30] for what [00:22:31] bookworm: No idea [00:22:37] !prev [00:22:38] Another unsatisfied customer! PREV! [00:22:53] *** Quits: SpaceAce (~SpaceAce@124-170-142-5.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: Leaving) [00:23:03] virtualbox is nice [00:23:28] *** Quits: CIAguy (~CIAguy@unaffiliated/ciaguy) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:23:48] it really isn't [00:23:51] wolfcomm, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VirtualBox#Install_the_Guest_Additions [00:23:52] Title: VirtualBox - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [00:24:07] *** Joins: mladoux (~mark@2601:446:8201:1620:a430:b1a3:9f21:fa8a) [00:25:03] SCHAAP137: i already have guest additions installed [00:25:09] did you do the rest? [00:25:28] *** Quits: Polichronucci (~polichron@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:25:42] kernel module is built on the host? vboxservice.service enabled in the guest? [00:25:45] *** Quits: matoro (~matoro@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:25:52] clipboard integration enabled in VM's options? [00:26:05] are there any alteratives for having safe "sandboxes" I mean apart from VMware thats not an option realy? [00:26:44] *** Quits: oldgoat (~squeek@unaffiliated/tinystoat) (Remote host closed the connection) [00:27:13] yes to all [00:27:26] bbsl: There was a recent flamewar on the mailing list about user namespaces [00:27:27] except i don't have a service i just used modporbe [00:27:32] *** Quits: Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@75-103-145-211.ccrtc.com) (Quit: Suzie says, "TTFNs!") [00:27:48] *** Quits: AltReality (~noneya@99-57-74-231.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:27:58] *** Quits: fdev31 (~fdev31@digi00400.digicube.fr) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:27:59] then it should work, or you forgot something, or you need to restart something [00:27:59] !modprobe [00:28:00] citazen: Eh? [00:28:09] *** Joins: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) [00:28:11] *** Joins: AltReality (~noneya@99-57-74-231.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) [00:28:12] !modporbe [00:28:13] citazen: BLEEP BLOOP [00:28:19] *** Quits: yiati (uid84597@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gjkbiencvxhtmutl) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [00:28:20] *** Joins: dviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola) [00:28:30] *** Joins: clmg (~user@c028h056.wless.reed.edu) [00:28:31] lol [00:28:47] My charge cord is overheating since updating arch linux. Could it really be? [00:28:48] *** Quits: arch_coldfire (~arch_cold@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:28:57] or it's borked [00:29:00] Or am I just making connections that aren't there [00:29:05] *** Quits: siidney (~siid@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:29:09] i think it borked [00:29:14] The thing is, it has happened with two chargers. [00:29:18] im getting 'fat' does not support embedding when trying to intall grub? why mkfs type does /dev/sda1 need to be if not fat32? [00:29:23] haalp [00:29:25] One of them stopped working because it got so hot. [00:29:28] *** Quits: obZen (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:29:30] *** Quits: Keitaro (trickster@gateway/shell/layerbnc/x-jrxrfcglhzxvdvrx) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:29:34] ANd it started to smell a bit odd. [00:30:13] i0n: you probably used the wrong --target [00:30:15] *** Joins: Keitaro (trickster@gateway/shell/layerbnc/x-kxfhpzqjuwstjksx) [00:30:24] *** Joins: Polichronucci (~polichron@ [00:30:27] try a different ext [00:30:41] oh [00:30:46] *** Joins: arch_coldfire (~arch_cold@ [00:30:50] i386-pc isnt like a default? [00:30:52] so I installed cups and avahi, I would like to find a network printer, but it doesnt see anything. ideas? [00:31:03] i0n: there is no default [00:31:16] i0n: if you don't provide it grub will try to autodetect it [00:31:17] *** Joins: siidney (~siid@ [00:31:18] 64 is new default [00:31:23] *** Joins: oldgoat (~squeek@unaffiliated/tinystoat) [00:31:29] i0n: which may or may not work out [00:31:30] x86_64-efi [00:31:41] i0n: and the rest of the command? [00:31:56] but yeah try ext4 [00:32:14] cannot find EFI directory [00:32:24] its in /boot/EFI [00:32:46] that's where you pointed --efi-directory at? [00:33:22] *** Quits: anirban (~anirban@unaffiliated/apostasy) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:33:31] *** Quits: gbs (~gbs@unaffiliated/gbs) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:33:31] ok i blame arch linux because copypaste works fine on my ubuntu guest [00:33:37] ah nice thanks for that switch.. now getting efibootmgr not found [00:33:46] closer [00:33:48] *** Quits: siidney (~siid@ (Remote host closed the connection) [00:34:19] *** Joins: foozle (~foozle@office181.kiec.kh.edu.tw) [00:34:23] i0n: you skipped the part where you install it [00:34:30] lol whoops [00:34:39] there we go [00:34:47] !next [00:34:47] Another satisfied customer! NEXT! [00:35:07] *** Quits: maolang (~quassel@2a01:e35:2e6c:5620:1121:5611:48ec:ce69) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Discuter simplement. Partout.) [00:35:11] *** Quits: ipnos (~00@ (Quit: Quit.) [00:35:13] *** Joins: muhannad____ (~muhannad@ [00:36:30] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:37:31] *** Quits: Sirnanigans (~nathan@108-209-253-120.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [00:39:25] *** Quits: mirk0 (~mirk0@unaffiliated/-mirko-/x-2946915) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [00:40:05] i must have put the wrong root device inside some config, im being dropped to a recovery shell [00:40:14] *** Parts: Konomi (~Konomi@unaffiliated/konomi) () [00:40:49] journalctl -p 3 -xb [00:40:57] systemctl --failed [00:41:07] *** Joins: maolang (~quassel@2a01:e35:2e6c:5620:c77e:c4ff:15e1:718) [00:42:56] *** Quits: bbsl (~bbsl@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [00:43:25] *** Quits: niemal_ (~mein@unaffiliated/anoniem4l) (Remote host closed the connection) [00:43:57] *** Quits: astrofog (~astrofog@unaffiliated/astrofog) (Quit: Quite) [00:44:26] *** Quits: la_croix (~la_croix@host81-153-234-108.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:45:41] *** Quits: nfnty (~nfnty@81-230-83-181-no297.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Bye) [00:45:51] *** NextHendrix is now known as SexHendrix [00:46:00] *** Joins: newcoder (~newcoder@unaffiliated/newcoder) [00:46:01] its saying cant find root device [00:46:16] *** Joins: comma8 (~comma8@2601:1c2:500:b7fc::9c3f) [00:46:28] *** Joins: dienogest (~dienogest@HSI-KBW-046-005-002-065.hsi8.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) [00:46:37] *** Joins: gbs (~gbs@unaffiliated/gbs) [00:47:12] does the keyboard work in that shell? [00:47:18] yep [00:47:25] does /new_root exist? [00:47:29] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [00:47:50] i mounted my root parition and trying to mount the boot parition so i can change that UUID [00:47:55] *** Joins: altbashi (~altbashi@p4917205-ipngn25401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) [00:48:04] yes it exists [00:48:08] *** Quits: Ranzpirat (ranzpirat@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-rkkyjcuxvehwehff) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:48:09] *** Joins: nfnty (~nfnty@81-230-83-181-no297.tbcn.telia.com) [00:48:17] you don't need to mount your /boot, it's not needed [00:48:22] *** Quits: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [00:48:29] mount your / to /new_root and exit the shell [00:48:37] *** Joins: ampy (~ampy@184-23-11-142.dsl.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) [00:48:45] *** Joins: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) [00:48:59] aight [00:49:00] *** Quits: jemark (jemark@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-pnojmigbvpgaxlbd) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [00:49:06] Any ideas why du would show double outside of a dir as opposed to inside it? hidden filesystems? [00:49:08] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:49:23] *** Quits: humma (gun@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-lbeaixagdscsandr) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [00:49:23] *** Quits: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Client Quit) [00:49:49] Namarrgon: you are awesome [00:49:55] *** Quits: wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander) (Quit: Saliendo) [00:50:17] *** Quits: muhannad____ (~muhannad@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:50:18] did you generate a new grub.cfg? [00:50:23] or write it yourself? [00:50:28] *** Joins: la_croix (~la_croix@host81-153-234-108.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) [00:50:55] *** Joins: Keniyal (~Keniyal@unaffiliated/keniyal) [00:51:01] *** Joins: muhannad____ (~muhannad@ [00:51:07] i wrote it. [00:51:59] https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/5tm5uh/btrfs_and_tlp/ [00:52:00] Title: btrfs and TLP : archlinux (at www.reddit.com) [00:52:28] *** Quits: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [00:53:10] *** Quits: dannyAAM (~dannyAAM@saru.saru.moe) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:53:40] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [00:53:49] haha, love that mjg was actually paged into that [00:54:11] !give Jesin k [00:54:13] Jesin: https://i.imgur.com/d5UlHGN.gif [00:54:14] *** Joins: dannyAAM (~dannyAAM@saru.saru.moe) [00:54:22] *** Quits: clmg (~user@c028h056.wless.reed.edu) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:55:35] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:56:53] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [00:57:35] *** Quits: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFEC5A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:58:42] *** Quits: lyonsb (~slurpymcd@c-98-245-200-69.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [00:58:43] *** Quits: sshow (~sshow@2a02:ed06:198::1000) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:59:34] *** Quits: ampy (~ampy@184-23-11-142.dsl.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Quit: bye bye) [01:00:37] *** Joins: matoro (~matoro@ [01:01:15] *** Quits: newcoder (~newcoder@unaffiliated/newcoder) (Quit: leaving) [01:02:00] *** Joins: tamiko (~tamiko@gentoo/developer/tamiko) [01:03:02] *** Quits: codemac (~codemac@archlinux/fellow/codemac) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:03:37] can i have grub generate a config based off what im booted up as now? [01:05:09] *** Quits: evahop (~evan@mail.islandwholesalers.com) (Quit: leaving) [01:05:11] *** Joins: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [01:05:36] see what grub-mkconfig spits out [01:06:05] *** Quits: penc4ke (~penc4k3__@p508F083D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:06:33] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [01:07:09] *** Quits: tamiko (~tamiko@gentoo/developer/tamiko) (Quit: Lost terminal) [01:07:26] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:07:39] looks like its calling the correct uuid [01:07:59] *** Joins: tamiko (~tamiko@gentoo/developer/tamiko) [01:08:12] i must have a duplicate load file? [01:08:13] *** r00t^2 is now known as jth4n [01:08:17] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:08:19] *** jth4n is now known as r00t^2 [01:08:26] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [01:08:27] a what? [01:08:52] *** Parts: tamiko (~tamiko@gentoo/developer/tamiko) () [01:09:14] in /boot i made a loader/loader.conf and a loader/entries/arch.conf [01:09:21] is this required? [01:09:24] *** Quits: ljmf00 (uid190412@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-npefojyjkqklhwca) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [01:09:38] not if you want to use grub [01:09:39] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [01:09:50] systemd-boot is an entirely different loader [01:09:56] oic [01:10:34] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [01:11:10] *** Quits: mladoux (~mark@2601:446:8201:1620:a430:b1a3:9f21:fa8a) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:11:29] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:11:33] *** Joins: newcoder (~newcoder@unaffiliated/newcoder) [01:12:34] *** Joins: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) [01:13:07] *** Quits: Narrat (~Narrat@p5DED1D66.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.) [01:13:40] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:14:50] *** Joins: Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) [01:14:51] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [01:15:20] *** Quits: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:15:27] i believe i had systemd setup cause now its asking for loader.conf [01:16:17] *** Joins: kyechou (~niorehkid@140-113-65-201.Dorm7.NCTU.edu.tw) [01:16:22] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@ (Remote host closed the connection) [01:16:40] *** Parts: kyechou (~niorehkid@140-113-65-201.Dorm7.NCTU.edu.tw) () [01:16:57] *** Quits: _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@ (Quit: Leaving) [01:17:07] that's fine too unless you need a feature only grub provides [01:17:48] *** Joins: proudzhu (~proudzhu@ [01:18:31] *** Quits: Cloudish (~Cloudish@unaffiliated/cloudish) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [01:18:37] *** Quits: yorick (~yorick@oftn/oswg-member/yorick) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:18:40] *** Quits: CR0W (narf@unaffiliated/em64t) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:19:16] *** Quits: ricus (~ricus@chunli.enric.me) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:19:25] *** Joins: Kryptron_ (~Kryptron@unaffiliated/kryptron) [01:19:28] *** Quits: voidlily (~voidlily@unaffiliated/voidlily) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:28] *** Quits: dale6998 (~dale6998@cpe-74-78-156-164.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:28] *** Quits: bin_sh (~bin@unaffiliated/bin-bash/x-0273453) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:30] *** Quits: __builtin (~xray@rockbox/developer/builtin) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:19:35] *** Quits: Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:40] *** Quits: kotto (~user@201-40-6-242.cbace700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:40] *** Quits: mnemonic (~semeion@unaffiliated/semeion) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:48] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:48] *** Quits: xfc83e (~xfc83e@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:19:55] *** Quits: sec^nd (~second@unaffiliated/sec0nd) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:19:58] *** Joins: __builtin (~xray@rockbox/developer/builtin) [01:20:08] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [01:20:10] *** Quits: kadfak (~x@campus26.campus.ttu.ee) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:20:19] *** Quits: Lord^Anubis (~anubis@unaffiliated/lordanubis/x-837129) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:20:21] *** Joins: ricus (~ricus@chunli.enric.me) [01:20:26] *** Quits: KingKoopa (~koopman@cpe-24-59-50-80.twcny.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:20:31] *** Joins: Sir_Gallantmon (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) [01:20:32] *** Joins: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) [01:20:39] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@ [01:20:54] *** Quits: homerj (~homerj@april-fools/2013/second/homerj) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:21:01] *** Joins: rootman (~rootman@ [01:21:05] *** Joins: sec^nd (~second@unaffiliated/sec0nd) [01:21:06] *** Joins: dale6998 (~dale6998@cpe-74-78-156-164.maine.res.rr.com) [01:21:07] *** Joins: kadfak (~x@campus26.campus.ttu.ee) [01:21:27] *** Joins: djapo (~archie@unaffiliated/djapo) [01:21:36] *** Joins: arescorpio (~arescorpi@69-124-16-190.fibertel.com.ar) [01:21:53] *** Joins: homerj (~homerj@april-fools/2013/second/homerj) [01:21:58] *** Quits: Kryptron (~Kryptron@unaffiliated/kryptron) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:22:11] *** Joins: KingKoopa (~koopman@cpe-24-59-50-80.twcny.res.rr.com) [01:22:18] *** Joins: mnemonic (~semeion@unaffiliated/semeion) [01:22:29] *** Joins: xfc83e (~xfc83e@ [01:22:49] *** Joins: voidlily (~voidlily@unaffiliated/voidlily) [01:23:25] *** Joins: bin_sh (~bin@unaffiliated/bin-bash/x-0273453) [01:23:54] *** Quits: alexandr2 (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:24:07] nice [01:24:22] ive got a system running now [01:24:22] *** Quits: Keniyal (~Keniyal@unaffiliated/keniyal) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:25:25] *** Quits: proudzhu (~proudzhu@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [01:25:26] *** chee is now known as mother [01:25:45] *** mother is now known as chee [01:25:53] *** Joins: anirban (~anirban@unaffiliated/apostasy) [01:26:35] *** Quits: kadfak (~x@campus26.campus.ttu.ee) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:27:06] *** Joins: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) [01:27:08] hello [01:27:53] i have install opera and flashplugin package, but why can't use in the opera? i use this page where not showing the 'Adobe Flash Player' in the list: https://helpx.adobe.com/es/flash-player/kb/enabling-flash-player-opera.html [01:28:14] (step 3) [01:28:55] *** Quits: Chais (~Chais@unaffiliated/chais) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [01:29:08] *** Quits: Repentinus (~repentinu@fsfe/repentinus) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:29:12] that plugin is for browsers using NSPR [01:29:20] rmbeer: and you don't need flash [01:29:22] opera doesn't use NSPR [01:29:31] *** Joins: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x4db51a80.dyn.telefonica.de) [01:29:44] Don't you have to install pepper-flash from the AUR or am I wrong? [01:29:46] Maybe he wants to watch crunchyroll. [01:30:10] *** Quits: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:30:39] *** Joins: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) [01:30:59] *** Joins: Chais (~Chais@unaffiliated/chais) [01:31:01] sorry, ping timeout, i read last in: Maybe he wants to watch crunchyroll [01:31:27] really not need flash? [01:31:30] that was the last message [01:31:51] mpv can do crunchyroll [01:31:52] *** Joins: kadfak (~x@campus26.campus.ttu.ee) [01:31:57] With youtube-dl [01:32:11] *** Joins: frankdrey (~textual@75-147-188-50-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) [01:32:32] https://ptpb.pw/vgH3.png [01:32:42] *** Joins: KenOokamiHoro (~horo@2602:ffc5:50::1:9903) [01:32:45] *** Quits: osktj64 (~osktj64@gateway/tor-sasl/osktj64) (Quit: osktj64) [01:33:06] *** Joins: osktj64 (~osktj64@gateway/tor-sasl/osktj64) [01:33:12] rmbeer: which site? have you tried with a different browser? [01:34:04] !give sudokode yt alter bridge show me a leader [01:34:05] *** Quits: arch_coldfire (~arch_cold@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [01:34:06] sudokode: ALTER BRIDGE- SHOW ME A LEADER (LYRIC VIDEO) - YouTube [01:34:26] rmbeer: What do you need flash for? [01:35:12] *** Quits: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:35:40] *** Joins: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) [01:35:52] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) (Quit: blueness) [01:35:58] Is this channel logged somewhere? [01:36:05] again... i read last in: rmbeer: What do you need flash for [01:36:06] *** Quits: Conder (~Conder@109-230-55-79.dynamic.orange.sk) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [01:36:07] I hope not [01:36:08] newcoder: No [01:36:15] newcoder: Freenode suggests you don't either [01:36:23] I keep logs for personal use [01:36:36] Well yes [01:36:48] *** Quits: d1z (~gt@unaffiliated/grullizzle) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:36:56] freenode policy forbids regularly publishing logs of channels unless you have consent from the channel's operators and they notify users through the /topic or a chanserv notice [01:37:05] newcoder: are you a bot? [01:37:21] Namarrgon: You know I wondered that, they ask this question in random channels [01:37:24] *** Quits: goksinen (~goksinen@cpe-74-71-4-175.nyc.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:37:32] rmbeer: Ah, now I get it! you need flash for using IRC and not having ping issues =D [01:37:45] *** Quits: sanitypassing (~sanitypas@unaffiliated/sanitypassing) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [01:37:50] got em [01:38:14] Erlang has some surprisingly nice notation for dealing with binary data, I wasn't aware of this [01:38:24] *** Quits: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:38:51] *** Joins: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) [01:38:57] Such as supporting pattern matching, on binary data [01:40:08] *** Joins: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) [01:40:09] Color = #94FG9E. <> = <> [01:40:28] *** Joins: yorick (~yorick@oftn/oswg-member/yorick) [01:40:39] Er, 16# [01:40:44] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:40:56] earnestly: Are you in that channel I asked that question there too? [01:41:02] Hello, I'm installing ttf symbola from repo community while getting Couldn't determine full name for ... https://ptpb.pw/5rQE [01:41:08] what should I do? [01:41:23] Less G [01:42:16] *** Joins: Keniyal (~Keniyal@unaffiliated/keniyal) [01:42:22] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:43:16] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [01:43:16] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:43:27] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [01:44:33] never used the nerd font packages, but the google font one does a similar thing with a few fonts [01:44:37] earnestly: What do you mean? [01:44:52] *** Joins: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) [01:45:04] KingSpeedy: which one do you refer to? [01:45:06] newcoder: you're always posting the exact same questions to multiple channels [01:45:27] *** Quits: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) (Client Quit) [01:45:39] the "Can't detemine full name for..." lines' [01:45:40] grazzolini: Pattern matching TCP segments in erlang: <> = Foo. [01:45:43] *** Joins: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) [01:45:44] they're trying to machine learn us [01:45:56] *** Quits: kadfak (~x@campus26.campus.ttu.ee) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:45:57] Namarrgon: How does earnestly know that? [01:45:59] grazzolini: Where Playload/binary just matches on the rest [01:46:04] earnestly: erlang is nice [01:46:12] earnestly: that's nuts [01:46:16] grazzolini: I didn't realise you could parse binary so easily like this [01:46:25] KingSpeedy: well, how can I get the font package name from these lines? [01:46:27] earnestly: I played a lot with it when I was using ejabberd [01:46:34] newcoder: he has eyes [01:46:41] I mean, it's not fast like C or Ada [01:46:41] amosbird, they all have "nerd" in the font name [01:46:43] But it's nice [01:46:53] *** Joins: murkx (~mur@unaffiliated/murkx) [01:46:54] grazzolini: Erlang has the right idea about horizontal scaling too [01:46:58] and its VM is surprisingly nice too [01:47:00] did you install one of the nerd font packages? [01:47:07] ok, i not have method for view the .swf file :( [01:47:12] *** Quits: frankdrey (~textual@75-147-188-50-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) [01:47:20] grazzolini: Like unix did, one tool, one thing. In erlang it's one actor, one thing :P [01:47:23] earnestly: well, it's what powers whatsapp and facebook messenger and some others too, for instance [01:47:37] ah [01:47:38] Namarrgon: Without joining that channel how can he see that message? [01:47:40] KingSpeedy: I see [01:47:41] grazzolini: Oh yeah, it's behind the scenes in lot of stuff [01:47:50] grazzolini: In major ways too, not just toy programs [01:47:59] grazzolini: Did all of I think CoD servers [01:48:26] earnestly: yep. it was created by ericsson for telecom [01:48:34] earnestly: or it was nokia, I always mix it [01:48:38] grazzolini: Ericsson [01:48:41] !give grazzolini erlang [01:48:42] grazzolini: "Hello Mike. Hello Joe, system working? Seems to be. Okay fine. Okay." [01:48:44] i install libflashplugin.so to ~/.local/lib/opera/plugins/, FAIL, i download swf and open directo with opera, FAIL, use mpv with swf, FAIL [01:49:01] rmbeer: it's probably because opera needs chrome's flash plugin [01:49:10] rmbeer: Of course mpv cannot play swfs [01:49:10] *** Sir_Gallantmon is now known as Son_Goku [01:49:14] rmbeer: Why do you need flash? [01:49:24] rmbeer: you still haven't stated your case [01:49:53] I remember installing flash once, just to take a load of screenshots of a flash only website, before removing it again [01:50:28] I needed to install it to use vmware vsphere [01:50:32] newcoder: earnestly has a secret botnet following you around, obviously [01:50:34] Remember the old Theory7 website? With it's pixel fonts [01:50:42] And the brown [01:50:50] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [01:51:17] eschwartz: How do you know that? How can a bot follow someone? [01:51:22] *** Quits: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:51:26] Look at it now, unknown and forgotten. Not even google has screenshots [01:51:35] And good luck getting it from wayback [01:52:00] newcoder: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you [01:52:19] eschwartz: Why killing? [01:52:34] newcoder: because then you'd know [01:52:50] ^ [01:53:02] *** Joins: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) [01:53:03] newcoder: they're being funny [01:53:06] eschwartz: What is the name of that bot? [01:53:13] *** Quits: frostschutz (~frostschu@x2f67b91.dyn.telefonica.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:53:35] newcoder: the bot is imaginary [01:53:46] Yup, it's called imaginary [01:53:49] *** Joins: d1z (~gt@unaffiliated/grullizzle) [01:54:36] Expanding that a bit and you could maybe have a decent name for a culture starship [01:54:49] *** Quits: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:55:14] You're Just Imagining Things -- perfect name for a GCU [01:55:49] *** Joins: YokoBR (b3b25a0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:55:53] !gcu [01:55:53] hi folks [01:55:53] krarkrrrc: BLEEP BLOOP [01:55:59] * earnestly .oO(No one probably knows The Culture series, Iain Banks. If you wondered) [01:56:01] !define gcu [01:56:03] krarkrrrc: No definition for "gcu" could be found in english [01:56:14] its imaginary [01:56:21] earnestly: now we have fortune [01:56:22] earnestly: Oh, I'm sure they know of it [01:56:23] !fortune [01:56:24] grazzolini: X-rated movies are all alike ... the only thing they leave to the imagination is the plot. [01:56:28] *** Quits: johns276 (~Thunderbi@h69-21-125-210.mtjltn.broadband.dynamic.tds.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:56:34] lovely [01:56:35] *** Quits: lod__ (~lod@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:56:43] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [01:56:50] I have a fresh install of arch on a laptop. It's an old E-350 amd APU. Which one has better performance on it, fglrx or radeon drivers? [01:57:08] YokoBR: radeon, most likely [01:57:24] earnestly: (It's actually been recommended to me before, and if my TBR wasn't so big already, maybe I would've read it) [01:57:29] the latter, as a bonus you don't have to break your system just to install it [01:57:31] *** Quits: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:57:37] *** Joins: mladoux (~mark@2601:446:8201:1620:e470:7136:c6d9:77f3) [01:57:52] earnestly: thanks :) [01:57:57] eschwartz: Escondida recommended The Player of Games (second book) first. And I have to agree, go with that one first [01:58:06] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Contact_Unit#General_Contact_Unit [01:58:06] Title: List of spacecraft in the Culture series - Wikipedia (at en.wikipedia.org) [01:58:19] *** Quits: newcoder (~newcoder@unaffiliated/newcoder) (Quit: leaving) [01:58:26] SpaceX named their two barges after Culture ships [01:58:32] Well, it's on my TBR :) [01:58:42] *** Joins: Dedes (~Thunderbi@ [01:59:01] "Just Read The Instructions" and "Of Course I Still Love You" [01:59:20] miss them being around to chat [01:59:22] now it's all business [01:59:43] I admit, I really love the ship names in that series [02:00:02] *** Joins: irb (NSAEchelon@retribution.maleficarum.org) [02:00:02] "What Are The Civilian Applications?" heh [02:00:27] this is my awesome archie right now :) http://i.imgur.com/EqFkU8X.png [02:00:30] *** Joins: badpixel (uid174177@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qoayxybdrbpnrvbt) [02:00:52] *** Joins: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) [02:00:59] hello [02:01:15] what's wrong with your connection? [02:01:30] i unknown [02:01:34] !ping [02:01:41] pong [02:02:04] !next [02:02:04] Another satisfied customer! NEXT! [02:02:10] YokoBR: this is mine https://i.imgur.com/0PFUELH.png [02:02:11] is this ever going to be patched? https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/52689 [02:02:11] Title: FS#52689 : [libvirt] libvirtd quit during handshake: Input/output error (at bugs.archlinux.org) [02:02:22] patched upstream, specifically [02:02:37] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) [02:02:44] Namarrgon: is strange, in this time i close opera where hexchat is halted, and this make a continue halt for hexchat, i need use kill -9 and now use other chat irc.. [02:03:11] Nice, robattila256 .. is that i3? [02:03:18] yeah i3-gaps [02:03:53] rmbeer: you're like Tazmain, attracting all the bugs, known or yet undiscovered [02:03:57] very nice! I'm not yet mentally ready for leaving the window concept lol [02:03:59] *** Quits: dviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [02:04:00] robattila256: how do you put that channel list on top? [02:04:03] but tiling is awesome [02:04:31] Namarrgon: jajajaja! yes, thinking that yes xD [02:04:45] YokoBR: "leaving the window concept" ??? [02:04:53] *** Quits: Black_Prince (~Black_Pri@unaffiliated/blackprince) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:05:03] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) (Client Quit) [02:05:10] cobalt-red: yep, floating windows on the screen [02:05:34] that you can drag with your mice [02:06:03] earnestly: "Stood Far Back When The Gravitas Was Handed Out" [02:06:34] cobalt-red: i can't find it been a long time since i customized weechat but just google "move buffer/channel top" ..etc [02:06:38] *** Joins: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ [02:06:52] YokoBR: most tiling WMs still have the ability for basic floating windows [02:07:08] its just not the default :P [02:07:23] eschwartz: I love the whimsical nature of it. The first book Consider Phlebas touches on it a tiny bit [02:07:28] just like most floating WMs also have plugins for basic tiling [02:07:38] once you get the hang of i3 you probably wont use floating windows [02:07:45] YokoBR: honestly, it's not for everyone. I found that I was using floating WMs like that anyway, so tiling was just logical [02:07:59] earnestly: ooh "Someone Else's Problem" [02:07:59] eschwartz: I made a gitlab organisation called 'General Systems' ;( [02:08:11] Running linux, had them tiled. [02:08:14] *** Joins: codemac (~codemac@archlinux/fellow/codemac) [02:08:22] Running Win8.1, had them tiled. [02:08:30] *** Joins: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) [02:08:32] it's more of a personal style thing. [02:08:33] Dan39: I know that, but I didn't adapted very well with tiling things :) [02:08:44] *** Joins: buckley310 (~buckley31@2001:19f0:5:197:5400:ff:fe51:89d0) [02:09:07] though tbh i barely use the real tiling features of my tiling wm, i mostly just have things fullscreen [02:09:28] eschwartz: GSVs are basically tiny planets [02:10:00] Dan39: interesting... [02:10:11] eschwartz: "The Limits of Invention" [02:10:17] *** Joins: andrewSC (~andrewSC@unaffiliated/andrewsc) [02:10:19] cobalt-red: what is interesting? o_O [02:10:23] *** Quits: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:10:34] Dan39: not using the tiling of a tiling wm. [02:10:41] I've used openbox + tint2 for a long time. Now I'm using XFCE because it's just like gnome2 and I loved it back then. But i'll give i3 a shot [02:10:45] The right way to setup an static ipv4 address is with nmcli, right? [02:10:58] *** Joins: Heikai (heikai@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-lfojazgbvodjkljt) [02:11:01] you can [02:11:05] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:11:09] *** Joins: voodoolost (~voodoolos@unaffiliated/voodoolost) [02:11:12] wyre: you could do it that way, but there are other ways that might make more sense [02:11:21] *** Joins: dirac1 (~dirac@186-95-129-56.genericrev.cantv.net) [02:11:22] I mean, I usually won't get more than 6 windows up at once, but there's only a couple times when I'll have a fullscreen window. [02:11:26] wyre: more details? what for? desktop, laptop? [02:11:26] sheep, more sense why? [02:11:33] Dan39, server [02:11:37] *** Quits: zerorax (~zerorax@tnhlon4048w-lp130-05-65-95-220-41.dsl.bell.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:11:47] *** Quits: lspw (~lspw@93-35-185-61.ip56.fastwebnet.it) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:11:48] YokoBR: i3 is not exactly your traditional tiling wm "experience" [02:12:00] does anybody knows a way to make the wifi-menu automatic? I don't want to install the networking package, because it doesn't work well with my BCM4313... Only that wifi-menu can AWAYS connect to wifi networks here [02:12:08] earnestly: ? It seems like the "standard" tiling wm. [02:12:16] YokoBR: If you want a more pure version of that, try ratpoison. Thought it might put you off entirely :p [02:12:17] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [02:12:19] !give YokoBR netctl [02:12:20] YokoBR: Users having issues with netctl are advised to try alternatives such as systemd-networkd, NetworkManager, or connman. [02:12:24] wyre: there are options that don't require having NetworkManager, which is somewhat big [02:12:28] unless by "traditional" you mean tmux... [02:12:32] i use systemd-networkd [02:12:50] NetworkManager over here. [02:12:51] I can't use netctl... because it doesn't work well with BCM4313 [02:12:51] wyre: using networkmanager for wired static ip is totally fine but kinda like using a yacht to haul a box of crayons [02:12:51] does the job... [02:12:59] on laptops i use NetworkManager [02:13:24] or just wpa_supplicant [02:13:28] beest: NM barely uses any resources, it's hardly a yacht [02:13:33] beest: not really. it's the fastest network setup program I've found. [02:13:43] *** Quits: Polichronucci (~polichron@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:13:47] pwnt [02:13:47] ?pkgfile wifi-menu [02:13:48] eschwartz: core/netctl 1.12-2 (/usr/bin/wifi-menu) [02:13:51] beest, then, what you suggest? [02:13:51] YokoBR: ^ [02:13:53] it's more like speedboat vs rowboat. [02:14:03] thrice: Curiously, how much is it using? [02:14:06] "I can't use netctl"... [02:14:07] don't neuter my metaphors damn it [02:14:11] about the same size & weight, but one's a lot faster than the other. [02:14:31] 5MB mem, 10mb shared [02:14:32] beest: but if you don't, there will be more of them! [02:14:37] beest: I was only just reading someone comparing llvm to hauling a backpack in a truck, while qbe is more like a bicycle [02:14:40] cobalt-red: and networkd will bring it up in half the time [02:14:50] thrice: Not bad at all, about as much as bash (which is bad) [02:15:06] beest, resolv.conf? [02:15:14] *** Quits: pks (~pks@x4e34afd3.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:15:34] and no, networkmanager is hardly a hog, i use it in several places [02:15:37] eschwartz: hmmmmmmm [02:15:46] well, still swf not work... T_T [02:16:01] *** Joins: laudiacay (~claudia@tjctf/organizer/laudiacay) [02:16:17] y'all aren't gonna like this question, but how would I run a java applet in chrome on arch? [02:16:26] laudiacay: you can't [02:16:32] *** Joins: Polichronucci (~polichron@ [02:16:32] *** Parts: anuxivm (~anuxi@ () [02:16:37] *** Joins: renodesper (~renodespe@ [02:16:38] sheep: any other browsers that'd work? [02:16:42] none [02:16:48] for real? [02:16:52] chrome completely removed all of the infrastructure needed to run java applets [02:17:03] how about like firefox or opera or smth [02:17:05] YokoBR: netctl is a series of bash scripts around wpa_supplicant, systemctl, and other low-level tools. [02:17:09] you might be able to use firefox, but I doubt that there's even an NSPR plugin for java anymore [02:17:17] sheep, then what do you recommend me for a server? [02:17:18] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Remote host closed the connection) [02:17:19] my computational bio class needs "jalview" [02:17:25] wyre: systemd-networkd [02:17:35] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [02:18:05] I see, eschwartz [02:19:34] *** Quits: dienogest (~dienogest@HSI-KBW-046-005-002-065.hsi8.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:19:37] *** Joins: pks (~pks@x55b38346.dyn.telefonica.de) [02:19:52] YokoBR: For the record, it has long since been superseded by decent tools (although for its time I think it was supposed to be quite good) [02:19:56] why some have a colour in the nick? [02:20:08] rmbeer: Your IRC client does that [02:21:03] eschwartz: yes, but why? the client have predefined colours in the nick from install pacman? xD [02:21:27] rmbeer: there's a hash function [02:21:53] rmbeer: A static list of usernames would be kind of weird. [02:21:54] *** Quits: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) (Quit: leaving) [02:22:02] also kinda creepy [02:22:07] but yeah anyway java applets on arch [02:22:12] firefox is not doing the working thign [02:23:06] eschwartz: I know. The problem is that BCM4313 is so buggy in linux. Because broadcom doesn't open source's. [02:23:38] *** Joins: armyriad (~armyriad@96-39-247-38.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) [02:24:10] BCM4311 here, works fine with Networkmanager, or netctl if I want a horribly hacky UI [02:24:16] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [02:25:00] they do, b43 [02:25:14] *** Quits: codemac (~codemac@archlinux/fellow/codemac) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:25:29] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [02:25:34] *** Quits: InverseRhombus (~InverseRh@2a02:c7d:da1e:1300:7464:7665:41b0:abd2) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:26:11] Hello71: How strange, I am pretty sure b43-firmware-classic is not opens-source hence why it isn't on the install media on account of being an AUR package. [02:26:42] *** Joins: branstran (~branstran@2604:6000:6585:c500:e2c4:e5a4:5e6:25e) [02:27:05] *** Joins: matt_m (~MatthewM@c-76-19-113-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) [02:27:11] one, your logic is unsound [02:27:30] none of those things imply any of the others, except possibly the AUR and install media part [02:27:42] *** Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:4c47:3aad:d12e:38e8) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:28:24] *** Quits: torak (~torak@ (Remote host closed the connection) [02:28:28] but if you include firmware as part of software, then by that argument it's impossible to write open source x86 software [02:29:38] *** Quits: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:29:50] *** Quits: andrewSC (~andrewSC@unaffiliated/andrewsc) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [02:30:08] *** Joins: engys__ (~Engys@p5DDB3749.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [02:30:22] *** Quits: panostimos (~ptim@athedsl-141700.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:30:49] *** Quits: cottoneyejim (~cottoneye@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [02:31:18] *** Quits: Dedes (~Thunderbi@ (Remote host closed the connection) [02:31:35] *** Joins: Dedes (~Thunderbi@ [02:32:11] *** Joins: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) [02:33:14] *** Quits: dale6998 (~dale6998@cpe-74-78-156-164.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:33:14] *** Quits: engys_ (~Engys@p5DDB3721.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:33:20] Well, the fact that the firmware is legally unable to be redistributed in good faith is somewhat telling. The fact that b43 is actually reverse-engineered would tend to be the part that demolishes your argument though. [02:33:35] Now, bcrmsmac is open-source [02:34:04] But you specifically referenced b43 (the reverse-engineered driver that relies on restricted blobs) [02:34:27] *** Joins: dale6998 (~dale6998@cpe-74-78-156-164.maine.res.rr.com) [02:34:50] *** Joins: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) [02:34:58] *** Joins: bnw (~bnw@unaffiliated/bnw) [02:35:02] *** Quits: tpowa (~tpowa@archlinux/developer/tpowa) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [02:35:07] But as long as my logic is "unsound", I guess that is all that matters, right? [02:35:20] *** Quits: somis (~somis@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [02:35:53] Hi, is there a better alternative to symbola font? [02:36:03] Anyway, for me and the rest of the peanut gallery, Broadcom has a rather dubious history with open-source [02:36:08] *** Joins: tpowa (~tpowa@archlinux/developer/tpowa) [02:36:32] !aw broadcom wireless [02:36:33] eschwartz: Broadcom wireless - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Broadcom_wireless [02:37:07] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [02:37:44] eschwartz: broadcom has a rather dubious history with closed-source too. [02:38:09] specifically, broadcom has a rather dubious history with working hardware. [02:38:15] !broadcom [02:38:15] #fuckbroadcom [02:38:30] cobalt-red: That is certainly true as well [02:38:35] *** Joins: Miner_48er (~Miner_48e@ [02:38:51] phrik: language [02:38:53] please try to keep this channel family friendly and watch your language. [02:38:56] cobalt-red: Welcome to the peanut gallery btw. :) [02:39:10] !give phrik language [02:39:11] eschwartz: peanut gallery? [02:39:11] phrik: please try to keep this channel family friendly and watch your language. [02:39:39] cobalt-red: Apparently Hello71 has declared via fiat that broadcom is awesome and open-source friendly, and we are clueless [02:40:02] eschwartz: as someone who has developed with broadcom chips, they are neither. [02:40:16] !broadcom [02:40:16] #fuckbroadcom [02:40:29] !fuckbroadcom [02:40:29] cobalt-red: Say what? [02:40:50] but, eschwartz, does this mean we get free peanuts? [02:41:03] I'll bring along my pet elephant [02:41:07] but brcmsmac is not "from broadcom" [02:41:24] uh [02:41:29] (never mind) [02:41:48] cobalt-red: Sure. :) [02:42:25] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:42:54] *** Quits: edvorg (~edvorg@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:42:54] *** Quits: Irishluck83 (~Irishluck@unaffiliated/irishluck83) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4) [02:43:04] eschwartz: hang on, he's gotta finish up one or two commits to trunk. [02:43:10] how can I see details of my network interface? [02:43:11] ba dum tiss. [02:43:17] kind of ifconfig? [02:43:29] wyre: ip addr [02:43:54] or just the ip command in general, depending on what you want exactly [02:44:09] *** Quits: charlie5 (~rod@202-159-169-118.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: Leaving.) [02:44:26] *** Quits: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:44:39] *** Quits: renodesper (~renodespe@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [02:44:59] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) [02:45:09] *** Joins: andrewSC (~andrewSC@unaffiliated/andrewsc) [02:45:25] *** Joins: nom_de_plume (~yoda@anon-35-246.vpn.ipredator.se) [02:45:40] *** Quits: Polichronucci (~polichron@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:45:51] *** Joins: charlie5 (~rod@202-159-169-118.dyn.iinet.net.au) [02:46:20] cobalt-red, ipv4 address and dns [02:46:50] *** Quits: ZeZu (null@140-211-168-144-openstack.osuosl.org) (Quit: out) [02:46:56] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [02:46:57] *** Joins: martium (~22_m_yk@ [02:46:59] *** Quits: Feedz (~Feedz@unaffiliated/feedz) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:47:02] *** Quits: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x4db51a80.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:47:34] *** Joins: Polichronucci (~polichron@ [02:47:35] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:47:39] *** Joins: ZeZu (null@140-211-168-144-openstack.osuosl.org) [02:48:23] *** Quits: cgar (~cgar@653263hfc228.tampabay.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:48:35] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [02:49:45] *** Quits: andrewSC (~andrewSC@unaffiliated/andrewsc) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [02:51:27] *** Joins: hubcaps (~hubcaps@unaffiliated/hubcaps) [02:52:06] *** Quits: Fr0stBit (5150@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [02:52:17] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:52:37] *** Quits: easo2k (a@unaffiliated/easo2k) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:52:41] *** Parts: i0n (~tooti@unaffiliated/evilsushi) () [02:53:05] *** Joins: i0n (~i0n@unaffiliated/evilsushi) [02:53:16] i found that flash plugin is discontinued for linux and can't execute anymore, is this sure? [02:53:37] *** Quits: voodoolost (~voodoolos@unaffiliated/voodoolost) (Quit: bye bicycle) [02:53:39] rmbeer: no, chrome still provides a plugin [02:53:41] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [02:53:43] rmbeer: what exactly did you hear? [02:54:01] sheep: yes, only for chrome, it's read [02:54:01] and the NSPR flash plugin is being maintained again [02:54:25] "Flash Player will subsequently be available to Linux users only through Google's Chrome browser." [02:54:35] rmbeer: that's old news, they changed back a few months ago [02:54:49] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:55:28] rmbeer: you heard wrong [02:55:46] oh, sure... 2012....... [02:55:58] *** Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:d16e:7d5:9760:7e97) [02:56:02] *** Joins: alexandr2 (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531) [02:56:05] *** Joins: GI_Jack (~GI_Jack@pdpc/supporter/active/gi-jack) [02:56:07] dont' worry, flash lives on [02:56:13] pepper-flash works doesn't it? [02:56:15] *** Quits: i0n (~i0n@unaffiliated/evilsushi) (Client Quit) [02:56:16] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [02:56:43] *** alexandr2 is now known as alexandros_C [02:56:45] seem that really i can't open swf... [02:56:46] hubcaps: if you can call flash workin [02:56:49] *** alexandros_C is now known as alexandros_c [02:56:52] hubcaps: not found the pepper-flash [02:57:04] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pepper-flash/ [02:57:05] Title: AUR (en) - pepper-flash (at aur.archlinux.org) [02:57:06] chromium-pepper-flash is in the AUR [02:57:28] sheep: chromium-pepper-flash has been gone for 6 months :) [02:57:31] sheep: lol true, not exactly working, but it does something [02:57:36] *** Joins: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) [02:57:38] Scimmia: wait reallyt [02:57:40] for firefox, flashplugin is in repos and up to date [02:58:14] sheep: it's now the pepper-flash package, getting the plugin directly from Adobe and being used by many things other than Chromium [02:58:23] neat [02:58:28] chromium-pepper-flash is way out of date I think [02:58:29] *** Joins: z3r0n0id (~z3r0n0id@unaffiliated/z3r0n0id) [02:58:32] well, not exactly neat [02:58:35] pepper-flash is more up to date I think [02:58:40] from the AUR [02:58:52] I just use straight up chrome like a heretic [02:58:58] last updated a month or so ago [02:59:24] occultus: "up to date" is a relative term, it's missing a lot of features that the PPAPI version has [02:59:38] Scimmia: like what? anything important? [02:59:40] but it does have the latest version number [02:59:50] occultus: hardware acceleration and DRM are the big one [02:59:52] ones [03:00:20] hubcaps: i trying download for install in the .local/lib/opera/plugin [03:00:21] *** Joins: ponyrider (~cf2iqx@unaffiliated/ponyrider) [03:00:37] from the adobe site [03:00:50] *** Quits: Dedes (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: Dedes) [03:00:51] don;t do that [03:00:57] *** Joins: Ownz (~Ownz@c-107-3-243-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [03:01:14] *** Quits: hammer065 (~hammer065@unaffiliated/hammer065) (Quit: Reboot...) [03:01:24] Scimmia: ah. at least for me those aren't important [03:01:36] rmbeer: did you try pepper-flasg from the AUR? [03:01:40] *pepper-flash [03:01:45] Scimmia: i think i only have it for the pandora web interface now [03:01:56] *** Joins: hammer065 (~hammer065@unaffiliated/hammer065) [03:02:23] sheep: no, i really not need this in my system, only for a app of a user [03:02:52] rmbeer: you should always have it managed as a package if you can, especially if it's something that's going to be updated somewhat frequently [03:04:39] sheep: the pacman also updated for package of AUR? [03:04:53] no, but there are AUR helpers that can check AUR updates [03:05:22] *** Joins: mahoff (~mahoff@unaffiliated/mahoff) [03:05:26] sheep: like yast? [03:05:35] I have no idea what yast is [03:06:26] the only yast I know has nothing at all do to with anything here [03:06:30] suse stuff [03:07:11] *** Joins: fishbulb (~fishbulb@unaffiliated/fishbulb) [03:07:22] arg shit I forgot the passwd I just changed [03:07:38] I mean, changed two days ago, and just tried to remember [03:08:01] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [03:08:29] *** Quits: mahoff_ (~mahoff@unaffiliated/mahoff) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:09:22] *** Quits: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [03:09:58] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:09:58] Hey, pacman finally handles circular dependencies. Nice. [03:10:34] never hit that problem before :D [03:11:10] *** Quits: beardedeagle (~beardedea@ip-216-69-191-1.ip.secureserver.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:11:33] It snagged usbmuxd and libimobiledevice for me. A month or two ago, it would have just failed. [03:11:58] * Boobuigi can't remember whether or not he changed a setting. [03:12:21] *** Joins: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) [03:12:22] there hasn't been a pacman update in the last couple of months [03:12:26] don't blame pacman for the shortcomings of your helper [03:12:46] 5.0.1 is over a year old [03:12:46] My "month or two" is usually 6-12 months. [03:12:50] *** Quits: kishore96 (~kishore@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:12:55] *** Joins: jimidovich (~yiju@ [03:13:02] *** Joins: jiblet (jiblet@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-gzyvusrhxnoynsmy) [03:13:03] hey I am trying to install libudev however when I try to install libudev it asks me if I want to remove libsystemd in order [03:13:06] to install libudev. Im assuming I shouldnt remove libsystemd, but what should I do? [03:13:38] jiblet: libudev comes with systemd [03:13:45] Boobuigi: the last update is beyond that time period. Not a pacman issue [03:13:48] *** Quits: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) (Quit: felipedvorak) [03:13:51] *** Quits: h4k1m (~hakim@unaffiliated/h4k1m) (Quit: Lost terminal) [03:13:59] if you have a package that is asking for libudev (AUR junk?), just remove that dep [03:14:11] Scimmia: ... I'm saying it's not an issue at all, as it was handled automatically. [03:14:22] ya AUR junk, thanks [03:14:29] Boobuigi: and I'm saying it has been handled automatically for many years [03:15:06] thrice well actually the error im getting is error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [03:15:27] jiblet: there's a shim package available in the repos for that [03:15:33] ah, something wants a really old udev version [03:15:34] *** Joins: CathyInBlue (~garrett@ [03:15:49] *** Joins: philwyettreb (~philwyett@79-74-95-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) [03:16:10] Scimmia: link? [03:16:11] Scimmia: I see. What else would cause an -Syu to require user intervention, then (not counting package name/content changes)? [03:16:20] also thank you :] [03:16:38] jiblet: pacman -Ss udev [03:16:47] *** Joins: lagothri1 (~lagothrix@unaffiliated/lagothrix) [03:17:06] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [03:17:16] hi, youcompleteme question pls.. how does it work with python3 virtualenv? i mean i have packages installed in venv and nothing for system python. Ycm cannot popup completion [03:17:18] Boobuigi: all kinds of things, most of them from the AUR [03:17:28] my root password is lost to the ether [03:17:42] fishbulb: so boot the install disk and reset it [03:18:02] *** Joins: beardedeagle (~beardedea@ip-216-69-191-1.ip.secureserver.net) [03:18:11] that might be a problem, I used it to install some shit on a netbook [03:18:14] *** Quits: UNIcodeX__ (~UNIcodeX@c-76-107-65-250.hsd1.la.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:18:24] fishbulb: why would that be a problem? [03:18:26] I don't have the same copy of the distro [03:18:31] *** m712 is now known as sshd [03:18:33] doesn't matter [03:18:39] no password need to chroot [03:19:00] havne't done that before [03:19:04] ahh it's a wonderful day [03:19:18] hey can I use any distro to do this? [03:19:21] fishbulb: remember when you set the password while installing? Same thing [03:19:46] sure, you'll just have to mount a few more things maually without the arch-chroot script [03:19:48] *** Quits: lagothrix (~lagothrix@unaffiliated/lagothrix) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [03:19:57] fuck [03:20:11] namely /dev, /proc, and /sys [03:20:22] yep, should be covered in the wiki [03:20:26] sheep, why is happening this? https://hastebin.com/pegerasepe.css [03:20:27] Title: hastebin (at hastebin.com) [03:20:30] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [03:20:32] this whole "you'll learn 100% about your computer if you do it the arch way" applies to "doing it the arch way over and over and over UNTIL you have learned that shit" [03:20:51] *** Joins: JDH313 (~jacob@ [03:20:53] jimidovich: imap u[s1z=`]au [03:20:59] wait [03:21:09] installing it once a year or something is like expecting to do weights once a year and become a bodybuilder, so "the arch way" is sort of fucked up, especially when it comes to installs, which don't happen very frequently [03:21:24] fishbulb: u don't have to reinstall [03:21:27] *** Joins: rquid (~rquid@tdtsp.ru) [03:21:32] the trick is just break your shit constantly [03:21:33] jimidovich: YouCompleteMe requires Python >= 2.6 or >= 3.3 so you shouldnt need venv [03:21:34] fishbulb: what are you going on about? [03:21:35] *** Quits: crash_n_burn (~master@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:21:39] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:21:41] *** Joins: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) [03:21:47] fishbulb: we're talking about simply using chroot. This is pretty basic [03:21:50] wyre: no idea. did you configure something to rename it back to eth0? [03:21:52] the trick is to not break it so it lasts longer [03:22:06] not breaking shit is why I have stuff [03:22:06] like yesterday i learned all about window managers because i trashed my graphics drivers in an effort to make the LEDs on my graphics card blink in pretty colors [03:22:16] but now i'm really good @ i3 [03:22:22] so 100% worth [03:22:23] :D [03:22:34] tweak until things break [03:22:47] *** Quits: Ownz (~Ownz@c-107-3-243-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:22:48] *** Quits: hexagoxel (~hexagoxel@p4FCCD218.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:22:53] dont see how RGB on your graphics card relates to your WM, but cool nonethe less [03:22:54] what was that... so if say i need numpy function complete, i must install it in system? [03:22:56] Scimmia: yes in fact meth is very useful for working with linux [03:23:00] sheep: i use the pepperflash and still opera can't view this plugin... [03:23:16] sheep: i install in the .local and /usr/lib/PepperFlash [03:23:23] rmbeer: you might need to try another browser. or maybe there's a setting in opera to load it [03:23:25] (copy) [03:24:09] sheep: yes, i try with opera://plugins , but never show in the list of plugins [03:24:12] ishmael: i broke the graphics drivers, then my window manager flipped shit on launching (otherwise the system was fine lmao), then i realized my setup was garbage cobbled together from various peoples' tips from all over the internet, then i realized gnome was garbage... and then it was 3 am and i had a paper due this morning and no idea how to use i3 which i had just installed [03:24:38] so i had to learn to use i3 good enough to open google chrome, which actually took a very long time because it was 3am [03:24:50] rmbeer: did you restart opera? [03:24:54] that story makes no sense [03:24:55] sheep: yes [03:25:07] rmbeer: I have no idea then [03:25:27] *** Joins: hexagoxel (~hexagoxel@p200300798F138E00021E33FFFE2231E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [03:25:28] *** Quits: Sanderski (~kamil@87-207-166-36.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:25:35] Boobuigi: ISTR that that is something which as fixed in the current git HEAD [03:25:40] sheep, I don't know [03:25:50] I've only installed NetworkManager [03:25:55] wyre: it's probably something you may safely ignore [03:25:57] but now is uninstalled and disabled the service [03:26:20] thrice: yeah it was 3 am my logical capabilities were approximately "oo pretty colors" "o shit" "ooh i3 looks shiny" "oh fuck i don't know how to work i3 or exit it" [03:26:24] *** Joins: fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) [03:26:56] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [03:27:03] sheep, yes, I know that's not something bad, but I would like to know what's doing that :S [03:27:18] wyre: I'm not sure [03:27:29] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [03:27:42] eschwartz: Thanks! I was wondering about that. [03:28:01] sheep, this is my configuration https://hastebin.com/ewuqefemun.makefile [03:28:02] Title: hastebin (at hastebin.com) [03:28:10] Boobuigi: Ah, it should be commit 6ac2ee21b30f3c5f331d19349f96bb8e5b020b47 [03:28:22] wyre: that looks ok to me [03:28:25] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [03:28:33] *** lagothri1 is now known as lagothrix [03:28:42] *** Joins: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x4db51a80.dyn.telefonica.de) [03:28:54] maybe is because I put that name ... [03:28:54] could I remove [Match] section? [03:28:54] *** Joins: ManAboutDoge (~mickeymar@ [03:28:55] and keep only [Network] section? [03:29:09] https://git.archlinux.org/pacman.git/commit/?id=6ac2ee21b30f3c5f331d19349f96bb8e5b020b47 [03:29:10] Title: pacman.git - The official pacman repository (at git.archlinux.org) [03:29:11] or maybe use Name=eth0 ? [03:29:12] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:29:14] iirc you must have a mach section [03:29:17] *match [03:29:22] and you should use enp3s0 instead of eth0 [03:29:33] sheep, why? [03:29:34] Boobuigi: Which is v5.0.1-37-g6ac2ee21 [03:29:39] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [03:29:55] because the eth* names aren't guaranteed to be consistent [03:30:01] ok :) [03:30:14] *** Quits: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:30:14] *** fstd_ is now known as fstd [03:30:20] but could I've named enp2s0 for instance? [03:30:33] the match section won't rename interfaces [03:32:00] sheep, ok, but in any case ... that's rename is a systemd-networkd.service thing [03:32:10] that has not to do with me ... I think [03:32:27] all about NetworkManager has been removed and disabled [03:33:00] *** Joins: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ [03:33:08] so I think that's operation is intrinsic to systemd-networkd service [03:33:31] eschwartz: he was talking about update/install, though, not remove [03:34:18] wyre: the kernel does that: Arch kernel: ath9k 0000:02:00.0 wlp2s0: renamed from wlan0 [03:34:29] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:35:08] *** Quits: jakogut (~jakogut@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:35:18] *** Joins: netlar (~lwells@ip68-5-189-4.oc.oc.cox.net) [03:35:46] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [03:35:46] ty ponyrider :P [03:36:05] well, then I guess that's all fine setup using networkd :) [03:36:07] ty guys! :D [03:36:25] see you tomorrow :) [03:36:39] *** Joins: jakogut___ (~jakogut@ [03:36:40] !xd [03:36:41] javaisnom: Say what? [03:36:42] *** Quits: du5tball (~du5tball@trioptimum.cloud.tilaa.com) (Quit: NEEP NEEP) [03:37:21] *** Quits: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:37:21] eschwartz: That's the one! Thanks. Did you contribute? [03:37:26] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:38:04] *** Quits: GI_Jack (~GI_Jack@pdpc/supporter/active/gi-jack) (Quit: Leaving) [03:39:07] *** Joins: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) [03:39:10] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [03:39:24] *** Quits: z3r0n0id (~z3r0n0id@unaffiliated/z3r0n0id) (Quit: Bye) [03:39:37] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [03:41:10] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [03:41:18] Boobuigi: Nope, but I am subscribed to the ML and I remembered it. [03:41:20] *** Joins: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ [03:41:45] Scimmia: That wasn't how I read Boobuigi's statement, not sure why install would be a problem anyway. [03:42:18] *** Quits: jakogut___ (~jakogut@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:42:28] *** Quits: dirac1 (~dirac@186-95-129-56.genericrev.cantv.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [03:42:35] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:42:36] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:42:37] ponyrider: thx. do you mean i must install packages in system python? say i want numpy func completion [03:43:06] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [03:43:06] *** Quits: ae__ (~ae__@unaffiliated/ae/x-1948392) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:43:39] jimidovich: yes install with the system packages. use venv for other things. function completion is dont with other things like ultisnips/vim-snippets [03:44:14] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [03:44:14] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:44:33] *** Quits: JPT (~jpt@classified.name) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:44:57] *** Quits: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) (Quit: NEEP NEEP) [03:45:04] *** Quits: Raed|Mobile (~Raed@2607:fb90:443b:ca5e:f97e:76e1:d78d:506a) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:45:07] *** Joins: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) [03:45:35] *** Quits: yourname2 (~NauTiluS1@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:46:10] ponyrider: does this YCM conficts with neocomplecache or syntastic? i have them installed [03:46:10] *** Quits: xerox123 (xerox123@unaffiliated/xerox123) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:46:39] *** Joins: JPT (~jpt@classified.name) [03:46:51] *** Quits: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) (Client Quit) [03:46:51] *** Joins: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) [03:46:55] Anybody know of an easy way to downgrade to Xorg 1.18 that automatically pulls in the needed dependencies. I've tried the couple of downgraders from AUR but they dont accept multiple packages as arguments [03:47:15] *** Joins: obZen (~quassel@ [03:47:33] *** Joins: KamiRath (~KamiRath@ [03:47:39] which package group does grub belong in? [03:47:45] It's not in base [03:47:46] mission: use flash in the opera.... FAILED!! [03:47:47] ParkerR: why do you need 1.18? [03:47:52] KamiRath: it's not in any iirc [03:47:56] *** Joins: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) [03:47:58] !give ParkerR ala [03:47:59] ParkerR: Let's flip through it to hunt our lovely bugs: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux_Archive [03:48:17] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:48:18] now how to clean all this trash?? Dx [03:48:20] Set your mirrorlist to go back in time to a specific date, then pacman -Syyuu [03:48:25] eschwartz, Again doesnt help when I dont know exactly what dependencies tie into what [03:48:28] *** Joins: xerox123 (xerox123@unaffiliated/xerox123) [03:48:30] sheep, amdgpu-pro [03:48:51] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [03:48:54] ParkerR: Well, that is the point of using a full system downgrade. [03:48:54] Aforementioned downgrading scripts from AUR already use the Archive [03:48:54] I find it unlikely that it hasn't been updated for 1.19 [03:48:57] !partial [03:48:58] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_maintenance#Partial_upgrades_are_unsupported [03:48:58] sheep, so if I were following this step after arch-chrooting, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Configuring_the_boot_loader_6 [03:48:59] Title: dm-crypt/Encrypting an entire system - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [03:49:03] would I just pacman -S grub? [03:49:16] *** Joins: watered (~water@ [03:49:19] *** Quits: CoreISP (~CoreISP@simplemachines/rootadmin/CoreISP) (Quit: No message) [03:49:19] sheep, Well it hasnt because they target Ubuntu [03:49:36] *** Quits: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ (Remote host closed the connection) [03:49:38] KamiRath: yes [03:49:48] !give ParkerR partial [03:49:49] ParkerR: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_maintenance#Partial_upgrades_are_unsupported [03:49:55] *** Joins: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ [03:50:15] Setting your *mirrorlist* to the ALA, means you don't do a !partial and get full dependency resolution [03:51:22] Thanks, not quite what I was hoping for. [03:51:25] jimidovich: should be fine [03:51:28] I'll just wait [03:51:40] *** Joins: PyroPeter_ (~pyropeter@april-fools/2013/tenth/pyropeter) [03:52:05] ponyrider: tku sir [03:52:05] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [03:52:52] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:53:13] ParkerR: Alternatively, you can rebuild xorg via aur/asp-git which will build against the current system [03:53:17] *** Quits: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ (Remote host closed the connection) [03:53:35] *** Joins: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ [03:53:37] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:54:35] *** Quits: PyroPeter (~pyropeter@april-fools/2013/tenth/pyropeter) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:54:35] *** PyroPeter_ is now known as PyroPeter [03:54:54] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [03:55:16] (And then follow reverse dependencies backwards) [03:55:54] On Arch linux virtualbox guest, I can't get full-screen res [03:56:03] I installed virtualbox-guest-dkms [03:56:12] And enabled virtualboxservice.service [03:56:14] No avail [03:56:24] I even used VBoxManage to set the res, nothing [03:57:01] what about xrandr? [03:57:04] *** Joins: therue (~therue@1-162-64-95.dynamic.hinet.net) [03:57:50] *** Joins: jakogut___ (~jakogut@ [03:58:07] *** Quits: mrbanie (~mrbanie@unaffiliated/mrbanie) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:58:08] *** Joins: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) [03:58:35] *** Quits: thrice (~ajb@unaffiliated/thrice/x-000000001) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [03:58:54] *** Quits: jakogut__ (~jakogut@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:59:01] obZen: status on that service? [03:59:18] obZen: and are the modules actually loaded? [03:59:53] *** Joins: mrbanie (~mrbanie@unaffiliated/mrbanie) [03:59:57] *** Joins: SuperficialyLost (~Superfici@ [04:00:02] Status: active (running) [04:00:15] How can I tell if the modules are loaded? [04:00:24] lsmod [04:00:26] *** Quits: sunri5e (~sunri5e@unaffiliated/sunri5e) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:00:34] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:00:39] lsmod vboxdrv? [04:00:46] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [04:01:02] pipe it to grep if you want, it doesn't take an argument like that [04:01:13] lsmod [04:01:24] I see vboxsf, vboxvideo, and vboxguest [04:01:29] !give obZen pastefail [04:01:30] obZen: 0 DAYS SINCE THE LAST BUFFER ACCIDENT: Clipboard safety is our union goal! [04:01:54] *** Joins: KindOne_ (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone) [04:02:17] * SuperficialyLost puts on his buffer safety helmet and does up his pants [04:02:20] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [04:02:24] so the modules are loaded and the service is runing. I'm out of ideas :) [04:02:29] *** Joins: jakogut____ (~jakogut@ [04:02:31] *** Joins: inflames (~syg@ [04:02:39] ._. [04:02:46] Yeah idk [04:02:48] *** Joins: llinguini (~llinguini@c-98-215-1-225.hsd1.il.comcast.net) [04:02:51] * eschwartz gives SuperficialyLost a gold star [04:02:56] I don't run Arch in vbox, so I don't know a lot [04:03:18] *** Quits: jakogut___ (~jakogut@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:03:22] * SuperficialyLost eats a gold star and feels his security go up by a third [04:03:22] *** Quits: KindOne (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:03:29] *** Joins: sunri5e (~sunri5e@unaffiliated/sunri5e) [04:03:36] * SuperficialyLost eats eschwartz [04:03:37] Are there two levels of governors? [04:03:38] * eschwartz shakes his head [04:03:45] *** Quits: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [04:03:48] *** Quits: JohnDoe42 (~frederik@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:03:51] *** Parts: llinguini (~llinguini@c-98-215-1-225.hsd1.il.comcast.net) () [04:03:55] one on kernel level and one on arch? [04:04:05] hmm thatd didn't help my security go up! [04:04:05] *** Quits: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [04:04:22] can someone explain to me why the EFI partition is not encrypted in this wiki if it is a full system encryption? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Encrypted_boot_partition_.28GRUB.29 [04:04:22] Title: dm-crypt/Encrypting an entire system - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [04:04:26] A wild pokemon appears*** :O [04:05:00] *** Joins: Ownz (~Ownz@c-107-3-243-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [04:05:02] *** Quits: Miner_48er (~Miner_48e@ (Quit: Leaving) [04:05:04] *** Joins: Irishluck83 (~Irishluck@unaffiliated/irishluck83) [04:05:12] *** Joins: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) [04:05:25] !give watered pokemon [04:05:26] watered: press b [04:05:35] KamiRath: how in the firmware going to read it if it's encrypted? [04:05:48] *** KindOne_ is now known as KindOne [04:06:10] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Remote host closed the connection) [04:06:17] *** Joins: sarp (~sarp@cpe-2606-A000-480C-0-A096-A419-A565-E498.dyn6.twc.com) [04:06:23] *** Joins: sarp_ (~sarp@cpe-2606-A000-480C-0-A096-A419-A565-E498.dyn6.twc.com) [04:06:30] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [04:06:33] *** Joins: mklein (~mklein@unaffiliated/mklein) [04:06:42] *** Quits: brian|lfs (~brian@ (Quit: Leaving) [04:06:55] *** Joins: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) [04:07:19] *** Quits: jakogut____ (~jakogut@ (Remote host closed the connection) [04:07:34] Scimmia, I guess i'm still a bit confused about the difference between EFI and /boot. Especially if they are supposed to be full system encryptions, would a would be malicious actor be able to change the EFI boot code thus tricking the user into typing their passwords? [04:07:34] *** Quits: alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:07:37] *** Joins: jakogut____ (~jakogut@ [04:07:58] yes, but Secure Boot is supposed to prevent that [04:08:20] by making it so EFI will only boot bootloaders that have been signed by a key that the hardware trusts [04:08:32] then there is mkinitcpio-chkcryptoboot which seems like secure boot but only for the /boot partition? [04:08:39] sheep, ah okay [04:08:44] I have never heard of that [04:08:44] *** Quits: feksclaus (~feksclaus@80-71-131-204.u.parknet.dk) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [04:08:54] sheep, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Specialties#mkinitcpio-chkcryptoboot [04:08:54] Title: dm-crypt/Specialties - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [04:08:58] seems like lipstick on a pig [04:09:10] and, if someone can somehow interfere with your EFI System Partition, you have bigger problems [04:09:13] !pig [04:09:17] as if EFI partition is modified that is useless [04:09:26] oh, sure... i can't access phrik... [04:09:34] it would be easier fore them to install a hardware keylogger [04:09:35] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [04:09:50] *** Joins: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) [04:09:53] !pig [04:09:54] clean your keyboard [04:10:16] give rmbeer pig [04:10:22] !give mklein f' [04:10:23] mklein: Is that a question? [04:10:24] plus if someone just wanted to deny you access to your system, they could just write junk to the first few sectors of each partition [04:10:25] *** Quits: jakogut____ (~jakogut@ (Remote host closed the connection) [04:10:31] !give eschwartz f [04:10:32] eschwartz: AAH THE FAILURE! IT BURNS! [04:10:36] Did something change lately with how the kernel handles Wacom Tablets? [04:10:44] How incredibly ironic :( [04:10:46] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [04:10:48] The wiki is misleading me [04:11:05] dale6998: libinput might be handling it now instead of the wacom driver [04:11:48] *** Quits: qguv (~qguv@unaffiliated/quintus) (Quit: bye) [04:11:53] okay, and lastly there is this. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Configuring_fstab_and_crypttab_2 [04:11:54] Title: dm-crypt/Encrypting an entire system - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [04:11:55] lsusb finds it...how to check why/how libinput is falling short? [04:12:36] dale6998: i mean, wacom used to control the tablet. now libinput wants to control the tablet. what exactly changed for you anyway? [04:12:37] Is the keyfile mentioned there viewable in the LUKS header? [04:12:44] no [04:12:45] *** Quits: techno_x64 (~techno_x6@unaffiliated/dark-wolf) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [04:12:51] *** Quits: Irishluck83 (~Irishluck@unaffiliated/irishluck83) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4) [04:12:56] *** Joins: alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531) [04:13:05] sheep, so i'm guessing it's some sort of public key encryption? [04:13:09] it's not [04:13:19] *** Quits: ZerataX (~ZerataX@p54A02127.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:13:27] occultus: not sure...this is a newer install, but before (about 6 months ago), i remember this was trivial...plug and play [04:13:32] the LUKS header has several key slots. each slot contains the master key for the container encrypted with the slot's key [04:13:35] KamiRath: dm-crypt is asymmetric encryption: you provide a passphrase which gets stretched to a long key using a slow algorithm [04:13:39] it doesn't actually store the key for that slot [04:13:41] which is then used to encrypt/decrypt data [04:13:47] dale6998: what was trivial? all you said was "did something change about tablets" which is incredibly vague [04:13:50] *** Joins: qguv (~qguv@unaffiliated/quintus) [04:13:52] occultus: now, it's being recognized, but not acting like an input device (can't control the mouse) [04:14:16] *** Quits: qguv (~qguv@unaffiliated/quintus) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:14:25] well actually my description's not entirely accurate [04:14:26] *** Quits: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) (Quit: leaving) [04:14:27] dale6998: do you have one with touch support? [04:14:44] there's two parts of the key which create the actual key, one of those parts is stored in the LUKS header or key file [04:14:46] *** Quits: YokoBR (b3b25a0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:14:49] and the other is stored in your head [04:15:16] *** Joins: ZerataX (~ZerataX@p54A023EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [04:15:26] *** Joins: qguv (~qguv@unaffiliated/quintus) [04:15:27] occultus: sorry, i mean that it was plug-and-play on a different machine 6 months ago or so..now when i plug it in, I can't move the mouse with the stylus [04:15:57] mklein: no, it's a cheaper stylus/pad combo with some pressure support and a button on the side [04:16:13] dale6998: better. what "recognizes" the tablet now? and at some point an Xorg log will be helpful, in addition to the packages listed in "pacman -Qs xf86-input" [04:16:22] occultus: this is a different, more fresh install of arch [04:16:32] occultus: the machine i'm running now. [04:17:15] solenodic, so should my LUKS passphrase be the same for /boot and my root partition? [04:17:35] *** Joins: cannon2 (~cannon2@cable10-58.lapine.crestviewcable.com) [04:17:41] and then I just need to add a keyfile to stretch my passphrase? [04:17:54] mklein: ah, here it is: CTL-470, Bamboo Connect from Wacom [04:17:54] sorry, if it seems really newbish i'm trying to learn how this all works [04:18:35] *** Quits: Hasselsaurus (~broseidon@pool-173-73-191-247.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:18:57] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [04:19:47] KamiRath: hmm, are you trying to encrypt your EFI boot partition [04:20:04] sounds like a pain in the ass [04:20:06] aaaah now seem i break the plugin of flash! now can't open in midori??? Dx [04:20:12] solenodic, not really. If anything i'm trying to understand how arch-linux and encryption works [04:20:30] !pastebin [04:20:31] Pastebin.com is swamped with advertisements and random captchas. Malware found on pastebin.com has resulted in it being blocked for some users. It injects CRLF line-endings. Please, use something else. Use something sane like https://ptpb.pw https://gist.github.com https://bpaste.net https://ix.io [04:20:38] at that point I would just use secure boot (wiping all of microsoft's keys off the system in the process) [04:20:42] solenodic, i'm pretty sure secure boot and TPM are the best ways to secure my box's booting [04:21:53] *** Quits: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) (Quit: NEEP NEEP) [04:22:01] *** Quits: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) (Quit: Leaving) [04:22:04] *** Joins: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) [04:22:08] nvmd [04:22:10] anyways, not sure how much I can help, I've never tried starting a bootloader off a LUKS partition and I've heard it's a huge pain [04:22:11] I think i've figure dit out [04:22:24] but for specific cryptsetup features I might be able to help [04:22:42] well i figure i'd try out LUKS and then do veracrypt [04:22:46] *** Quits: sarp_ (~sarp@cpe-2606-A000-480C-0-A096-A419-A565-E498.dyn6.twc.com) (Quit: Leaving) [04:23:07] but it's taken me a full day to get something working and now i'm just trying to figure out the nitty gritties and what is responsible for what. Doesn't help that this is my first arch installation haha [04:23:10] *** Quits: earnestly (~Earnestly@unaffiliated/earnestly) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:23:19] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [04:23:46] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:23:49] i dont think you can encrypt an EFI boot partition [04:24:36] (the esp EFI partition) [04:24:52] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [04:25:53] yea i dont think i can [04:26:00] but the boot partition i can [04:26:10] *** Quits: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:26:14] cryptboot's Github page talks about using secureboot as well [04:26:19] encrypting /boot/ but not the ESP? [04:26:21] but i'm not sure how that all works [04:26:26] Sure you can, you just need a bootloader that supports it. grub can [04:26:34] https://ptpb.pw/7ONu [04:26:43] eschwartz, the EFI partition? [04:26:44] occultus: https://ptpb.pw/7ONu [04:26:49] No, /boot [04:27:06] eschwartz: encrypting the partition the bootloader sits on is definitely possible [04:27:14] *** Quits: gwash (~gwash@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [04:27:21] what isn't is encrypting the EFI partition, which is equivalant to the BIOS MBR [04:27:23] eschwartz, so what is the difference between the ESP partition and the Boot partition? [04:27:50] KamiRath: ESP is, as solenodic said, equivalent to the BIOS [04:27:59] KamiRath: the EFI system partition is where your hardware looks to know where to boot [04:28:07] the boot partition is just the location of /boot with your kernel [04:28:11] KamiRath: /boot is an arbitrary path where a bootloader might be on some filesystem [04:28:12] *** Quits: therue (~therue@1-162-64-95.dynamic.hinet.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [04:28:18] and /boot may or may not be your EFI system partition [04:28:33] so mobo boots UEFI which boots EFI from ESP partition which then boots grub which boots systemd? Did I get that correct? [04:28:41] e.g. grub can reside in the ESP and load an encrypted /boot, systemd-boot cannot [04:28:50] dale6998: ok. you probably don't *need* all of those but you at least have libinput, evdev, and wacom - one of those is probably handling or trying to handle the wacom tablet [04:29:04] ah I see [04:29:15] dale6998: your Xorg log should say which one is handling it [04:29:23] KamiRath: mobo uses UEFI to search for an ESP, and loads grub (which is responsible for "booting") [04:29:36] eschwartz, gotcha thank you! [04:30:15] occultus: i'm looking at /var/log/Xorg.O.log [04:30:27] occultus: should i see 'wacom' in here? [04:30:33] *** Quits: cannon2 (~cannon2@cable10-58.lapine.crestviewcable.com) (Quit: Leaving) [04:31:01] KamiRath: UEFI is firmware (like BIOS before it), grub and other bootloaders are software which interfaces between BIOS/UEFI and an operating system kernel [04:31:01] dale6998: are you using a display manager or startx? [04:31:07] *** Quits: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) (Quit: Leaving) [04:31:19] display manager [04:31:23] occultus: display manager [04:31:39] *** Quits: beardedeagle (~beardedea@ip-216-69-191-1.ip.secureserver.net) () [04:31:43] so that's how encrypted /boot works... next time I find an encrypted /boot system I'll make sure to tamper with the fake grub that starts the real grub so instead it asks for an encryption password and uploads it somewhere [04:32:00] dale6998: iirc log 0 might be the login screen and 1 once you login. whatever is the newest file is probably right in your case [04:32:13] dale6998: what does `xinput` give you? [04:32:52] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:33:09] *** Quits: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:33:36] mklein: https://ptpb.pw/OLe8 [04:34:05] *** Quits: _1k5 (~mdl@ip4d17649b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:34:16] how can i see which process is writing to stdout? [04:34:17] occultus: there's Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old [04:34:47] mklein: looks a little...light to me. [04:34:54] *** Quits: branstran (~branstran@2604:6000:6585:c500:e2c4:e5a4:5e6:25e) (Quit: Leaving) [04:34:54] dale6998: which display manager? probably 0.log and not the old [04:34:58] solenodic: Which only works as long as grub doesn't use secure boot [04:35:10] *** Quits: hexagoxel (~hexagoxel@p200300798F138E00021E33FFFE2231E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:35:10] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [04:35:13] dale6998: not seeing the tablet on there... [04:35:25] *** Joins: tt_appix (~ttr_ppix@unaffiliated/ttr-ppix/x-4511972) [04:36:12] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [04:36:42] *** Quits: indeedwatson (~yama@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [04:37:50] wolfcomm, what's the context? is it a pty with background jobs? [04:38:03] *** Joins: hexagoxel (~hexagoxel@p4FCCD41B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [04:38:16] dale6998: try `grep 'Using input driver' /var/log/Xorg.0.log` [04:38:54] *** Quits: Norith (~Norith@unaffiliated/norith) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:38:56] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:38:57] *** Joins: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) [04:39:05] I use startx in my ~/.xinitrc, so my Xorg.0.log is in ~/.local/share/xorg [04:39:05] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [04:39:16] jumbled that one. [04:39:22] *** Quits: ttr_ppix (~ttr_ppix@unaffiliated/ttr-ppix/x-4511972) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:39:30] I mean I launch startx from ~/.bash_profile. [04:39:43] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [04:39:50] occultus: no wacom found in that Xorg.0.log...Here is Xorg.0.log.old, however and that has some erros related to wacom: [04:39:55] occultus: https://ptpb.pw/lj1V [04:39:56] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [04:40:06] mklein: ok, hang on [04:40:14] dale6998: gross. pacman -Syu [04:40:37] mklein: That has nothing to do with where your logs are [04:40:44] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [04:40:53] mklein: both came up dry [04:41:08] mklein: Your logs are in ~/.local/share/xorg because you are running rootless X [04:41:17] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [04:41:18] I was just going to ask. [04:41:32] occultus: up to date...There is nothing to do [04:41:36] *** Joins: gwash (~gwash@ [04:42:15] *** Joins: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [04:42:25] dale6998: hmm. well the log *is* 6 days old. paste the newer log? [04:42:27] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [04:42:32] *** Joins: SamSagaZ__ (~SamSagaZ@ [04:43:38] ok...searching the system with sudo find / -name Xorg.0.log [04:43:44] *** Quits: Daniele (~daniele@unaffiliated/daniele) (Quit: leaving) [04:43:49] *** Joins: Repentinus (~repentinu@fsfe/repentinus) [04:44:10] *** Quits: Ownz (~Ownz@c-107-3-243-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:44:32] those are the only two logs [04:44:40] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:44:48] dale6998: so paste it. you only pasted the old log [04:44:56] oooooh, whoops!! [04:45:09] *** Joins: Daniele (~daniele@unaffiliated/daniele) [04:45:09] occultus: i gotcha, hang on [04:45:32] https://ptpb.pw/3qCz [04:45:49] *** Quits: SamSagaZ_ (~SamSagaZ@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [04:45:54] occultus: this is the other log [04:46:24] dale6998: that's... also from 6 days ago. what display manager again? [04:46:43] *** Quits: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [04:46:47] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:46:48] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:46:50] *** Quits: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:46:52] occultus: i'm....i'm so ashamed...but, i don't know! and i don't know how to know!! [04:46:55] *** Joins: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) [04:46:56] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:47:12] occultus: how can i know? i want to say DWM, but, i'm not sure [04:47:16] buckley310: yeah it'a a pty, no background jobs [04:47:23] buckley310: pts [04:47:32] *** Quits: endiruna (~endiendir@x4e37817c.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:47:38] *** Quits: matoro (~matoro@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [04:47:38] wolfcomm, if you type 'ps', does it list anything except your bash prompt? [04:48:05] dale6998: what about desktop environment, gnome, kde, xfce? [04:48:12] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [04:48:15] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [04:48:16] *** Quits: rmbeer (~rmbeer@unaffiliated/rmbeer) (Quit: PUT DOWN YOU BEERS!!! PUT DOWN NOW!!! NOOO!!! [SEGFAULT] RED-ALERT! RED-ALERT! ***poped shits for lift off from the channel***) [04:48:20] *** Joins: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) [04:48:41] buckley310: cmds called main & uname [04:48:42] *** Joins: endiruna (~endiendir@x4e37a528.dyn.telefonica.de) [04:49:08] occultus: wait! i figured it out!! i used top and then tree to find xorg and looked for the parent process! yessssss [04:49:16] occultus: it's lightdm, btw [04:49:29] buckley310: aha found it [04:49:34] buckley310: thx dude [04:49:44] *** Joins: lborelli (~lb@ [04:50:10] occultus: i3 [04:50:32] occultus: i love keyboards [04:51:34] *** Quits: tt_appix (~ttr_ppix@unaffiliated/ttr-ppix/x-4511972) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:51:54] *** Joins: matoro (~matoro@ [04:52:34] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [04:53:43] dale6998: are there any other xorg logs in /var/log/ like .1.log or anything? [04:53:51] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [04:53:57] dale6998: By the way, consider switching from top to htop [04:54:21] way easier to see everything, for sure. [04:54:26] *** Quits: ManAboutDoge (~mickeymar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:55:24] occultus: those are the only Xorg logs on the whole system, Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old [04:55:32] eschwartz: will do! [04:55:50] dale6998: have you not logged in for six days or something? [04:56:36] *** Joins: tt_appix (~ttr_ppix@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/ttrppix/x-32146523) [04:56:38] occultus: i'm not sure how i would even do that...i just found where these logs were after you asked by searching Google so i didn't look like a total doofus [04:57:08] *** Quits: ponyrider (~cf2iqx@unaffiliated/ponyrider) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:57:25] LPT: admitting to yourself that you're a noob is the first way to stop being one. [04:57:46] *** Quits: SuperficialyLost (~Superfici@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:57:47] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:57:49] hai, ima noob [04:57:58] dale6998: alias logfiles='lsof -u$(id -un) | awk "/w\s+REG/ {print}"' [04:58:18] *** Joins: SuperficialyLost (~Superfici@ [04:59:04] rnabinger: Wow! thanks! [04:59:05] rnabinger: holy shit [04:59:13] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [04:59:17] dale6998: in your case, just run: `ps aux | grep -i xorg` to find the pid, then `lsof -p ` both as root [04:59:45] *** Joins: kps77 (~kyle@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) [04:59:46] *** Quits: revoltingPeasant (~joe@unaffiliated/th3-g0d5) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:59:52] because you don't know if ZXorg is running as root or your user I guess [04:59:55] *** Quits: p71 (~chatzilla@75-128-224-180.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:00:29] rnabinger: that's kung fu, right there!! whippp-ha! [05:00:32] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:00:43] *** eschwartz is now known as supernoob [05:00:47] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Remote host closed the connection) [05:01:02] *** Quits: mklein (~mklein@unaffiliated/mklein) (Quit: adios) [05:01:12] dale6998: its a simple concept ... things that are logging generally keep the file open for (w)riting [05:01:13] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [05:01:22] lsof lists file descriptors [05:01:25] linux_probe: I win [05:01:45] noway [05:01:50] albeit the one-liner is a bit obfuscated because I wasn't it short [05:01:53] *** Joins: daey_ (~Flutterba@unaffiliated/day) [05:02:09] * rnabinger wanted a shorter one-liner [05:02:12] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [05:02:17] rnabinger: that's deadly [05:02:23] noobishness can only be defeated by embracing your reality [05:02:24] *** Parts: kps77 (~kyle@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) ("WeeChat 1.7") [05:02:53] *** Quits: matoro (~matoro@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [05:02:56] admit it; accept it; defeat it. [05:02:57] *** Joins: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ [05:03:04] supernoob: ki-yahh [05:03:21] *** Joins: nah21 (~nah@ [05:03:23] *** Quits: nah21 (~nah@ (Max SendQ exceeded) [05:03:23] *** Quits: zrj (~raw_rw@ (Quit: leaving) [05:03:50] *** Joins: nah21 (~nah@ [05:04:06] *** Joins: matoro (~matoro@ [05:04:19] *** Joins: p71 (~chatzilla@75-128-224-180.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) [05:04:23] *** Quits: __dutch__ (~DutchIngr@static-97-66-215-44.earthlinkbusiness.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [05:04:51] *** Quits: LinnLonnn (~LinnLonnn@c-50-143-105-225.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving) [05:04:54] *** Quits: daey (~Flutterba@unaffiliated/day) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:04:58] *** daey_ is now known as daey [05:05:36] *** Quits: lborelli (~lb@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [05:05:55] *** Quits: nah21 (~nah@ (Client Quit) [05:06:05] Are there any sort of overlay filesystems I can use with NTFS? I want to rsync to an NTFS fs and somehow retain permissions, uid, gid, etc. [05:06:23] ... the overlay type of filesystem? [05:06:34] man mount? [05:07:23] piousminion: oh sorry ... NTFS doesn't have permissions like that [05:07:49] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [05:08:02] rnabinger: I know. I was hoping to overlay some form of virtual FS that would retain that info in other files. [05:08:06] piousminion: man ntfs-3g [05:08:55] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [05:08:57] piousminion, what is the NTFS filesystem going to be used for? [05:09:11] piousminion: ntfs-3g provides a variety of methods for mapping permissions [05:09:14] *** Joins: jrullo (~jonas@cpe-66-8-137-192.hawaii.res.rr.com) [05:09:16] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [05:09:39] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [05:10:40] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:12:18] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [05:12:40] *** Joins: _cyrus_ (~cyrus@203-173-217-183.dialup.ihug.co.nz) [05:13:05] *** Joins: shyn (~shyn@unaffiliated/shyn) [05:13:20] buckley310: It serves many perposes, but the directory in question will contain a backup of verious system and user files. [05:13:39] I'm starting to think I might have to create my own permission backup system. [05:13:56] piousminion: idk bro [05:14:12] piousminion: have you read `man ntfs-3g` as instructed? [05:14:18] rnabinger: I have my doubts, but I'll check out the man page anyhow. [05:14:27] *** Quits: schneid3306 (~schneid33@pool-100-6-144-223.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:15:13] *** Quits: sarp (~sarp@cpe-2606-A000-480C-0-A096-A419-A565-E498.dyn6.twc.com) (Quit: Leaving) [05:16:26] warning: efivars is mounted writeable by default, which may cause permanent damgage to the system... [05:16:38] i just read, i like drinking and i like guns [05:17:04] piousminion, being a backup, can the permissions be discarded, or are they too complex to recreate? [05:17:20] SuperficialyLost: omg you're right ... shit [05:17:28] *** Joins: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) [05:17:42] *** Joins: tijko (~tijko@unaffiliated/tijko) [05:18:10] yeah rnabinger , drinking with guns is fucken cool [05:18:22] *** Quits: bored_gourd (~roman@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:18:25] *** Joins: frankdrey (~textual@2601:601:c700:7c2e:f8b2:a44e:9390:d85d) [05:18:30] !roulette [05:18:30] SuperficialyLost: *click* [05:18:38] *** Joins: egoist (~super@unaffiliated/egoist) [05:19:10] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:19:19] * SuperficialyLost breathes a sigh of relief and cats some random numbers into his efivars [05:19:35] buckley310: They could be recreated. The only files I care about the permissions of are in myBackup/etc really. [05:20:15] *** Quits: nom_de_plume (~yoda@anon-35-246.vpn.ipredator.se) (Quit: This chat has been very enlightening) [05:20:24] *** Joins: schneid3306 (~schneid33@pool-100-6-144-223.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) [05:20:27] *** Quits: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving) [05:20:29] are you just concerned with another process accessing the files while it is mounted? [05:20:47] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [05:21:08] *** Quits: nscp (~niels@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [05:21:10] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:21:16] *** Parts: egoist (~super@unaffiliated/egoist) () [05:21:40] piousminion: well permissions is a horrible way to guard something [05:21:51] piousminion: encrypt your backups guy [05:22:30] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [05:22:39] *** Joins: kps77 (~kps77@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) [05:22:53] piousminion: do you really have to use rsync to an ntfs partition? would tar or an ext4 filesystem be doable instead? [05:23:15] *** Quits: Miblo (~matt@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:24:24] *** Parts: kps77 (~kps77@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) ("later") [05:25:32] occultus: It would be hard to browse and pull out single files from tar. ext4 would require splitting up my available space. :/ [05:26:05] rnabinger: The permissions aren't for security of the backup. Rather, to ensure proper permissions when restoring from backup. [05:26:17] SuperficialyLost: The efivars thing was fixed in the kernel, I thought -- you can't clobber them anymore. [05:26:23] this drive presumably needs to be shared with windows then? [05:26:23] piousminion: tar is the way for that [05:26:25] !give SuperficialyLost pastryroulette [05:26:25] SuperficialyLost: Poppy seed roll [05:26:45] piousminion: "tar tf archive" and "tar xf archive filename" or an archive manager [05:27:17] piousminion: or possibly an ext4 filesystem-in-a-file on the ntfs partition, which is maybe a bit ugly but probably doable [05:27:36] i dont think you can do filesystem-in-a-file since ntfs-3g is fuse [05:27:38] *** Joins: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [05:27:39] :\ [05:27:56] *** Quits: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving) [05:27:58] *** Quits: mdel (uid25573@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-osiiyvmdfhhyxztd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:28:02] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:28:07] *** Quits: robotroll (~robotroll@unaffiliated/robotroll) (Remote host closed the connection) [05:28:09] buckley310: i guess i don't see what the problem is [05:28:09] supernoob: does that mean the wiki needs updating? [05:28:33] dont ask me to update it, ive updated enougth :P [05:28:42] occultus, i dont think you can mount block devices from inside fuse devices [05:28:45] *** Quits: kalio (~kalio@unaffiliated/kalio) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [05:28:55] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [05:29:02] buckley310: huh? [05:29:05] buckley310: it's not a block device, it's a file inside an ntfs partition [05:29:16] *** Joins: Spacetato (~kps77@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) [05:29:30] occultus: tar tf is not correct [05:29:45] *** Quits: Spacetato (~kps77@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) (Client Quit) [05:29:46] rnabinger: i use it multiple times per day, what's wrong with it? [05:29:59] *** Joins: Hasselsaurus (~broseidon@pool-173-73-191-247.washdc.fios.verizon.net) [05:30:06] piousminion: tar czpvf backup.tar.gz [files] [05:30:18] occultus: tar t doesn't create an archive ;-) [05:30:21] occultus, block device was the wrong phrase. [05:30:28] *** Joins: spacetato1 (~kps77@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) [05:30:35] *** Parts: spacetato1 (~kps77@ool-4579dd64.dyn.optonline.net) () [05:30:47] *** Quits: badpixel (uid174177@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qoayxybdrbpnrvbt) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:31:02] actually, ill try it. one minute [05:31:03] buckley310: I'm pretty sure you can losetup a file that is on any filesystem (that has blocks backing it ... tmpfs is not like this) [05:31:05] rnabinger: stop putting words in my mouth. tar tf was the response to "it's hard to browse a tar archive" [05:31:08] *** Quits: p71 (~chatzilla@75-128-224-180.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [05:31:24] occultus: oooooo I'm super sorry [05:31:36] *** Joins: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [05:31:50] * rnabinger also recalls a way to mount a tar directly with fuse [05:32:02] *** Quits: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Client Quit) [05:32:59] *** Joins: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [05:33:08] *** Joins: brian|lfs (~brian@ [05:33:13] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [05:33:19] *** Joins: kalio (~kalio@unaffiliated/kalio) [05:33:32] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:33:58] *** Quits: azbarcea (~alex@c-73-39-112-186.hsd1.va.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [05:34:12] *** Joins: omongo (~omongo@node-81x.pool-101-51.dynamic.totbb.net) [05:34:31] *** Quits: Nobabs27 (~babs@c-50-142-84-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Client Quit) [05:34:46] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [05:34:53] *** Quits: omongo (~omongo@node-81x.pool-101-51.dynamic.totbb.net) (Client Quit) [05:35:05] y'all are crazy, fallocate -l SIZE filename; mkfs.ext4 filename; sudo mount filename /mnt/point [05:35:14] *** Quits: jiblet (jiblet@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-gzyvusrhxnoynsmy) (Quit: Lost terminal) [05:35:15] *** Quits: fekzebzak (~fekzebzak@2601:246:8202:6aaa:fa32:e4ff:febb:8a7d) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [05:36:14] occultus: yeah that works ... but you need `-o loop` right? [05:36:23] hmmm, so you CANT losetup a file on ntfs-3g but you can mount it. [05:36:37] i was sure neither would work [05:36:43] rnabinger: mount automatically sets up necessary loop devices in several cases [05:37:00] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [05:37:02] occultus: oh sweet, I need to get with the times [05:37:08] also fallocate doesnt work on ntfs-3g [05:37:11] *** Joins: p71 (~chatzilla@75-128-224-180.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) [05:37:42] doesn't ntfs support sparse files? [05:37:45] buckley310: ah. dd if=/dev/zero something should work then [05:38:39] does wpa_supplicant not start without a config file? It doesn't seem like theres a lot in the config file anyways [05:38:46] buckley310: or truncate -s SIZE, that one seemed to work [05:38:49] is this file-in-filesystem solution better than splitting the hard drive with partitions? its only slightly more fluid [05:39:48] buckley310: also you could try: dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/file/on/ntfs bs=1024 count=1 seek=$SIZE_IN_KB [05:39:58] those essentiall fallocate should do something like that anywasy [05:40:12] buckley310: it could easily be slower since it's two filesystems. it only really saves partitioning but might be worth it if the embedded filesystem is less than a GB or two [05:40:18] fallocate is nearly the opposite of sparse [05:40:20] actually when i made the block file i juse used `qemu-img create`, but that's just me :) [05:40:22] honestly for backups tar is better [05:40:29] *** Quits: djapo (~archie@unaffiliated/djapo) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [05:40:41] grawity: For filesystems which support the fallocate system call, preallocation is done quickly by allocating [05:40:43] blocks and marking them as uninitialized, requiring no IO to the data blocks. [05:40:47] *** Joins: chandan (~chandan@ [05:40:51] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [05:40:55] piousminion: long story short use tar unless you actually need something else [05:40:59] right, which is still the exact opposite of sparse [05:41:10] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:41:22] grawity: oh, because it is actually allocating blocks [05:41:36] grawity: fallocate has options to make a sparse file instead iirc [05:41:36] yes [05:41:40] *** Quits: matoro (~matoro@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:41:41] *** Quits: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ (Quit: Leaving) [05:42:07] and even if your fs puts you on the quick lane, some will still do stuff in the background I think [05:42:21] * grawity noticed some weird behavior with fallocate on ext4, at least [05:43:49] *** Joins: Timelaw (~Timelaw@h-190-33.a486.priv.bahnhof.se) [05:44:13] piousminion: you should just use tar whivh was created for this purpose. [05:44:22] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [05:44:46] lol omg [05:44:49] lol no it wasn't [05:44:57] Tape Archive [05:44:57] i was like those tar flags look funny [05:45:16] rnabinger: tape being something that's a bit annoying to pull out individual files from [05:45:17] *** Quits: mpan (~mpan@85-222-0-229.dynamic.chello.pl) (Remote host closed the connection) [05:45:23] with all the seeking you need [05:45:29] guys, how do i fix thumbnailing in my file manager? some files show their thumbnails, some just don't, even after i refreshed it. [05:45:32] at least try something with a central file list, like zip/rar/7z [05:45:36] grawity: yeah if I never have to touch a tape again ill be super happy [05:45:57] martium: find ~/.thumbnails/fail/ ~/.cache/thumbnails/fail/ -delete [05:45:58] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:46:03] grawity: none-the-less ... dump was used historically then tar [05:46:15] how often are these backups going to need to be accessed? [05:46:17] martium: also check if they're above the file manager's configured size limit [05:46:39] if its often enough to be a problem, perhaps snapshots are needed, LVM, btrfs, ZFS.... [05:46:56] grawity: find: ‘/home/mars/.thumbnails/fail/’: No such file or directory [05:47:04] buckley310: how is it a problem, you can pull individual files form tar and you can append to non-compressed tars [05:47:07] xfs soon \o/ [05:47:07] good, you were going to delete anyway [05:47:33] p [05:47:39] sorry wrong window [05:47:39] rnabinger: how long does it take to scan through a several-gigabyte tarball for the file you want? [05:47:44] rnabinger: if it's gzipped, ages. [05:48:09] rnabinger: at least actual tapes could get away without reading the whole thing since they didn't use gzip [05:48:14] rnabinger, if the tar is 1TB, you need to wait for 500GB of IO on average to grab a fiekl from the middle [05:48:19] *** Joins: ediT (~ediT@unaffiliated/edit) [05:48:24] if it's compressed, yes, that ^ [05:48:35] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:48:39] grawity: well thats what I am saying. if random acccess is your use-csae then don't compress [05:48:59] as opposed to finding a format where compression and random access can... coexist? [05:49:21] no way! impossible I say! [05:49:24] grawity: like a loopback btrfs image? [05:49:28] grawity: ah, you're right about the size limit. it's fixed now, thanks. [05:49:39] yes, like a FS image, or a zip/rar/7z archive [05:49:49] cake and eating woo [05:50:07] well not rar/7z, they lose a lot of unix metadata [05:50:08] grawity: none of those preserve file permissions though? right [05:50:09] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [05:50:11] zip does [05:50:12] alyptik if btrfs dev doesn't pick back up you'll likely be right [05:50:15] *** Joins: matoro (~matoro@ [05:50:28] *** Joins: vlatkoB (~IRC_clien@unaffiliated/vlatkob) [05:50:29] I'd do `getfattr --dump` before backing up regardless, to pick up xattrs and stuff [05:50:31] about what [05:50:34] grawity: zip can random acess files efficiently? [05:50:34] gehidore [05:50:37] but it does preserve unix permissions [05:50:44] and yeah it supports random file access [05:50:51] due to compressing each file individually [05:50:53] grawity: thanks (the more you know) [05:50:55] *** Joins: mpan (~mpan@85-222-0-229.dynamic.chello.pl) [05:51:09] gehidore: i simply exclaimed i love eating cake [05:51:13] ;D [05:51:14] (which in theory is a little less efficient, but in practice only matters if you have dozens of duplicates) [05:51:35] tigrmesh: https://github.com/thelounge/lounge/ [05:51:37] Title: GitHub - thelounge/lounge: The Lounge — Self-hosted web IRC client (at github.com) [05:51:41] conversation is too long :o just partition the drive and be done with it. if you want to change the partition size, delete the backup, resize the partitions, and then immidiately re-backup [05:51:41] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [05:51:45] *** Joins: StCypher (~StCypher@2605:e000:935d:2700:cc66:6446:5a78:635d) [05:51:56] *** Quits: Galactus (~Galactus@unaffiliated/galactus) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:52:56] *** Joins: SpaceAce (~SpaceAce@124-170-142-5.dyn.iinet.net.au) [05:53:37] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [05:54:00] *** Joins: taurgal (~taurgal@mac71-h01-31-33-31-250.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) [05:54:04] * rnabinger wishes `dump` was still a thing [05:54:12] *** Joins: SgrA (0e8b6d24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:54:24] hmm wpa_supplicant uses significant spaces in its config [05:54:37] mad shit [05:54:53] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [05:54:55] SuperficialyLost: are you speaking to the significance of whitespace or the usage of whitespace? [05:55:47] rnabinger: the significance of whitespace ofcourse. All configs must do this* [05:56:26] *** Joins: node9_ (~node9@ [05:57:18] I used to connect to a DHCP WiFi network. Due to some problems, the admin has changed the IP range but connman still tries to connect to the old IP. It succeeds but I can't connect to the internet with that configuration. I'm on Arch linux and I managed to get it to work with netctl but connman still doesn't work. [05:57:28] SuperficialyLost: in lua whitespace is basically insignificant [05:57:38] *** Quits: alx741 (~alx741@ (Quit: alx741) [05:57:41] SgrA: clear connman's DHCP leases [05:57:49] *** Joins: zrj (~raw_rw@ [05:57:50] SuperficialyLost: in C whitespace is insignificant [05:57:55] though it really ought to do the same when it receives DHCPNAK [05:57:55] *** Quits: node9 (~node9@CPE0c473dd24701-CM0c473dd24700.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:58:02] *** Joins: jeroen___ (~jeroen@ [05:58:17] grawity: How? [05:58:22] rnabinger: I think richie made almost everything but simplicity significant in C [05:58:44] *** Quits: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [05:58:56] *** Joins: Galactus (~Galactus@unaffiliated/galactus) [05:58:58] SuperficialyLost: C is extremely simple, for what it does though [05:58:58] btw can I download a 86_64 package on a i686 system with pacman? [05:59:08] SuperficialyLost: directly? [05:59:15] *** Joins: daey_ (~Flutterba@unaffiliated/day) [05:59:27] rnabinger: sorry you lost me... [05:59:28] probably possible in an indirect way, but it won't be of much use to you [05:59:32] rnabinger: ah wait YES! [05:59:47] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) (Quit: blueness) [05:59:49] *** Joins: node9 (~node9@CPE0c473dd24701-CM0c473dd24700.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) [06:00:00] My NTFS partitions are mounting in read only. I have ntfs-3g installed and I have rebooted since the install. [06:00:11] http://archlinux.dynamict.se/$repo/os/$arch for example [06:00:11] *** Quits: Pie-jacker875 (~Pie-jacke@c-24-62-41-71.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving) [06:00:12] schneid3306: how are you mounting them? [06:00:22] I need a quick fix for copying a tarball from pacman to a usb to transfer to get rfkill onto a non-networked system because rfkill isnt installed even tho wpa_supplicant is.. pheW [06:00:42] grawity: So no point? [06:00:51] iirc you can interact with rfkill using sysfs and some echo and cat [06:01:03] *** Quits: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:01:09] *** Joins: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) [06:01:10] *** Quits: dk0r (~dk0r@unaffiliated/dk0r) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:01:12] look under /sys/class/rfkill [06:01:15] sheep: really... [06:01:24] I've having some issues with removing Gnome. [06:01:25] *** Quits: node9_ (~node9@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:01:27] :: gtk3: removing adwaita-icon-theme breaks dependency 'adwaita-icon-theme' [06:01:29] *** Quits: Artefact2 (~Artefact2@unaffiliated/artefact2) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:01:29] /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-rfkill [06:01:48] I forgot how to fix the dependency issue for the adwaita icon stuff. [06:01:49] then do something like echo 0 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/soft [06:01:50] *** Joins: alx741 (~alx741@ [06:02:03] sheep++ [06:02:19] hmmm, hard says 0, soft says 0, state says 1 [06:02:23] * SuperficialyLost logics off [06:02:25] *** Quits: daey (~Flutterba@unaffiliated/day) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:02:28] *** daey_ is now known as daey [06:02:34] sounds like it's on [06:02:38] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) [06:02:53] there are probably other devices under /sys/class/rfkill though [06:03:10] sheep: I think with read write. Here is a line from my fstab (all of the drives are mounted identically). /dev/sdb2 /mnt/plex/hd008 ntfs-3g rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,fmask=133,dmask=022 0 0 [06:03:14] i have a recursive device in there [06:03:22] curl https://ptpb.pw/kF2z ... fwiw [06:03:35] *** Quits: Holzhaus (~jan@lak-116-137.wohnheime.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:03:41] SuperficialyLost: both my devices say hard 0 soft 0 state 1 and they are powered on [06:03:46] SuperficialyLost: that looks right except for maybe changing it a different user id [06:04:10] yet wpa_cli scan is producing no results, in an area that definately has results [06:04:25] SuperficialyLost: sudo iw wlan0 scan [06:04:35] SuperficialyLost: well, yeah more than rfkill is important [06:04:40] wow neighbour is piano'ing vivaldi [06:04:40] ip li set up dev wlan0 [06:04:45] *** Joins: muhannad__ (~muhannad@ [06:05:02] *** Quits: xsmile (~xsmile@ip-84-118-84-210.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving) [06:05:04] *** Joins: Holzhaus (~jan@lak-31-126.wohnheime.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) [06:05:17] and IME, when a device comes back you should restart wpa_supplicant [06:05:22] YMMV [06:05:34] *** Quits: SgrA (0e8b6d24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:06:04] *** Joins: xsmile (~xsmile@ip-84-118-84-210.unity-media.net) [06:06:22] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@50-125-149-46.synanet.cz) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:06:27] *** Quits: jeroen___ (~jeroen@ (Quit: jeroen___) [06:06:28] rnabinger: nice that worked, sad enough [06:06:52] SuperficialyLost: not sad, commonly forgotten [06:07:14] *** Joins: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) [06:07:34] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:07:44] *** Quits: brogon_ (~brogon@unaffiliated/brogon) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [06:08:05] *** Quits: muhannad____ (~muhannad@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:08:35] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:08:53] *** Quits: frankdrey (~textual@2601:601:c700:7c2e:f8b2:a44e:9390:d85d) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [06:09:34] *** Joins: Pupnik (~Pupnik@2001:44b8:41c4:ba00:de4b:12fa:8add:639a) [06:10:06] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [06:10:06] *** Joins: jozwior (~jozwior@ [06:10:09] thanks, heres to never setting up network again [06:11:46] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2607:fea8:1c80:c5c:e67f:cb71:7170:be65) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:11:54] *** Quits: cws (~Chris@unaffiliated/cws) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:12:09] SuperficialyLost: I suggest you enable config saving in wpa_supplicant.conf [06:12:24] SuperficialyLost: and use wpa_gui and the save menu option [06:12:47] *** Quits: sdothum (~znc@dsl-173-206-148-241.tor.primus.ca) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.4 - http://znc.in) [06:13:49] *** Quits: arescorpio (~arescorpi@69-124-16-190.fibertel.com.ar) (Quit: Leaving.) [06:13:59] *** Joins: wush1 (~wush1@port-92-202-101-131.dynamic.qsc.de) [06:14:09] SuperficialyLost: see https://ptpb.pw/qBM2 [06:15:57] *** Joins: cws (~Chris@unaffiliated/cws) [06:15:57] *** Joins: Conder (~Conder@109-230-55-79.dynamic.orange.sk) [06:17:01] *** Joins: Jesperhead (~chatzilla@cpe-72-191-36-156.satx.res.rr.com) [06:17:36] *** Quits: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: commin back yall) [06:18:18] okay, but is that really necessary? [06:18:36] *** Joins: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [06:18:45] *** Quits: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Client Quit) [06:19:35] *** Joins: yousuc (~yousuc@2604:2d80:c408:80c9:1e77:fcf3:2f7d:c755) [06:19:59] *** Joins: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [06:20:35] *** Quits: jimidovich (~yiju@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:21:23] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [06:21:41] *** Quits: cd80 (~bf3@ (Quit: leaving) [06:22:17] *** Joins: rosalux (~rosalux@71-85-232-171.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) [06:23:37] *** Quits: taurgal (~taurgal@mac71-h01-31-33-31-250.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:24:53] *** Joins: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) [06:25:28] *** Quits: SuperficialyLost (~Superfici@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:26:08] *** Quits: JoshDreamland (~Josh@enigma/joshdreamland) (Quit: Leaving.) [06:26:41] *** Joins: cd80 (~bf3@ [06:27:05] *** Quits: JDH313 (~jacob@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [06:27:20] *** Joins: anirban_ (~anirban@unaffiliated/apostasy) [06:27:45] *** Joins: brogon_ (~brogon@unaffiliated/brogon) [06:28:16] *** Joins: palasso (~quassel@2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) [06:29:52] *** Joins: codemac (~codemac@archlinux/fellow/codemac) [06:29:56] *** Joins: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) [06:30:20] *** Quits: anirban (~anirban@unaffiliated/apostasy) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:30:41] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [06:30:46] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:31:47] *** Joins: l2esonance (~l2esonanc@c-73-223-132-245.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [06:31:49] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [06:32:03] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [06:33:18] *** Joins: Purec (~Purec@unaffiliated/purec) [06:34:43] *** Quits: elgatov (~elgatov@231.red-81-32-90.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:35:19] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:35:32] *** Quits: pavlushka (~pavlushka@ubuntu/member/pavlushka) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [06:35:53] *** Quits: codemac (~codemac@archlinux/fellow/codemac) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:36:13] *** Quits: hj0x3 (~hj0x3@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/hj3) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:36:23] *** Joins: hj0x3 (~hj0x3@ [06:36:36] <[fb]> anyone else having problems with mirrors missing the .db files? getting some 404s [06:36:59] <[fb]> error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror_host : The requested URL returned error: 404 [06:37:04] fb: got a pacnew lying around? [06:37:06] <[fb]> it's only some mirrors [06:37:11] <[fb]> pacnew? [06:37:17] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) (Quit: blueness) [06:38:33] % find /etc -type f -name \*pacnew\* [06:38:50] *** Quits: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:39:18] <[fb]> just the standard mirrolist update [06:39:22] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:39:22] <[fb]> i gotta look around a bit more [06:39:40] fb: what I am hinting at is you may have stale mirrors if you didn't merge the pacnew [06:40:24] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [06:41:25] *** Quits: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) [06:41:30] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [06:42:08] *** Joins: SuperficialyLost (~john@ [06:42:22] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:42:25] *** Quits: cd80 (~bf3@ (Remote host closed the connection) [06:42:38] *** Joins: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) [06:42:42] <[fb]> rnabinger: do you happen to know how to make pacman show me which URLs it's trying to use during downloads [06:42:46] <[fb]> verbose didn't show it [06:43:40] --debug? [06:43:48] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [06:45:12] <[fb]> ty [06:45:49] *** Joins: c4mp4r (~catalin@ [06:45:55] *** Joins: cd80 (~bf3@ [06:46:16] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [06:46:31] *** Joins: nguyenphi (uid211192@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rqmlcqlrzkudfgzh) [06:47:20] *** Joins: barbs (~barbs@124-169-139-241.dyn.iinet.net.au) [06:47:37] [fb]: does it find .db files from any hosts or fail on all of them? [06:48:00] <[fb]> one of my mirrorlist lines was borked, it didn't have the $os and $arch variables [06:48:10] <[fb]> it kept trying to get the .db files from the wrong url for that mirror [06:48:20] <[fb]> thank you for the help guys [06:48:25] *** Joins: ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin) [06:48:34] *** Quits: kevku (~kevku@my.simple.h-o-s-t.name) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [06:49:09] *** Quits: alx741 (~alx741@ (Quit: alx741) [06:49:56] *** Quits: robattila256 (~robattila@S0106f0f24908d2a3.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:50:06] [fb]: I highly recommend setting up a pacman hook to automatically update your mirrorlist with reflector: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Reflector [06:50:07] Title: Reflector - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [06:50:16] *** Quits: stonecold (Elite16986@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-ujbmwyjznqvjtunm) (Quit: EliteBNC free bnc service - http://elitebnc.org - be a part of the Elite!) [06:51:23] <[fb]> ty esph I will [06:53:26] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:53:45] esph: ah yes I should do this too, I have a script I run that runs reflector to update /etc/pacman.d/reflector then sudo pacman -Syyuw --noconfirm [06:54:00] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [06:54:08] *** Joins: ShalokShalom (~quassel@194-96-115-152.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [06:54:19] *** Quits: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) [06:56:39] *** Joins: Ioyrie (~Guest@ [06:56:44] *** Joins: ravior (~crapitea@5-13-214-65.residential.rdsnet.ro) [06:56:55] *** Quits: mnemonic (~semeion@unaffiliated/semeion) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [06:58:16] *** Quits: GigaG33k (~GigaG33k@unaffiliated/gigag33k) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [06:58:32] *** Quits: stoye (~stoye@c-68-44-149-43.hsd1.in.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:58:41] *** Quits: SpaceAce (~SpaceAce@124-170-142-5.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:59:01] *** Quits: lmat (~lmat@c-68-50-32-125.hsd1.in.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:59:56] *** Joins: iterati (~vangelis@ [07:00:02] *** Joins: rokups (uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fchksxkriwtagyxy) [07:00:59] *** Quits: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [07:02:13] *** Joins: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [07:02:37] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [07:03:11] *** Quits: brogon_ (~brogon@unaffiliated/brogon) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:03:44] *** Quits: cd80 (~bf3@ (Remote host closed the connection) [07:04:03] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [07:04:29] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) [07:06:00] *** Joins: cd80 (~bf3@ [07:06:50] *** Joins: GigaG33k (~GigaG33k@unaffiliated/gigag33k) [07:06:52] I changed the permissions of the mount point to rw for everyone and the NTFS drives *still* will not mount as rw. [07:06:56] *** Joins: lmat (~lmat@c-68-50-32-125.hsd1.in.comcast.net) [07:07:09] *** Joins: VISIONGATE (~VISIONGAT@unaffiliated/visiongate) [07:09:14] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:09:20] *** Joins: Th3R0b (~bobby@a838.ip20.netikka.fi) [07:09:30] schneid3306: no, do not do that [07:09:54] *** Quits: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [07:09:58] schneid3306: mountpoints are best left as root:root 0444 [07:10:09] ok. [07:10:14] how do I find out which graphic card I have using arch [07:10:15] that way you don't accidently write stuff in there when its not mounted [07:10:32] schneid3306: what does `mount | grep ntfs` show? [07:11:26] *** Quits: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:11:37] *** Joins: wush1_ (~wush1@port-92-202-64-17.dynamic.qsc.de) [07:11:40] nothing. they are mounting a fuseblk even though i have them as ntfs-3g in fstab [07:11:57] *** Joins: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) [07:12:26] *** Quits: wush1 (~wush1@port-92-202-101-131.dynamic.qsc.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:12:35] schneid3306: what? ... if it is mounted then it should show up in /proc/mounts [07:13:04] *** Joins: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) [07:13:16] this is how the drives are mounting... /dev/sdd2 on /mnt/plex/hd005 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096) [07:13:34] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:14:07] schneid3306: idk that doesn't sound right to me [07:14:19] this is what my fstab looks like: /dev/sdd2 /mnt/plex/hd005 ntfs-3g rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,fmask=133,dmask=022 0 0 [07:14:29] /dev/sdb2 /mnt/2 fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0 [07:14:34] oh wtf that is right [07:15:16] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [07:15:28] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [07:15:35] *** Quits: z3ntu (~z3ntu@2a03:b0c0:2:d0::192:b001) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.4 - http://znc.in) [07:15:58] schneid3306: ls -ld /mnt/plex/hd005 [07:16:02] schneid3306: why don't you think it's mounted rw? [07:16:20] schneid3306: because clear it is mounted rw [07:16:26] *** Quits: YungRaj (~YungRaj@50-24-71-159.bcstcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:16:51] *** Joins: z3ntu (~z3ntu@mail.z3ntu.xyz) [07:16:57] *** Joins: wush1 (~wush1@port-92-202-26-24.dynamic.qsc.de) [07:17:12] *** Joins: brogon_ (~brogon@unaffiliated/brogon) [07:17:15] because i cant do anything to it. i can't rename files. i can't delete files. i can't copy files. also.. [07:17:28] fmask=133,dmask=022 [07:18:05] *** Quits: SuperficialyLost (~john@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [07:18:19] *** Joins: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-105.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) [07:18:31] schneid3306: you probably have to be root. see if root can modify files and if so, change... something about that setup [07:18:48] *** Quits: ravior (~crapitea@5-13-214-65.residential.rdsnet.ro) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [07:19:02] *** Joins: Icedale (~Icedale@a95-95-214-227.cpe.netcabo.pt) [07:19:16] user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other is what you need [07:19:21] yeah that is on the fstab... also when in thunar or other file manager, the following is stated: access: read & write group: root (read only) others: read only [07:19:40] *** Quits: wush1_ (~wush1@port-92-202-64-17.dynamic.qsc.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:19:49] okay i thnk i have all that i will add the user id=0 and groupid=0 to the fstab and reboot [07:19:50] fmask=133,dmask=022 this is what is killing you [07:20:03] reboot? thats crazy talk [07:20:08] aah okay i read that on debain? or something else [07:20:15] man umask [07:20:17] man ntfs-3g [07:20:34] schneid3306: is this an existing windows disk or a data drive or what? [07:21:12] yeah an existing windows data drive with loads on it [07:21:26] *** Joins: Miblo (~matt@ [07:21:52] schneid3306: there's no nice way to make that user-writable and I personally wouldn't trust it too much [07:21:53] schneid3306: its your fmask=133,dmask=022 ... man umask [07:22:00] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:22:11] *** Joins: spoonm (spoonm@iwate.spoonm.org) [07:22:22] there is no nice secure way to have multiple users write to it enforcing acls [07:22:28] *** Quits: MRiddickW (~quassel@71-14-142-242.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:22:31] other than that. I write to mine just fine [07:22:59] *** Quits: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:23:14] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:23:20] *** Quits: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: cry) [07:23:54] *** Quits: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:24:29] *** Joins: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) [07:24:32] *** Quits: wush1 (~wush1@port-92-202-26-24.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: leaving) [07:25:02] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [07:26:10] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:26:29] hello the vmware modules are failing to compile here https://paste.pound-python.org/show/DJHD8FpZoPZpiNApok8D/ [07:26:32] Title: Paste #DJHD8FpZoPZpiNApok8D at spacepaste (at paste.pound-python.org) [07:26:34] any help [07:27:15] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [07:27:55] *** Quits: donught (~donught@108-77-18-22.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:28:35] ozmage: what kernel is that module source targeted to? [07:29:17] https://paste.pound-python.org/show/f1IWGmVHcwwPwiwtH62u/ [07:29:18] Title: Paste #f1IWGmVHcwwPwiwtH62u at spacepaste (at paste.pound-python.org) [07:30:00] *** Joins: hackour (~hackour@ [07:30:15] ?? [07:30:18] Hello finaly my wifi work [07:30:22] *** Joins: smirky (~smirky@ [07:30:25] *** Quits: smirky (~smirky@ (Client Quit) [07:30:25] ozmage: sorry more clearly, what does vmware intent you to target [07:30:48] make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/4.1.38-1-ck/build' [07:30:51] *** Joins: mSSM (~SuperFluf@unaffiliated/superfluffy) [07:31:07] *** Joins: smirky (~smirky@ [07:31:23] linux-headers is installed [07:31:25] guys i have error on booting usb_submit_urb(ctrl faild:-1 [07:31:33] what this mean? [07:31:43] ozmage: NO. vmware supports this for what kernel? [07:31:56] ozmage: are you sure this will build for the kernel you are building against? [07:32:29] the kernel is old 4.1 [07:32:34] *** Quits: mSSM (~SuperFluf@unaffiliated/superfluffy) (Client Quit) [07:32:40] ozmage: is it old enough? [07:32:48] yes [07:32:53] ozmage: the question is, what does VMWARE support? lol [07:33:06] this is the new version of vmware [07:33:16] *** Joins: ae__ (~ae__@unaffiliated/ae/x-1948392) [07:33:19] *** Joins: Gi0 (~Gi0@unaffiliated/gi0) [07:33:58] all the others modules seems to be compiled [07:34:08] *** Quits: ae__ (~ae__@unaffiliated/ae/x-1948392) (Client Quit) [07:34:10] just one failed [07:34:11] ozmage: try with make -j1 [07:34:27] ozmage: output may be more clear [07:34:34] Boohbah, can you tell me why i have this error [07:34:34] *** Joins: ae__ (~ae__@unaffiliated/ae/x-1948392) [07:34:52] anyone know how to best setup intel hd 3000 graphics on arch? [07:34:57] but it looks like it was successful but I'm not good at findthing things in wall of text. Those "WARNING" don't look good at all [07:35:07] watered: does it not just work? [07:35:27] it does just work.. but is it at it's best? [07:35:30] watered: that should "just work" [07:35:37] watered: probably [07:35:52] cuz games that were running smoothly on windows don't seem to do so on linux [07:35:53] *** Joins: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) [07:35:58] rnabinger: thank you! it worked! i will be doing more reading on those settings! [07:36:22] windows had an intel hd graphics management things that could allow for some tweaking [07:37:05] *** Joins: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) [07:37:08] watered: the smoothly running or not will vary game to game. is this native linux games or wine? [07:37:14] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:37:21] wine [07:37:32] what about my error? [07:37:40] usb_submit_urb(ctrl faild:-1 [07:37:48] on ooting [07:37:52] booting* [07:37:57] *** Quits: doxterpepper (~doxterpep@ (Remote host closed the connection) [07:38:22] watered: in general we have /sys/module/i915/parameters/* [07:38:32] watered: you are unlikely to get windows-targeted games to perform as well in linux. are there specific options you were thinking of changing? [07:39:59] *** Quits: KaosCreator (~KaosCreat@S01060418d6f08b83.ok.shawcable.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [07:40:16] *** Joins: KaosCreator (~KaosCreat@S01060418d6f08b83.ok.shawcable.net) [07:41:44] *** Joins: Unb0rn_ (~unb0rn@ [07:42:10] *** Quits: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:42:17] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [07:42:58] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:43:09] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [07:43:25] Does pacaur have a colorize switch/setting? I don't see any in the wiki, but wonder if it's undocumented? [07:43:44] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [07:43:50] *** Quits: yousuc (~yousuc@2604:2d80:c408:80c9:1e77:fcf3:2f7d:c755) (Quit: Leaving) [07:43:50] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [07:43:52] *** Quits: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [07:44:09] *** Joins: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) [07:44:12] found a patch and compiled filne [07:45:22] ozmage: yeah exactly .. [07:45:32] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Client Quit) [07:45:39] *** Joins: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) [07:45:40] ozmage: glad it was easily solved [07:45:48] *** Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:d16e:7d5:9760:7e97) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:45:56] *** Joins: yousuc (~yousuc@2604:2d80:c408:80c9:1e77:fcf3:2f7d:c755) [07:46:05] Antioch: it does, but i don't remember how to switch it on. if it doesn't respect the global pacman configuration it might have its own, or I think it reads cower's config file for some things as well [07:46:31] Antioch: grep color /usr/bin/pacaur [07:47:11] *** Joins: SuperficialyLost (~john@ [07:47:11] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:48:17] *** Joins: Khephren (~Khephren@unaffiliated/khephren) [07:48:34] *** Quits: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:48:42] *** Quits: urodna (~urodna@unaffiliated/urodna) (Quit: urodna) [07:48:51] Antioch: grep color /etc/makepkg.conf [07:48:59] BUILDENV=(!distcc color !ccache check !sign) [07:49:41] Antioch: if you use `file` you will see that most archlinux tools are bash [07:49:43] *** Joins: mikcol (~mikcol@129-241-229-46-gw.cgn.ntnu.no) [07:49:46] *** Joins: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [07:51:13] *** Quits: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Max SendQ exceeded) [07:51:15] *** Quits: ae__ (~ae__@unaffiliated/ae/x-1948392) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:51:49] *** Joins: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [07:52:10] Well I'm trying to squeeze the maximum out of this low end laptop I have. I want to do it using arch (Only and only). I could just get windows but no, only arch. games seem to be running but gets all choppy. I was wondering if there is anything i can disable or possibly boot into the game?! :O so that it utilizes all the resources to it's maximum. game boosters seem to do this effeciently on windows. [07:52:41] watered: you need to know how to profile your system if you plan to optimize your system [07:52:45] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [07:52:45] *** Joins: muhannad___ (~muhannad@ [07:52:49] I believe `perf` is what you seek [07:53:02] ?perf [07:53:10] *** Quits: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Max SendQ exceeded) [07:53:11] * rnabinger fails hard [07:53:12] rnabinger: neat, thanks. I've never edited the makepkg config file before, but does that line you pasted mean that color is enabled? [07:53:27] Antioch: in mine, yes [07:53:36] Antioch: read all the comments right before that line in the config [07:53:45] g2g probably be back [07:53:51] rnabinger: thanks! [07:54:08] ?perf [07:54:22] *** Joins: Crazylemon64 (~Crazylemo@ [07:54:56] *** Joins: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [07:54:56] *** Joins: qt-x (~Thunderbi@ [07:55:00] ?pkg perf [07:55:00] rnabinger: community/perf 4.9-1 (Linux kernel performance auditing tool) [07:55:06] rnabinger, :O profile meaning? [07:55:21] *** Quits: Icedale (~Icedale@a95-95-214-227.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Quit: Leaving) [07:55:24] *** Joins: jack_boss (~root@unaffiliated/jack-boss/x-2897284) [07:55:48] *** Quits: muhannad__ (~muhannad@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:55:49] you know ... profiling the operation of the system while in the game, in order to determine the bottlenecks [07:56:00] maybe im bit forgetfull but iirc EFI specification said 512kib partitionw was enough and it could start at 0 right? [07:56:10] *** Quits: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Max SendQ exceeded) [07:56:11] *** Joins: mohsen_ (~Mohsen@ [07:56:26] *** Joins: kelnoky (~shao@ip1f1064b5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [07:56:27] *** Quits: nightfeather (~nightfeat@220-133-162-2.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [07:56:56] *** Joins: manizzle (~manizzle@c-24-23-222-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [07:57:04] jack_boss: More like MB [07:57:11] jack_boss: thats not true on both questions [07:57:13] rnabinger, seems like that changes from game to game.. anything generic I can try? [07:57:24] watered: yeah perf [07:57:36] *** Joins: nightfeather (~nightfeat@2001:b011:8003:1603::2) [07:57:39] hmm, i thought EFI doesn't need that reserved MBR space nor does it care [07:58:14] *** Quits: rosalux (~rosalux@71-85-232-171.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:58:15] so 512MiB is too small? [07:59:05] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:59:20] because i thought it was ok for an EFI partiton to start on sector 0, and i was thinking here fdisk is just a bitch [08:00:45] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [08:01:00] *** Quits: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [08:01:16] rnabinger, what do you mean perf? [08:01:26] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:01:33] ok, lets skip that part, why is 2048 + 512 = 2560 not ok for last sector of partiton 1? or does it have to be 2560 [08:01:42] *** Parts: _cyrus_ (~cyrus@203-173-217-183.dialup.ihug.co.nz) ("Leaving") [08:02:01] it wouldn't let me format it with mkfs.fat -F32 or F16 something about cluster size [08:02:11] *2561 [08:02:17] *** Joins: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) [08:02:20] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [08:02:27] jack_boss: doesn't that make a 512 *byte* long partition? [08:02:34] Also there is a program on windows called throttle stopper for intel boards? It bypasses certain throttle controls. any such mechanisms for linux? [08:02:34] *** Quits: Keniyal (~Keniyal@unaffiliated/keniyal) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:02:56] jack_boss: or maybe KB or sectors, but those all sound too small [08:03:04] *** Quits: piousminion (~clay@unaffiliated/piousminion) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:03:33] *** Parts: ediT (~ediT@unaffiliated/edit) ("WeeChat 1.6") [08:03:36] ESP can be 512 MiB [08:04:10] *** Joins: vevais (~vevais@cable-82-119-0-176.cust.telecolumbus.net) [08:04:33] jack_boss: yeah, but 512 512-byte sectors = a 256-kilobyte ESP [08:04:42] *** Joins: frenata (~frenata@ [08:04:55] im totally having a brain fart here still clouded.. so i just did +512M haha [08:05:20] *** Quits: Pupnik (~Pupnik@2001:44b8:41c4:ba00:de4b:12fa:8add:639a) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:06:09] *** Joins: Pupnik (~Pupnik@2001:44b8:41c4:ba00:de4b:12fa:8add:639a) [08:06:20] 1024kib is 1Mib right.. lol [08:06:26] *** Joins: still0r (~erik@mail.inera.se) [08:06:37] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [08:06:40] *** Quits: dfgg (damian@195-154-165-176.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:07:07] *** Quits: l2esonance (~l2esonanc@c-73-223-132-245.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:07:45] i need a new identiy here my name is tarnished [08:08:03] is there a way to get gdb to display registers after every step? [08:08:05] *** Joins: arTee (~arTee@host-81-200-56-86.ip.nej.cz) [08:08:36] * SuperficialyLost gives jack_boss some shoe polish [08:09:48] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:10:16] *** Quits: palasso (~quassel@2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:10:46] *** Joins: palasso (~quassel@2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) [08:11:10] *** Quits: brogon_ (~brogon@unaffiliated/brogon) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:11:16] *** Joins: dreampwnzor (~dreampwnz@unaffiliated/dreampwnzor) [08:12:13] *** Parts: Khephren (~Khephren@unaffiliated/khephren) ("WeeChat 1.7") [08:12:16] *** Joins: unlaudable (~bleurgh@trexdhr.net.afrihost.co.za) [08:12:26] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [08:12:36] * jack_boss applies shoe polish; still feels like a scrub [08:12:48] *** Quits: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [08:12:53] *** Quits: palasso (~quassel@2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:12:54] *** Joins: jagob (~jacob@h228.natout.aau.dk) [08:13:01] *** Joins: opalepatrick (~opalepatr@ [08:13:05] yeah well [08:13:38] *** Quits: ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:14:02] *** Joins: Matombo (~Matombo@p579913A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [08:14:19] *** Quits: raynold (uid201163@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hvtnwademygnikgf) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [08:14:26] *** Joins: opthomasprime (~thomas@p2003006A620BA740BEEE7BFFFE785E9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [08:14:39] *** Quits: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: test success) [08:15:28] *** Joins: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) [08:16:10] *** Quits: excalibr (excalibr@gateway/shell/firrre/x-emnchnzajkqbaxoh) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [08:17:09] *** Joins: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) [08:17:50] *** Joins: techcat (~techcat@217-79-6-154.obit.ru) [08:17:51] *** Joins: plexigras (~superuser@p2003007A491ABA5800ECFE211BA051DE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [08:17:56] *** Quits: stefanauss (~stefanaus@host163-114-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:18:12] *** Joins: panostimos (~ptim@athedsl-141700.home.otenet.gr) [08:18:19] *** Joins: excalibr (excalibr@gateway/shell/firrre/x-wphfbwuhfynzxpmf) [08:19:06] *** Joins: ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin) [08:19:15] can I install windows drivers for graphics card on linux? [08:19:16] Checking for SSA/ASS support : no ('libass >= 0.12.1' not found) [08:19:16] Unable to find development files for libass, or the version found is too old. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without libass support use --disable-libass. [08:19:16] ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). [08:19:16] Aborting... [08:19:16] sudo pacman -Q libass [08:19:16] libass 0.13.4-1 [08:19:34] *** Quits: barbs (~barbs@124-169-139-241.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:20:04] *** Joins: xoan (~xoan@unaffiliated/xoan) [08:20:48] *** Quits: Cthulu201 (~Cthulu201@unaffiliated/cthulu201) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:21:04] *** Joins: ImQ009 (~ImQ009@unaffiliated/imq009) [08:21:49] *** Joins: tschan (~tschan@p579FB96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [08:24:04] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [08:24:45] *** Joins: knutmithut (~knut@2001-4dd7-c465-0-d2df-9aff-fecf-ef1c.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de) [08:25:45] *** Quits: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-105.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [08:25:45] *** Quits: fragMental (~fragMenta@2a02:908:e853:c7a0:a091:701d:174:2e80) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [08:26:10] *** Quits: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [08:26:20] *** Quits: stairmast0r (~stairmast@unaffiliated/stairmast0r) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [08:26:27] *** Joins: louisdk (~louisdk@ [08:26:37] *** Joins: bytefire (bytefire@unaffiliated/bytefire) [08:26:52] *** Joins: pbnoxious (~benjamin@piratenpartei/jupi/pbnoxious) [08:27:26] *** Quits: dreampwnzor (~dreampwnz@unaffiliated/dreampwnzor) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:27:44] *** Quits: jack_boss (~root@unaffiliated/jack-boss/x-2897284) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:28:08] *** Quits: plexigras (~superuser@p2003007A491ABA5800ECFE211BA051DE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:28:59] *** Quits: TotalOblivion (~Henry@ppp-94-66-221-60.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [08:29:24] *** Joins: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ [08:29:28] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:30:09] *** Joins: brogon_ (~brogon@unaffiliated/brogon) [08:30:34] *** Quits: tijko (~tijko@unaffiliated/tijko) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:30:43] *** Joins: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) [08:33:17] *** Joins: frvr (~florea@ [08:34:08] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [08:34:10] *** Quits: chandan (~chandan@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [08:34:11] *** Quits: bytefire (bytefire@unaffiliated/bytefire) (Quit: leaving) [08:34:27] *** Joins: chandan (~chandan@ [08:34:28] *** Joins: stairmast0r (~stairmast@unaffiliated/stairmast0r) [08:35:24] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [08:35:54] *** Quits: hackour (~hackour@ (Quit: Leaving) [08:35:58] *** Joins: epheo (~epheo@ns326280.ip-91-121-67.eu) [08:36:09] *** Joins: sunshinehunter (~sunshineh@port-92-204-56-20.dynamic.qsc.de) [08:39:07] *** Joins: BobbyJr2 (~BobbyJr@robsworld.plus.com) [08:39:24] *** Quits: altbashi (~altbashi@p4917205-ipngn25401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [08:40:14] *** Joins: burning_aces (~burning_a@ [08:40:19] libass, now that's something I oculd get behind [08:40:56] *** Joins: cotko (~ahmed@89-212-138-82.static.t-2.net) [08:41:29] there is plenty of that in california lol [08:41:33] *** Joins: oxhak (~OxHaK@unaffiliated/oxhak) [08:41:40] *** Joins: ShalokShalom_ (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [08:41:48] *** Joins: TotalOblivion (~Henry@ppp-94-66-221-85.home.otenet.gr) [08:41:50] *** Joins: altbashi (~altbashi@p4917205-ipngn25401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) [08:42:26] *** Quits: martium (~22_m_yk@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:42:28] watered: no, you can't install windows drivers in linux. idk wtf/throttlestopper . perf is a program `pacman -S perf` [08:42:46] *** Joins: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) [08:42:49] *** Joins: martium (~22_m_yk@ [08:42:52] watered: x86_energy_perf_policy [08:42:53] *** Joins: inad922 (~inad925@78-131-82-48.pool.digikabel.hu) [08:42:59] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [08:43:12] *** Joins: lod__ (~lod@ [08:44:01] *** Quits: ShalokShalom (~quassel@194-96-115-152.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:44:29] why can't I use xrandr --gama 1:1:0 to remove all blue light from the screen? [08:44:56] Elronnd: it might need to be xrandr --output blah --gamma 1:1:0 [08:45:03] Elronnd: cause you mispelled gamma? [08:45:31] sheep: nah, I'm already doing that [08:45:35] *** Quits: Matombo (~Matombo@p579913A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:45:50] Elronnd: xgamma can adjust the gamma relatively and per-color if you are interested [08:45:58] *** Parts: yousuc (~yousuc@2604:2d80:c408:80c9:1e77:fcf3:2f7d:c755) ("Leaving") [08:46:18] rnabinger: thanks [08:46:18] /usr/bin/xgamma is owned by xorg-xgamma 1.0.6-1 [08:47:10] *** Quits: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) [08:47:34] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:47:44] woah, this perf tool is pretty sweet [08:47:52] I still can't set any of the values to 0 though [08:47:56] rnabinger: which perf tool? [08:48:03] ?pkg perf [08:48:03] rnabinger: community/perf 4.9-1 (Linux kernel performance auditing tool) [08:48:10] *** Quits: s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:48:29] rnabinger: looks like xgamma doesn't coexist with xrandr --brightness [08:48:32] *** Joins: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [08:48:32] Elronnd: check dmesg after you try to change that. chances are your card cannot set the gamma to 0 [08:48:55] Elronnd: no ... gamma and brightness are not the same thing [08:49:16] *** Joins: yousuc (~yousuc@2604:2d80:c408:80c9:1e77:fcf3:2f7d:c755) [08:49:36] rnabinger: that's a message from xgamma, not an issue where the right thing isn't set [08:49:50] rnabinger: no, I want to set both at the same time. A lower brightness and a different gamma [08:50:25] Elronnd: okay, brightness and gamma setting is not supported on all drivers ... it may only be supported on intels [08:50:32] Elronnd: (i mean through those tools) [08:50:56] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [08:51:01] well, here's what happens [08:51:10] if I set a gamma, the brightness gets reset to 1 [08:51:13] *** Quits: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [08:51:22] if I then set a brightness then the gamma gets reset to the default 1:1:! [08:51:26] s/!//g [08:51:28] err [08:51:31] s/!/1/g [08:51:45] Elronnd: well like I said, xgamma only works for intel i believe. [08:52:35] *** Quits: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:52:40] xgamma works fine [08:53:01] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:53:02] hey I have to reinstall arch I think. if I copy the home directory, how much information does that contain that will be updated or just "there" on the new install? I usually reinstall everything when I have to, like erase and reinstall [08:53:13] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [08:53:28] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [08:53:33] you'll need to make sure that the UIDs for the new system's users match the ones on the old system [08:53:34] If the home directory is on another partition you don't even have to copy it. [08:53:50] it's not on another partition, I hvae 4 partitions [08:53:58] Elronnd: https://ptpb.pw/6169 [08:54:04] Perhaps a good idea for this install then [08:54:12] I'd have to change all partitions [08:54:13] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [08:54:14] Elronnd: see if you can set those [08:54:40] *** Quits: andreyv (~andrey@unaffiliated/andreyv) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:54:55] fishbulb: well your home directory isn't really managed by arch .... so ... nothing? [08:55:05] is there a difference between cat and catv? [08:55:09] yeah [08:55:13] catv is something I made [08:55:41] if interested .... https://ptpb.pw/V_4I [08:55:53] I get 3 "937"s, newline-separated [08:56:14] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [08:56:58] Elronnd: catv just makes my life easier. you can just cat the file and echo into the file [08:57:17] *** Joins: Makaveli7 (~Makaveli7@ [08:57:35] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [08:57:49] *** Joins: andreyv (~andrey@unaffiliated/andreyv) [08:58:46] *** Quits: minimalism (~none@unaffiliated/minimalism) (Quit: minimalism) [08:58:58] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [08:59:23] so I can just write to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness to set brightness in hardware? [08:59:26] awesome!! [08:59:34] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Client Quit) [08:59:48] *** Quits: ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:00:33] *** Joins: hutch34 (~hutch34@h125.241.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) [09:00:49] *** Joins: codfection (~codfectio@unaffiliated/codfection) [09:00:50] Elronnd: yeah probably you can do this [09:01:01] heh [09:01:04] Elronnd: yes you should explore /sys sometime ... it is amazing [09:02:00] *** Joins: Black_Prince (~Black_Pri@unaffiliated/blackprince) [09:02:05] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Remote host closed the connection) [09:02:29] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [09:03:03] rnabinger: not right now though...right now I'm tired and looking for a way to decrease the screen brightness [09:03:36] *** Joins: cutgah (~Thunderbi@202.red-176-87-88.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [09:03:53] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [09:03:55] *** Joins: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) [09:04:18] *** Quits: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:04:28] *** Quits: tt_appix (~ttr_ppix@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/ttrppix/x-32146523) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:04:55] *** Quits: hutch34 (~hutch34@h125.241.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:05:32] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [09:05:33] *** Joins: frenchbeard (~frenchbea@ [09:05:37] *** Quits: _ashbreeze_ (~mark@c-73-82-100-21.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [09:06:21] *** Joins: Yakuma (~yakuma@ [09:07:04] *** Joins: jvtbatman (~bman@46-236-100-162.customer.t3.se) [09:07:22] Elronnd: sudo sh -c 'echo 5 >/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness' [09:07:27] *** Joins: dfgg (damian@195-154-165-176.rev.poneytelecom.eu) [09:07:39] *** Joins: troulouliou_div2 (~troulouli@unaffiliated/troulouliou-div2/x-0271439) [09:07:53] *** Joins: earnestly (~Earnestly@unaffiliated/earnestly) [09:09:12] *** Joins: stefanauss (~stefanaus@ [09:09:15] *** Quits: codfection (~codfectio@unaffiliated/codfection) (Quit: Leaving) [09:09:40] rnabinger: yeah, I wrote a script to automate the process with a 0-1 brightness level [09:10:16] *** Quits: frvr (~florea@ (Remote host closed the connection) [09:10:18] *** Joins: codfection (~codfectio@unaffiliated/codfection) [09:10:50] backlight() { sudo sh -c 'echo '${1:?usage}'>/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness' ; } [09:10:59] how do I check vram size? [09:11:08] cat /proc/meminfo [09:11:13] free [09:11:20] vmstat [09:11:21] can I increase it? [09:11:27] wth [09:11:30] *** Joins: autechy (~autechy@ [09:11:33] *** Quits: Polichronucci (~polichron@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [09:11:34] oh video ram? [09:11:57] no, your video has what it has? [09:12:21] *** Quits: foozle (~foozle@office181.kiec.kh.edu.tw) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:12:26] watered: man -k video [09:13:03] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [09:13:06] ls -l /sys/class [09:13:08] *** Quits: tdy (~tdy@unaffiliated/tdy) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [09:13:59] *** Quits: felixonmars (~felixonma@archlinux/developer/felixonmars) (Quit: ZNC Quit) [09:14:08] *** Joins: Polichronucci (~polichron@ [09:14:16] *** Joins: felixonmars (~felixonma@archlinux/developer/felixonmars) [09:14:56] watered: find /sys/module/ -type d -name 'parameters' [09:15:05] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szn5Mgb-IQs [09:15:06] Title: How to increase vRam on intel HD Graphics - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) [09:15:07] Hey, I'm using urxvt and when I installed google-chrome my terminal font got fucked up. Each character now is wide like 3 chars. Didn't help to uninstall chrome, any ideas? [09:15:11] watered: if you like tuning this is a place to spend time in [09:15:24] cool [09:15:43] jvtbatman: Which font are you using in urxvt? [09:15:56] *** Quits: jagob (~jacob@h228.natout.aau.dk) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:16:14] *** Quits: coolsa (~coolsa@unaffiliated/coolsa) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [09:16:17] poisonby: A modded Source Code Pro called Office Code Pro [09:16:44] But it seems the font is reset to some non-monospace font [09:17:02] watered: Your memory remains static yes, as memory for hardware can't increase unless you buy better hardware. However there is used ram for your cpu and gpu, and ram that remains unused by the gpu and is set by default to the cpu when needed. For systems that are not cpu limited, this method takes ram "dedicated to being undedicated and used for the cpu" and allows the gpu to use it. You're correct as you [09:17:04] can't create ram, this just optimizes the ram you have for the limitations in your system. [09:17:33] jvtbatman: it's in fc-list right? [09:17:41] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [09:18:08] *** Quits: NolanSyKinsley (~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5112:df00:77f3:1947:810a:5711) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:18:09] *** Quits: GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:18:11] *** Joins: jagob (~jacob@h229.natout.aau.dk) [09:18:14] poisonby: Yes, and it worked perfectly until I installed Chrome [09:18:23] !shrug [09:18:25] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [09:18:26] *** Joins: alwyn (~alwyn@unaffiliated/alwyn) [09:18:52] jvtbatman: screenshot please [09:19:06] *** Joins: rtkt (~rtkt@226.18-78-194.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be) [09:19:10] What host here? [09:19:24] jvtbatman: huh? [09:19:27] !ptpb [09:19:28] | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw” OR “curl -F c=@path/to/a/file https://ptpb.pw” OR install community/pbpst [09:19:35] Thanks [09:19:51] jvtbatman: just curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw < /path/to/screenshot [09:19:52] Title: pb (at ptpb.pw) [09:19:57] Hi, what's an easy way to configure WiFi? I'm using wpa_supplicant right now but tbh it's too much hassle. [09:20:19] alwyn: wpa_supplicant works great [09:20:24] alwyn: what is your problem? [09:21:24] rnabinger: I can't for the love of Bob not connect to my iPhone's hotspot. First it was an issue with a character that was not ' nor ´ so I had to find the hex value and print that with echo... When that didn't work I renamed the hotspot but it still doesn't work [09:21:46] In any case I've been fiddling with this for way too long now... [09:21:47] https://ptpb.pw/xw5y [09:22:00] alwyn: did you try wpa_gui? [09:22:10] If I had that installed :) [09:22:12] jvtbatman: 404 [09:22:27] *** Joins: binaryplease (~binaryple@nat079048.nat.FH-Koeln.DE) [09:22:30] But I'll do that now, I'm connected to my Android's hotspot which works out of the box v0v [09:22:35] alwyn: networkmanager is an option, with nm-applet [09:22:36] If you want a gUI [09:22:39] GUI [09:22:59] *** Joins: ravior (~crapitea@ [09:23:14] Hi I installed caja and caja-open-terminal. I have the button to "open terminal here" but nothing happens when I click it. How do I find the problem? [09:23:34] *** Joins: tdy (~tdy@unaffiliated/tdy) [09:23:54] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [09:23:57] binaryplease: run caja from the terminal and see if it outputs anything. Other than that, no idea [09:23:58] alwyn: wpa_gui makes it easy to setup a new SSID [09:24:12] poisonby: No output :S [09:24:26] alwyn: if you have update_config=1 in your wpa_supplicant.conf then you can also save that config [09:24:28] poisonby: https://ptpb.pw/xw5Y [09:25:13] alwyn: there are programs that make it even "easier" but the reality is they just drive wpa_supplicant [09:25:24] and wpa_gui has everything you need [09:25:25] rnabinger: I got wpa_gui now, when I click "scan" nothing happens. [09:25:47] jvtbatman: Yeah man that looks weird, try another monospaced font and see if that works [09:25:56] alwyn: show me `ip li sh` [09:26:00] hurrdurr nvm I had the wrong adapter selected (p2p-dev-wlan0 as opposed to just wlan0) [09:26:18] *** Joins: GJdan (~dan@d216-232-152-33.bchsia.telus.net) [09:27:20] *** Joins: coolsa (~coolsa@unaffiliated/coolsa) [09:27:20] alwyn: cool, IDK if dhcpcd is triggered by wpa_supplicant by default or if I have to confiugre that too [09:27:28] *** Quits: ecloud (quassel@nat/qt/x-nndxjqcpdcxeppik) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:27:35] * rnabinger thinks it should be default [09:27:57] brb [09:28:55] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [09:28:56] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:29:05] *** Quits: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:29:11] ping [09:29:22] It doesn't seem to work. [09:29:33] poisonby: Changing font in the config file makes no difference [09:29:36] alwyn: show me `ip li sh` [09:29:57] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [09:29:57] jvtbatman: xrdb? [09:30:24] rnabinger: the event log tells me "4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect" [09:30:29] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [09:30:43] alwyn: pretty self-explanatory [09:30:54] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [09:30:54] They key is very correct though [09:31:21] I triple checked and then typed it in again just in case :( [09:31:24] alwyn: okay, then set the hotspot to have lowest form of encryption [09:31:35] haha [09:31:38] alwyn: and change the SSID to myssid [09:31:40] It's an iPhone, you don't get that freedom [09:31:55] *** Joins: s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101) [09:32:13] alwyn: you can play with the type of encryption with wpa_gui [09:33:06] *** Joins: cutgah1 (~Thunderbi@222.red-81-47-55.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [09:33:12] alwyn: Manage Networks, select the entry, click edit [09:33:36] *** Quits: s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101) (Max SendQ exceeded) [09:34:12] *** Joins: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) [09:34:17] alwyn: also, be sure that _you_ are not the 4th-way in that handshake (does your device ask you to authorize the laptop?) [09:34:26] rnabinger, so how do i implement the same comands in linux? [09:34:55] *** Quits: cutgah (~Thunderbi@202.red-176-87-88.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:34:55] *** cutgah1 is now known as cutgah [09:34:56] watered: what are you talking about? [09:35:13] *** Joins: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) [09:35:16] the video above... making more gpu dedicated [09:35:22] *** Joins: ecloud (quassel@nat/qt/x-wknakkibgkdpeafv) [09:35:33] watered: you can't ... your card has what it has [09:35:41] just like your harddrive has what it has [09:35:49] *** Joins: s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101) [09:35:51] I mean whatever the guy was doing in the video [09:36:11] *** Joins: chocopuff (~chocopuff@unaffiliated/chocopuff) [09:36:24] *** Joins: JesusFreak (~patrick@ [09:36:25] I mean dedicating more ram for gpu.. maximum that i can [09:36:31] it's integrated card [09:36:56] im not gonna spend 5 minutes on it [09:37:15] watered: what that guy is doing is misguided [09:37:27] stop trying to optimize things by going on irc [09:37:57] watered: /pros/sys and /sys are how you tune everything [09:38:21] watered: there is the archwiki and google [09:38:38] *** Quits: autechy (~autechy@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [09:38:44] rnabinger: I don't see any authorization requests anywhere. When I connect my android phone to the hotspot it works fine. [09:39:02] alwyn: :-( [09:39:33] alwyn: start googling methinks a lot of people have iphones and wpa_supplicant [09:39:38] rnabinger: tried different protocols but no juice. It's most definitely not TKIP. Fairly sure it's CCMP if I look at the scan log. Tried WPA2-Personal and Enterprise but no juice... [09:39:55] *** Quits: l3lu3 (~l3lu3@unaffiliated/l3lu3) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:39:56] *** Quits: bnw (~bnw@unaffiliated/bnw) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [09:40:24] anything in dmesg? [09:40:28] *** Joins: nazarewk (~nazarewk@1d23810ffe137.rev.snt.net.pl) [09:41:27] *** Quits: TotalOblivion (~Henry@ppp-94-66-221-85.home.otenet.gr) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:42:07] sorry guys I gotta sleep. wish you the best of luck [09:42:48] *** Quits: martium (~22_m_yk@ (Quit: Leaving) [09:42:59] *** Joins: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [09:42:59] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:43:01] *** Joins: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) [09:43:04] *** anirban_ is now known as anirban [09:43:28] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [09:43:34] poisonby: Can't really figure out what to do with xrdb? [09:43:41] No juice. [09:43:43] Nothing in dmesg [09:43:55] jvtbatman: I mean, did you xrdb ~/.Xresources after setting a new font? [09:44:01] What's the easiest to configure way wpa_supplicant? [09:44:02] A wrapper is fine [09:44:06] it just needs to work [09:44:11] I can't do my work like this [09:44:23] *** Joins: C5OK5Y (~C5OK5Y@ [09:44:37] *** Joins: t_h (~tobi@ [09:44:59] *** Joins: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) [09:45:15] is there a chan that actually talks assembly on freenode? [09:45:28] *** Joins: dgeex (~dgeex@gateway/tor-sasl/dgeex) [09:45:31] *** Joins: brxs (~toke@gateway/tor-sasl/tkerpe) [09:45:39] !wiki qemu [09:45:40] poisonby: Wait what?! That solved it [09:45:40] mar77i: "QEMU" (Redirected from "Qemu"): QEMU (short for Quick Emulator) is a free and open-source hosted hypervisor that performs hardware virtualization (not to be confused with hardware-assisted virtualization). Retrieved from [09:45:46] !w qemu [09:45:47] mar77i: "QEMU" (Redirected from "Qemu"): QEMU (short for Quick Emulator) is a free and open-source hosted hypervisor that performs hardware virtualization (not to be confused with hardware-assisted virtualization). Retrieved from [09:45:51] huge derp. [09:46:13] i've some weird problem where sometimes my ssh connections hang up until i restart computer [09:46:14] poisonby: I've got the right font now? I've never needed to use that before? [09:46:36] poisonby: Well, thank you!! [09:47:04] *** Quits: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:47:06] *** Joins: pavlushka (~pavlushka@ubuntu/member/pavlushka) [09:47:10] *** Quits: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [09:47:15] oh looks like controlpersist hung up [09:47:50] *** Quits: xiaodong (~xiaodong@ (Remote host closed the connection) [09:48:15] so uh, I set up qemu with nat on my work pc, and it seems I can ping form the guest to the host, but for port 8001 it says "no route to host". [09:48:15] *** Quits: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:48:58] *** Quits: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [09:49:06] I found that my work pc has a lot more iptables rules in effect than my laptop where it's working alright (113 vs 18) [09:49:16] *** Joins: pfad (web1416@unaffiliated/pfad) [09:49:19] I'm not sure why, though. [09:50:10] *** Quits: alwyn (~alwyn@unaffiliated/alwyn) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [09:50:58] jvtbatman: No problem! [09:51:08] *** Joins: Sebby1976 (~sebastiaa@ec2-13-54-152-122.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com) [09:51:44] *** Quits: jvtbatman (~bman@46-236-100-162.customer.t3.se) (Quit: leaving) [09:52:12] *** Joins: bnw (~bnw@unaffiliated/bnw) [09:52:24] *** Joins: niemal (~mein@unaffiliated/anoniem4l) [09:53:51] *** Joins: alwyn (~alwyn@unaffiliated/alwyn) [09:53:56] anyone here a sound expert? I've got Arch + Plasma runnning well on a 2011 Lenovo T420si laptop. Issue is sound quality. yes, the speakers are tinny, but even when i connect to my bluetooth speaker, it's still 'flat' and tinny....is there some way to tweak this somewhere? [09:53:58] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [09:54:02] ah, firewalld it was. [09:54:10] *** Joins: sz0 (uid110435@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xmfrisjfmbczmdfn) [09:54:46] "please do not poweroff or unplug your computer" and "update 2 of 78 installed". [09:55:03] *** Quits: dave0x6d (uid190567@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ntzscajliqyhfcmh) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [09:55:11] *** Quits: cherti (cherti@eris.noname-ev.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [09:55:15] good lord I was going to do work [09:55:30] *fuck you, bill gates [09:55:37] *** Joins: mdarse (~mdarse@LStLambert-656-1-267-103.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) [09:57:18] rnabinger: I caved in, installed wicd and it works immediately. Thanks for your help anyway. [09:58:28] *** Joins: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) [09:58:35] *** Joins: Wizard (~wziuuuuuu@unaffiliated/wizard123) [09:58:49] *** Joins: borkr (~borkr@ [09:58:53] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [09:59:18] *** Joins: sanitypassing (~sanitypas@unaffiliated/sanitypassing) [10:02:46] *** Quits: du5tball (~du5tball@v22017024306644702.hotsrv.de) (Quit: NEEP NEEP) [10:02:53] Sebby1976: equalizer? [10:03:04] *** Joins: du5tball (~du5tball@filzwiesel.de) [10:03:13] *** Quits: smidlers (smyers@redhat/smyers) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:03:36] *** Joins: elsewho (~elsewho@gna.informatik.tu-freiberg.de) [10:03:38] hi [10:03:55] *** Quits: mdarse (~mdarse@LStLambert-656-1-267-103.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) [10:03:58] *** Joins: ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin) [10:04:00] Hello elsewho [10:04:03] *** Quits: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:04:19] *** Joins: m4sk1n (uid206209@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-imdjwintywxygegy) [10:04:21] is there an alternative to inotify for runninfg commands when files have changed. [10:04:25] *** Quits: jozwior (~jozwior@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:05:09] *** Joins: mdarse (~mdarse@LStLambert-656-1-267-103.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) [10:05:31] *** Quits: mdarse (~mdarse@LStLambert-656-1-267-103.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Client Quit) [10:05:52] *** Joins: mdarse (~mdarse@LStLambert-656-1-267-103.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) [10:06:11] *** Joins: CC0422 (~CC0422@ [10:06:32] *** Joins: jozwior (~jozwior@ [10:06:38] *** Joins: redjollyroger (~csrynne@ [10:07:05] *** Joins: In33dt0kn0w (~zer0err0r@ [10:07:35] *** Joins: revoltingPeasant (~joe@unaffiliated/th3-g0d5) [10:07:52] *** Joins: mirk0 (~mirk0@unaffiliated/-mirko-/x-2946915) [10:08:06] *** Joins: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) [10:08:12] when configuring the systemd-boot what is required in it and what other options are preferable in the /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf [10:08:17] poisonby: how do i load one? [10:08:21] *** Joins: rtkt_ (~rtkt@226.18-78-194.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be) [10:08:51] Sebby1976: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio#Equalizer [10:08:51] Title: PulseAudio - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [10:09:10] *** Quits: d42 (~root@89-70-23-250.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:09:12] !give redjollyroger aw systemd-boot [10:09:13] redjollyroger: Systemd-boot - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-boot [10:09:38] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [10:10:22] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [10:10:37] *** Quits: bool_ (~bool_@unaffiliated/bool-/x-1030778) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [10:10:38] *** Quits: muhannad___ (~muhannad@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:11:43] *** Quits: rtkt (~rtkt@226.18-78-194.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [10:11:58] phrik: i have read that already it does not explain what needs to go into the options part of the config and what it actually does. i can gather though that it is used to to point to the UUID partition of the location of root but what other params need and can go into there as well [10:11:58] redjollyroger: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). [10:12:08] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) [10:12:31] *** Quits: knutmithut (~knut@2001-4dd7-c465-0-d2df-9aff-fecf-ef1c.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de) (Quit: Verlassend) [10:12:45] *** Joins: K0JIbKA (~nikobit@ [10:12:52] phrik: i have read that already it does not explain what needs to go into the options part of the config and what it actually does. i can gather though that it is used to to point to the UUID partition of the location of root but what other params need and can go into there as well [10:12:52] redjollyroger: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). [10:13:09] phrik: i have read that already it does not explain what needs to go into the options part of the config and what it actually does. i can gather though that it is used to to point to the UUID partition of the location of root but what other params need and can go into there as well [10:13:09] redjollyroger: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). [10:13:14] redjollyroger: ._. [10:13:24] *** Quits: ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin) (Quit: Leaving) [10:13:26] *** Quits: brxs (~toke@gateway/tor-sasl/tkerpe) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [10:13:33] xD [10:13:37] *** Quits: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [10:13:46] *** Quits: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ (Quit: Leaving) [10:13:46] !help i [10:13:46] *** Joins: Cloudish (~Cloudish@unaffiliated/cloudish) [10:13:46] teraflops: Error: There is no command "i". [10:13:58] *** Joins: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) [10:14:02] *** Joins: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ [10:14:03] hmm [10:14:07] *** Joins: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [10:14:19] redjollyroger: So what you want to study are the kernel parameters? That doesn't have anything to do with the boot loader [10:14:26] *** Quits: rtkt_ (~rtkt@226.18-78-194.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:14:46] Can you remember me sysctl parameter wich control time to wait for killing process when shutting down? [10:14:48] !give redjollyroger aw kernel parameters [10:14:49] redjollyroger: Kernel parameters - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Kernel_parameters [10:15:34] *** Joins: palasso (~quassel@2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) [10:16:03] *** Joins: smidlers (smyers@redhat/smyers) [10:16:13] *** Joins: jtc123 (~Thunderbi@ [10:16:53] poisonby: cool. This is a great help! [10:17:29] nahra: I... What? No problem, I guess? :P [10:18:26] poisonby: so the options part only has to do with the Kernel parameters? [10:18:40] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:18:41] redjollyroger: Yes [10:18:44] *** Joins: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-127.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) [10:19:07] *** Quits: pbnoxious (~benjamin@piratenpartei/jupi/pbnoxious) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [10:19:25] *** Quits: jrullo (~jonas@cpe-66-8-137-192.hawaii.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:19:31] poisonby: do this mean i can omit the initrd part and put it in the options? [10:19:32] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [10:20:03] *** Quits: xoan (~xoan@unaffiliated/xoan) (Quit: Leaving) [10:21:01] redjollyroger: I've never tried, but yes, that should work [10:21:13] *** Quits: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:22:14] what would you recommend for rw or ro for mount? [10:22:30] *** Joins: thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc) [10:22:55] redjollyroger: Depends on what you want to mount. [10:22:58] Generally rw [10:23:35] *** Quits: troulouliou_div2 (~troulouli@unaffiliated/troulouliou-div2/x-0271439) (Quit: Leaving) [10:24:40] options root=PARTUUID=1234567890 rootfstype=fat32 rw add_efi_memmap [10:24:45] *** Joins: xoan (~xoan@unaffiliated/xoan) [10:25:16] Why is the rootfstype fat32? [10:25:24] *** Joins: Batch (~Batch@unaffiliated/batch) [10:25:26] haha [10:25:38] wow yea should be ext4 [10:25:43] *** Quits: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [10:25:48] almost messed that up [10:25:53] *** Joins: somis (~somis@ [10:26:41] *** Quits: binaryplease (~binaryple@nat079048.nat.FH-Koeln.DE) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:27:46] *** Joins: mastizada (~Thunderbi@ [10:27:47] *** Joins: thymba (~andrea@host106-200-dynamic.53-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [10:28:12] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:28:18] *** Joins: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) [10:28:24] *** Joins: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) [10:29:08] *** Joins: sigmundv__ (sigmundv@nat/ibm/x-qacfdpgfxfvrbbuv) [10:29:23] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [10:30:29] *** Quits: nyarlu (~brandon@2001:8003:4171:0:8e70:5aff:fe80:65a4) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [10:30:47] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:31:34] *** Desu is now known as MrElendig [10:31:51] you shouldn't need rootfstype [10:32:01] *** Quits: murkx (~mur@unaffiliated/murkx) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:33:13] *** Quits: nguyenphi (uid211192@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rqmlcqlrzkudfgzh) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [10:33:48] *** Joins: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) [10:34:28] *** Joins: binaryplease (~binaryple@nat079048.nat.FH-Koeln.DE) [10:36:46] *** Quits: t_h (~tobi@ (Quit: Leaving.) [10:38:10] *** Quits: GJdan (~dan@d216-232-152-33.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [10:38:23] *** Joins: _ashbreeze_ (~mark@c-73-82-100-21.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) [10:38:34] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [10:38:43] *** Quits: chocopuff (~chocopuff@unaffiliated/chocopuff) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [10:40:22] *** Joins: GJdan (~dan@d216-232-152-33.bchsia.telus.net) [10:40:59] *** Quits: nshp (~hi@my.domain.is.better.thanyours.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:41:27] *** Quits: GJdan (~dan@d216-232-152-33.bchsia.telus.net) (Client Quit) [10:42:01] *** Quits: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:42:13] *** Quits: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:42:22] *** Quits: strainwrld (~strainwrl@a79-168-45-129.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:42:39] *** Joins: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) [10:42:58] *** Joins: SpinTensor (~SpinTenso@i577A3C4F.versanet.de) [10:43:09] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:43:35] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:43:54] *** Quits: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:44:05] *** Quits: gwash (~gwash@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:44:49] *** Joins: gwash (~gwash@ [10:46:08] *** Joins: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) [10:46:10] MrElendig: i used that becuase when i copied the /usr/share/systemd/bootctl/arch.cong it had "root=PARTUUID=XXX rootfstype=xxx add_memmap" [10:46:38] redjollyroger: you don't need rootfstype in 99.9999999% of the cases [10:46:55] *** Joins: johnny56_ (~johnny56@unaffiliated/johnny56) [10:47:08] MrElendig: okdokie [10:47:26] *** Quits: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:47:54] *** Joins: leonixyz (~leonixyz@2a02:27e8:10:1041:0:dacb:a3d2:e07f) [10:48:01] turns out that the kernel is pretty good at finding it out itself [10:48:35] *** Joins: sunn (~oliver@host86-171-89-36.range86-171.btcentralplus.com) [10:48:35] MrElendig: are you saying that it might be better practice not to use it? [10:48:40] yes [10:48:55] ok ill take it out. [10:48:58] *** Quits: johnny56 (~johnny56@unaffiliated/johnny56) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [10:49:40] *** Quits: C5OK5Y (~C5OK5Y@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:49:44] *** Quits: BobbyJr2 (~BobbyJr@robsworld.plus.com) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:51:56] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [10:52:36] here is what i have "title Arch Linux" "linux /vmlinuz-linux" "initrd /initramfs-linux.img" "option root=PARTUUID=XXX rm add_efi_memmap [10:52:58] *** Joins: alwyn_ (~alwyn@unaffiliated/alwyn) [10:52:59] *** Quits: akiva (~akiva@d75-157-135-67.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [10:53:08] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:53:08] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [10:53:13] *** Joins: al2o3-cr (~al2o3-cr@unaffiliated/gr33n7007h) [10:53:27] *** Joins: timahvo1 (~rogue@ [10:53:27] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:53:28] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:54:14] *** Quits: Unb0rn_ (~unb0rn@ (Quit: Unb0rn_) [10:54:30] *** Quits: thymba (~andrea@host106-200-dynamic.53-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [10:54:45] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [10:54:56] *** Quits: alwyn (~alwyn@unaffiliated/alwyn) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:55:29] *** Joins: thymba (~andrea@host106-200-dynamic.53-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [10:55:49] *** Quits: Sebby1976 (~sebastiaa@ec2-13-54-152-122.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Quit: leaving) [10:55:53] rm is not a valid flag [10:56:03] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [10:56:14] *** alwyn_ is now known as alwyn [10:56:18] *** Joins: Lokke (~Thunderbi@ip5f5ad098.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [10:56:29] *** Quits: mavrix (~mavrix@unaffiliated/mavrix) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [10:56:44] *** Joins: berton (~berton@ [10:57:20] *** Joins: mavrix (~mavrix@unaffiliated/mavrix) [10:57:25] *** Quits: chandan (~chandan@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [10:58:34] *** Quits: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:59:16] *** Joins: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) [10:59:19] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 254 seconds) [10:59:27] *** Joins: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) [10:59:35] *** Joins: evotopid (~quassel@ [11:00:36] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) [11:01:24] *** Joins: ferr1 (~ferr@81-7-68-230.static.zebra.lt) [11:01:33] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [11:01:34] *** Quits: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:02:08] *** Quits: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:02:41] *** Quits: ShalokShalom_ (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:02:46] *** Quits: binaryplease (~binaryple@nat079048.nat.FH-Koeln.DE) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [11:03:34] MrElendig: oh that supposed to be rw [11:03:35] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:04:34] *** Quits: SamSagaZ__ (~SamSagaZ@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:05:13] *** Joins: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) [11:05:25] evdev is so much better than the more native libinput wrapper for thinkpoint [11:05:54] *** Quits: watered (~water@ (Quit: Leaving) [11:06:05] *** Joins: C5OK5Y (~C5OK5Y@ [11:06:06] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:06:13] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [11:06:19] sensitivy is so bad otherwise :( [11:06:21] in what way? [11:06:26] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) [11:06:44] what about xset m 5/2 [11:06:47] echo 255 | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity with evdev is much more sensitive [11:06:53] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [11:07:33] Hey guys! [11:07:47] sup man [11:08:02] I would like to receive a recommendation. I'm maintaining the following aur: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gridcoinresearch-qt [11:08:05] Title: AUR (en) - gridcoinresearch-qt (at aur.archlinux.org) [11:08:10] *** Quits: inad922 (~inad925@78-131-82-48.pool.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:08:26] *** Quits: dark8 (~dark8@ip-5-209-230-46.dialup.ice.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [11:08:26] *** Quits: marshal0505 (~marshal05@trivialand/elite/marshal0505) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:09:15] It builds 2 packages 'gridcoinresearch-qt' and 'gridcoinresearchd'. Some users are requesting that I split it into to separate aur. Now I would like to know how to make it the most transparent way [11:09:30] *** Joins: marshal0505 (~marshal05@trivialand/elite/marshal0505) [11:09:34] *** Joins: cherti (cherti@eris.noname-ev.de) [11:09:51] *** Joins: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) [11:10:08] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:10:23] Tahvok: are these separate upstream? [11:11:32] Tahvok: if it builds two packages then you should have two PKGBUILDs imo [11:11:53] *** Quits: ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:11:57] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [11:12:00] *** Joins: Captain_Rage (~smuxi@c52-28.icpnet.pl) [11:12:01] Tahvok: but if its big it may make sense to build both in one run [11:12:19] *** Joins: maciejjo (~maciejjo@fireball.maciejjo.pl) [11:12:47] since this is a split package, if you separate the daemon in the aur and give the qt client the same name with a depend on the daemon it will pull in both packages anyway on upgrade [11:13:07] beest__ [11:13:14] * rnabinger failed [11:14:13] *** Quits: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x4db51a80.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [11:14:35] *** Quits: oxhak (~OxHaK@unaffiliated/oxhak) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:15:24] rnabinger: what do you mean by big? [11:15:40] Tahvok: long time to biuld [11:16:10] It is long time, and that is the reason they request to split it. You don't need both of them, you need just one. [11:16:25] *** Quits: codfection (~codfectio@unaffiliated/codfection) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:16:27] MindfulMonk: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/5083/files [11:16:28] Title: hwdb: Include X220 for pointingstick sensitivity by Earnestly · Pull Request #5083 · systemd/systemd · GitHub (at github.com) [11:16:33] Tahvok: yeah, you should split it if the daemon builds significantly faster than the -tq [11:16:36] You choose to run either the daemoen (gridcoinresearchd) or the qt gui [11:16:38] err -qt [11:17:08] Tahvok: oh, so the qt package isn't just a client for gridcoinresearchd [11:17:09] Tahvok: -qt depends on daemon. [11:17:14] In aur, it already has a base, which is split into 2 packages: https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/gridcoinresearch/ [11:17:14] Title: AUR (en) - gridcoinresearch (at aur.archlinux.org) [11:17:29] is there a point to just installing the daemon? [11:17:36] MindfulMonk: Well this: https://ptpb.pw/_Qdt [11:17:39] rnabinger: qt does NOT depend on daemon. You shouldn't run both of them! [11:17:48] You choose what you want [11:17:56] Tahvok: oh then yeah two packages [11:18:02] The daemon, provide a cli for non gui operation. [11:18:04] MindfulMonk: Since you can't access that serio sensitivity thing via udev at boot [11:18:05] and add conflicts [11:18:12] The qt has a daemon of it's own [11:18:12] Tahvok: both provide the same thing [11:18:24] yeah super clear you need two PKGBUILDS [11:18:52] Well yeah, the original maintainer did it in one PKGBUILD, and I just took over it.. [11:18:59] pacman -Ss transmission [11:19:13] or if they don't share binary names there's no point to even conflicts [11:19:24] *** Joins: mSSM (~SuperFluf@unaffiliated/superfluffy) [11:19:43] just split them up and let the end-user deal with the vestigial package [11:19:49] !hwdb-nocaps is Use hwdb to configure capslock as ctrl making it available in all environments: https://github.com/Earnestly/pkgbuilds/blob/master/system-config/hwdb-capslock-as-control.hwdb [11:19:50] earnestly: Tada! [11:20:02] *** Quits: berton (~berton@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:20:04] ok so i have installed the arch linux base and configured the bootloader using systemd-boot in UEFI. no onto the post install. [11:20:08] fuck mixed-mode efi right in the ear [11:20:37] It has a base package: https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/gridcoinresearch/ which is split into 2 packages, but in fact they are the same (same votes and everything). How would I split it? [11:20:37] Title: AUR (en) - gridcoinresearch (at aur.archlinux.org) [11:20:55] Look here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gridcoinresearch-daemon/ and https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gridcoinresearch-qt/ [11:20:56] Title: AUR (en) - gridcoinresearch-daemon (at aur.archlinux.org) [11:21:03] *** Joins: c0nch1t0 (~c0nch1t0@ [11:21:11] Tahvok: Please read PKGBUILD(5) [11:21:18] so i want to install kde plasma 5.8 as my desktop enviroments any good resorces that someone could share [11:21:34] Tahvok: just put two new packages in the aur and orphan the split package [11:21:51] there are worse messes there [11:22:01] redjollyroger: use a distro that provides it [11:22:05] *** Quits: dude42 (~dude42@f0.63.01a8.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com) (Quit: Leaving) [11:22:14] redjollyroger: Why 5.8? [11:22:19] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [11:23:00] poisonby: idno thought that was the latest version [11:23:20] redjollyroger: 5.9.1 in arch currently [11:23:20] redjollyroger: It's not [11:23:25] !give redjollyroger aw plasma [11:23:26] redjollyroger: Plasma - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Plasma [11:23:35] *** Quits: mSSM (~SuperFluf@unaffiliated/superfluffy) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:23:57] redjollyroger: You'll find everything you need there [11:25:01] *** Joins: penc4ke (~penc4k3__@p508F083D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [11:25:20] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [11:25:37] poisonby: thankyou, will this also help me install most packages that are needed or just the enviroment. like synaptics and alsa-mixer [11:26:01] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [11:26:28] redjollyroger: synaptics and alsa have their own wiki articles [11:26:33] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [11:27:05] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [11:27:31] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [11:28:02] poisonby: ok that is what i thought. man it takes a lot of time and love to get your arch box the way you want it, but for the first time i really feel like im really starting to understand how the linux system really works [11:28:30] *** Joins: therue (~therue@1-162-64-95.dynamic.hinet.net) [11:28:41] so fare the journey has been a chore and a pleasure [11:29:01] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [11:30:00] also i would like to thank eveyone in this channel that has help me though it. one of the best channels i have ever been on that helps [11:31:34] *** Joins: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x52716a24.dyn.telefonica.de) [11:31:56] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:31:58] *** Joins: xiaodong (~xiaodong@ [11:32:46] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:32:57] *** Joins: X-dark (~X-dark@unaffiliated/x-dark) [11:34:05] *** Joins: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) [11:34:50] *** Joins: martium (~mars@ [11:35:06] *** Joins: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) [11:36:37] *** Joins: edh (~edh1@2001:4ca0:0:f226:76df:bfff:fe30:a443) [11:37:03] *** Joins: Unb0rn_ (~unb0rn@ [11:37:11] *** Quits: edh (~edh1@2001:4ca0:0:f226:76df:bfff:fe30:a443) (Client Quit) [11:37:52] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:38:17] *** Quits: Chais (~Chais@unaffiliated/chais) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [11:38:58] *** Joins: ches52 (~alex@ [11:39:23] *** Quits: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x52716a24.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [11:40:18] *** Joins: Chais (~Chais@unaffiliated/chais) [11:40:40] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:41:13] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [11:41:47] *** Joins: frostschutz (~frostschu@x2f65ab7.dyn.telefonica.de) [11:42:08] *** Quits: PioneerAxon (~PioneerAx@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [11:42:48] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:42:49] *** Quits: Repentinus (~repentinu@fsfe/repentinus) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:42:54] *** Quits: swalladge (~swalladge@unaffiliated/swalladge) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [11:42:58] *** Quits: louisdk (~louisdk@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [11:43:13] *** Joins: Repentinus (~repentinu@fsfe/repentinus) [11:43:13] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:43:24] *** Joins: Stick (~stick@Kol-kolibrien.cust.fsknet.dk) [11:44:05] *** Joins: codfection (~codfectio@unaffiliated/codfection) [11:44:08] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [11:44:29] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [11:44:59] *** Quits: Chais (~Chais@unaffiliated/chais) (Client Quit) [11:45:00] *** Joins: ZJAY (~wbill@96-38-107-68.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) [11:45:13] *** Quits: Repentinus (~repentinu@fsfe/repentinus) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:45:17] *** Joins: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@dyn-a319da6189d80e4f10034000.zemos.ipv6.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) [11:45:46] *** Joins: Repentinus (~repentinu@fsfe/repentinus) [11:45:58] *** Quits: techno156 (~techno156@unaffiliated/techno156) (Quit: Leaving) [11:47:29] *** Joins: Chais (~Chais@unaffiliated/chais) [11:47:54] *** Joins: PioneerAxon (~PioneerAx@ [11:49:14] *** Joins: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [11:49:48] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [11:51:15] *** Quits: Captain_Rage (~smuxi@c52-28.icpnet.pl) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:51:41] *** Quits: dandels (~Dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:52:03] *** Joins: ivladak (~quassel@bran.ispras.ru) [11:52:23] *** Joins: LBV_User (~leonardo@ [11:52:56] *** Quits: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:53:02] *** Quits: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:54:06] *** Quits: kelnoky (~shao@ip1f1064b5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [11:55:07] *** Joins: mclement (mclement@nat/ibm/x-zdcqlnupoeksedko) [11:55:34] *** Quits: thymba (~andrea@host106-200-dynamic.53-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) 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[12:03:29] why arch linux is lagging [12:03:37] you need to compile with -funroll-loops [12:03:38] I am sure ssd and ram are pretty fine [12:04:35] *** Quits: hutch34 (~hutch34@h125.241.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [12:04:42] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [12:05:37] *** Joins: mSSM (~SuperFluf@unaffiliated/superfluffy) [12:06:16] *** Quits: eschwartz1 (~eschwartz@unaffiliated/eschwartz) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:06:30] *** Quits: supernoob (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/eschwartz) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:07:15] *** Quits: ferr1 (~ferr@81-7-68-230.static.zebra.lt) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [12:07:34] *** Joins: ferr1 (~ferr@81-7-68-230.static.zebra.lt) [12:07:45] *** Joins: eschwartz (~eschwartz@unaffiliated/eschwartz) [12:07:52] *** Quits: stelleg_ (~stelleg@c-98-249-78-20.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [12:07:56] *** Quits: jab416171 (~jab416171@c-76-27-96-12.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [12:08:01] *** Joins: eschwartz1 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/eschwartz) [12:08:10] *** Quits: starkline (~mush@c-98-245-92-41.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [12:08:17] *** Joins: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) [12:08:25] *** Joins: mavrix (~mavrix@unaffiliated/mavrix) [12:08:30] *** Quits: kg_ebooks (~kg_ebooks@c-73-229-41-13.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [12:08:37] *** Quits: In33dt0kn0w (~zer0err0r@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [12:09:54] *** Joins: stelleg (~stelleg@c-98-249-78-20.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) [12:09:59] *** Joins: j605 (~j605@unaffiliated/j605) [12:10:53] *** Joins: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) [12:11:02] *** Joins: Tazmain (~Tazmain@unaffiliated/tazmain) [12:11:12] *** Quits: ZJAY (~wbill@96-38-107-68.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving) [12:11:13] does wayland work with plasma and if so, is it worth it to use it over xorg? [12:11:49] *** Joins: Artefact2 (~Artefact2@unaffiliated/artefact2) [12:12:03] *** Joins: starkline (~mush@c-98-245-92-41.hsd1.co.comcast.net) [12:12:12] There isn't exactly an imminent need to switch right now [12:12:16] *** Quits: thymba (~andrea@host106-200-dynamic.53-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [12:12:26] Not sure about plasma's compatibility though [12:13:00] *** Joins: Cthulu201 (~Cthulu201@unaffiliated/cthulu201) [12:13:16] awal, plasma does work with wayland. Kaos you can run it with no issues [12:13:33] redjollyroger, not sure how stable it is in arch but works in kaosx [12:14:16] redjollyroger: currently it doesn't work [12:14:26] *** Quits: c0nch1t0 (~c0nch1t0@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:14:32] it's broken with Qt 5.8 [12:14:42] ok so xorg it is. [12:15:42] i have been trying to find some articles about the advantages and disadvantages of the 2,but couldnt find anything realy substantial [12:15:51] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Remote host closed the connection) [12:16:01] *** Joins: Makaveli (~Makaveli7@ [12:16:09] *** Joins: pgug (~pgug@h224.natout.aau.dk) [12:16:25] *** Makaveli is now known as Guest60245 [12:16:33] *** Quits: starkline (~mush@c-98-245-92-41.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [12:16:42] *** Joins: l3lu3 (~l3lu3@unaffiliated/l3lu3) [12:16:43] *** Quits: comma8 (~comma8@2601:1c2:500:b7fc::9c3f) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [12:16:56] *** Quits: stolen (~stolen@c-73-14-231-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:16:58] redjollyroger: There are architectural differences between the two for the most part. The user doesn't (and shouldn't) see much change. [12:17:11] the architectural differences bring some security benefits [12:17:13] *** Joins: bleb (~bleb@ [12:17:40] *** Quits: Makaveli7 (~Makaveli7@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:18:40] oh ok. i thought maybe wayland might be the future for better 3d gaming. for some reason i though that what wayland was trying to do over xrg [12:19:10] *** Joins: sdothum (~znc@dsl-173-206-148-241.tor.primus.ca) [12:19:19] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Quit: DoctorJellyface_) [12:19:32] *** Quits: oxhak (~OxHaK@unaffiliated/oxhak) (Quit: Lost terminal) [12:19:42] *** Quits: Batch (~Batch@unaffiliated/batch) (Quit: Leaving) [12:20:26] *** Joins: DoctorJellyface_ (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) [12:21:21] Just did pacman -Syu, and now when I run "modprobe fuse" I get "Module fuse not found in directory /lib/modules/4.9.6-1-ARCH" ... any ideas what could've caused this/how to fix it? [12:21:38] *** Quits: rquid (~rquid@tdtsp.ru) (Quit: Leaving.) [12:21:41] bleb: user error [12:21:42] bleb, kernel update? [12:21:46] bleb: reboot [12:22:01] One bad point of only having on kernel on disk [12:22:08] *** Joins: granitosaurus (~granitosa@73-115-235-80.sta.estpak.ee) [12:22:19] *** Quits: alexandre9099 (~alexandre@gateway/tor-sasl/alexandre9099) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:22:24] bleb, old modules were removed from disk before having been loaded [12:22:34] old kernel still running? [12:23:26] *** Quits: l3lu3 (~l3lu3@unaffiliated/l3lu3) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:23:40] reboot [12:23:45] I need a way to monitor my network 24/7 finding dropouts, is there any software to do that? [12:23:51] (or, kexec) [12:23:58] *** Joins: c0nch1t0 (~c0nch1t0@ [12:24:01] *** Joins: treia (~treia@2a01cb00037c81007e5cf8fffe34032d.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) [12:24:11] wyre: probably external saas [12:24:14] *** Quits: sz0 (uid110435@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xmfrisjfmbczmdfn) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [12:25:54] *** Joins: kishore96 (~kishore@ [12:26:08] *** Quits: gwash (~gwash@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:26:17] *** Quits: sledgehammer (~sledgeham@unaffiliated/sledgehammer) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [12:26:19] ishitatsuyuki, how what? xD [12:26:33] Do you want something like pingdom? [12:27:10] *** Joins: dandels (~dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [12:27:41] *** Joins: alexandre9099 (~alexandre@gateway/tor-sasl/alexandre9099) [12:28:17] *** Joins: sledgehammer (~sledgeham@unaffiliated/sledgehammer) [12:28:35] !ping [12:28:35] pong [12:28:44] It isn't my lag [12:28:44] wyre: i did that a while a go. i simply pinged google and wrote issues into a log file [12:29:31] codfection: You have to provide more information, unless you were trolling [12:29:36] *** Joins: proudzhu (~proudzhu@ [12:30:07] wyre: I suppose you've tried all the tools easily available and none of them worked? [12:30:10] Idk how to provide more info. opening chrome from dmenu took 5 mins :| [12:30:26] you can start building from this while :; ping -c1 google.com > log.log; sleep 1; done [12:30:37] you can start building from this while :; do ping -c1 google.com > log.log; sleep 1; done [12:30:39] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@ [12:30:47] daey: you would be rate limited for that... [12:31:09] And get a captcha [12:31:17] yeah if he needs millisecond precision its not the way to go. but considering that he didnt specify it... [12:32:00] daey: ping is icmp, which is not exactly a great thing to measure, unless you're specifically measuring icmp [12:32:13] or connection in general [12:32:17] Also why execute ping multiple times? [12:32:38] *** Joins: Viech (~Viech@unvanquished/developer/viech) [12:32:42] poisonby, ^ [12:32:44] you can eval them individually and only write failures into the log [12:32:57] daey: What? no? [12:33:04] sure you can [12:33:11] *** Joins: stolen (~stolen@c-73-14-231-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net) [12:33:11] No, what the fuck are you on about? [12:33:15] I'm so confused [12:33:20] *** Quits: granitosaurus (~granitosa@73-115-235-80.sta.estpak.ee) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [12:33:26] ping doesn't need to be restarted multiple times to track errors [12:33:30] hey, does someone know where xstopwatch ended up? looking for a simple non-aur stopwatch. [12:33:39] *** Joins: chandan (~chandan@ [12:34:07] Viech: Run date +%s.%N, and then use ^C to stop it [12:34:14] Lo [12:34:16] :p* [12:34:26] *** Quits: SteveDeFacto (~SteveDeFa@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:34:42] earnestly: never said it did. but i had no interest in digging into it. starting it individually makes it easier as i know the bash framework [12:34:52] quite simple to comprehend really :/ [12:34:54] daey: You clearly don't [12:35:21] hm. i doubt you have the knowledge to judge it really [12:35:34] *** Quits: pgug (~pgug@h224.natout.aau.dk) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:35:48] *** Joins: batmanos- (uid155229@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-duxmpdbhobltnltl) [12:35:56] *** Quits: cutgah (~Thunderbi@222.red-81-47-55.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:36:12] Yeah, go with that, 99% of shell is garabage anyway and trying to correct all of it is just going to be even more frustrating [12:36:48] *** Joins: inad922 (~inad925@78-131-82-48.pool.digikabel.hu) [12:36:58] *** Joins: l3lu3 (~l3lu3@unaffiliated/l3lu3) [12:38:04] when i install plasma does it include the window manager or do i have to choose and install on [12:38:24] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE [12:38:25] Title: KDE - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [12:38:34] redjollyroger: Plasma is the Window Manager (and compositor) [12:38:39] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE#Plasma_Desktop to be exact [12:38:40] Title: KDE - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [12:39:11] the plasma group/metapakgage pulls in everything you need except for xorg/drivers [12:39:37] *** Joins: yourname2 (~NauTiluS1@ [12:40:02] earnestly, tools like what? [12:40:16] *** Joins: numkem (~numkem@modemcable006.252-37-24.static.videotron.ca) [12:40:18] !give wyre observ-perf [12:40:19] wyre: http://www.brendangregg.com/Perf/linux_perf_tools_full.png [12:40:25] wyre: Any of these relating to the network stack ^ [12:40:26] *** Joins: gwash (~gwash@ [12:40:27] *** Joins: wush1 (~wush1@eduroam-ger-6-208.zdv.uni-mainz.de) [12:40:31] For example [12:40:39] MrElendig: thank you for the response, that brings me to another question what is the difference between groups and meta packages [12:40:54] And additional ones like iftop [12:41:08] redjollyroger: read the actual link [12:41:09] Or perhaps iperf [12:41:27] redjollyroger: " For differences between plasma-meta and plasma reference Creating packages#Meta packages and groups." [12:41:30] wyre: I mean, heh, surely you've googled around and tried different things? Right? [12:41:45] redjollyroger: short story: use the group [12:42:17] I've got so much strange issues [12:42:33] for instance, so many applications server works fine [12:42:37] but I cannot do pacman -Sy [12:42:42] or ping [12:42:44] why are you doing pacman -Sy [12:42:45] why is that? [12:43:03] you have not posted actuall errors so my answer is "because ancient aliens" [12:43:03] beest, I cannot? [12:43:10] *** Joins: nshp (hi@my.domain.is.better.thanyours.com) [12:43:22] !aliens [12:43:24] http://i.imgur.com/Laj7b.jpg [12:43:33] MrElendig, simply I cannot connect to repos [12:43:33] *** Quits: dandels (~dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [12:43:38] or do ping to google [12:43:39] Hi. Got a question about thinkfan (fan control for thinkpads). I configured it correctly, but once the first temperature threshold (42°C) is reached, the fan starts to blow at full speed. Also, while "echo level 0 > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan", values 1 to 7 all let the fan go to full speed [12:43:46] !give wyre errors [12:43:47] wyre: Don't just say it doesn't work. Give the exact error. If you think that more information than a line or two will be useful, see !paste [12:44:05] wush1: Wait, you're not actually asking about network monitoring, but have specific problems relating to pacman? Dude, ... [12:44:09] wush1: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ballard/bofh/bofhserver.pl [12:44:10] Title: "Bastard Operator From Hell"-Style Excuses (at pages.cs.wisc.edu) [12:44:20] *** Quits: Pupnik (~Pupnik@2001:44b8:41c4:ba00:de4b:12fa:8add:639a) (Remote host closed the connection) [12:44:20] wyre: post *actual errors* [12:44:37] that's the errors [12:44:37] https://hastebin.com/febicoqonu.sql [12:44:39] Title: hastebin (at hastebin.com) [12:44:42] does it time out? does it give "network unreachable"? "no route to host?" what? [12:44:48] however, my friends are connected to teamspeak3 server [12:44:50] earnestly: ^wyre [12:45:16] and I'm working by ssh [12:45:26] trough external IP ... [12:45:26] ffff, hastebin is so fucking useless [12:45:27] :S [12:45:37] *** Joins: strainwrld (~strainwrl@a79-168-45-129.cpe.netcabo.pt) [12:45:41] earnestly, what paste service do you like? [12:45:43] wyre: Can you at least post the raw link? [12:45:53] earnestly: sry, don’t understand what you’re trying to say [12:45:58] wyre: One that gives me more than shit shit: https://ptpb.pw/jsf- [12:45:59] Title: hastebin (at ptpb.pw) [12:46:04] wush1: was a mistab [12:46:21] wyre: This is your paste^ [12:46:34] *** Quits: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:46:42] wush1: Yeah, blame weechat [12:46:52] *** Joins: s4ro (~saro@222-9-159-88.business.edutel.nl) [12:47:09] earnestly, anyway ... what do you think about connexion issue? [12:47:20] wyre: I can't see anything... [12:47:27] wyre: I just get a blob of javascript... [12:47:30] *** Quits: m4sk1n (uid206209@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-imdjwintywxygegy) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [12:47:47] wyre: and teamspeak and ssh are connected by ip address, right? which means your dns is borked [12:47:50] but why I cannot update the system and services as teamspeak or ssh works fine? [12:47:57] The 'raw' button doesn't even include a goddamn element to pull it from [12:48:12] *** Joins: TDJACR (~TDJACR@lilug/member/tdjacr) [12:48:14] beest, should I add dns in systemd-networkd? [12:48:23] systemd-resolved would be nice [12:48:42] *** s4ro is now known as saro [12:48:58] try { handlePop(evt); } catch(err) { /* not loaded yet */ } [12:48:59] *** Parts: saro (~saro@222-9-159-88.business.edutel.nl) ("WeeChat 1.7") [12:49:06] Hastebin. Comments do not "handle" errors [12:49:07] *** Quits: burning_aces (~burning_a@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [12:49:25] *** Quits: wush1 (~wush1@eduroam-ger-6-208.zdv.uni-mainz.de) (Quit: leaving) [12:49:44] Nevermind, I clearly can't handle dumb atm [12:49:47] *** Quits: ravior (~crapitea@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:50:02] *** Joins: ravior (~crapitea@ [12:50:08] beest, so ... should I enable this service and where should I setup DNS? [12:50:10] *** DoctorJellyface_ is now known as DoctorJellyface [12:50:25] how can I find out why a specific package was installed? [12:50:37] *** Quits: martium (~mars@ (Remote host closed the connection) [12:50:53] i have a ton of kframework stuff on my laptop, all installed as a dependency and I have no idea what depends on them [12:51:12] DoctorJellyface: -Qi, aka "man pacman" [12:52:00] MrElendig: that doesn’t help, it also says "installed as a dependency" [12:52:01] beest, it was only necessary enable resolvd.service xD [12:52:07] There's also pactree [12:52:11] *** Quits: ches52 (~alex@ (Quit: Leaving) [12:52:13] DoctorJellyface: it also says "required by" if something still depends on it [12:52:16] earnestly: didn’t help either [12:52:20] DoctorJellyface: if not then it is an orphan [12:52:22] Fuck it then [12:52:46] Donesn't work, doesn't work, doesn't work. Well better install something else then [12:52:49] MrElendig: the problem is that it’s a whole group of packages [12:52:54] *** Quits: VISIONGATE (~VISIONGAT@unaffiliated/visiongate) (Quit: Leaving.) [12:53:01] if it is an orphan then you can read your pacman log and possibly be able to reason about what once depended on it [12:53:03] DoctorJellyface: Doesn't help [12:53:25] wyre: please read the wiki more carefully next time [12:53:28] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:53:47] MrElendig: good idea, I haven’t though of that [12:53:57] earnestly: what’s the matter with you? [12:54:04] I’m not one to give up this easily [12:54:17] I’ve already killed like 10 minutes on it so better finish it [12:54:30] *** Quits: malevolent (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [12:54:37] DoctorJellyface: Really, what's the matter with you? If people give you suggestions, you don't simply say "nope", you explain why. There are many ways to figure this out but you shit on all of them without reason [12:54:46] beest, you are right :) [12:54:58] *** Quits: penc4ke (~penc4k3__@p508F083D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [12:55:03] DoctorJellyface: pactree for example, is not exactly the most approachable tool unless you use the right flags, do you mention those. Nope [12:55:16] DoctorJellyface: In the end, you can just try removing those packages and pacman will tell you what it depends on [12:55:26] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@CPEbc4dfb6cc763-CMbc4dfb6cc760.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) [12:55:45] earnestly: I just noped it because I did all I could, everything you mentioned, I was just wondering if I missed something [12:55:47] If you have orphans, you can list those too [12:56:00] DoctorJellyface: If you *DID* those things, why didn't you *MENTION* it? [12:56:08] *** Joins: semeion (~semeion@unaffiliated/semeion) [12:56:26] tadpoles [12:56:43] *** Joins: ShalokShalom (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [12:56:47] earnestly: I already removed several packages and all orphans several times during the hunt [12:57:06] earnestly: I would, but I spent all the time here typing, literally [12:57:18] DoctorJellyface: Again, we can't crystal ball these things, so without mentioning what you've done, we're wasting our time on your behalf retreading the same things. Great [12:57:21] cause the first reply I got was RTFM [12:57:49] the manual is really nice [12:57:52] *** Quits: ShalokShalom (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:58:09] *** Joins: cutgah (~Thunderbi@222.red-81-47-55.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [12:58:30] * earnestly feels people who don't read manuals are basically shitting on everyone who bothered to put the time into writing it, because it's not easy and it's pretty thankless work [12:59:00] *** Quits: toXel (agZVwnGB8B@indus.uberspace.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [12:59:16] *** Joins: toXel (loaboRvi0a@indus.uberspace.de) [12:59:16] !maxim4 [12:59:17] Manuals are a waste of time. [12:59:46] man. [13:00:08] *** Quits: sunn (~oliver@host86-171-89-36.range86-171.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:00:09] if you ever tried debian you would know that arch ahs the best wiki around [13:00:15] *has [13:00:30] *** Quits: maciejjo (~maciejjo@fireball.maciejjo.pl) (Quit: leaving) [13:00:36] pfad, earnestly: don’t worry, I tried looking everywhere, arch wiki, duckduckgo, heck, even google, nothing. that’s why I came here [13:00:43] IRC is always my last resource [13:01:01] If you treat it like the rest, I'm not surprised you found nothing. [13:01:11] if i have a pkgbuild and want to use a git repo as source but that repo needs to be accessed using ssh, how'd i do that [13:01:23] (the pkgbuild is for personal use only) [13:01:24] Kilobyte22: Prefix the source url with git+ [13:01:27] ssh+.... [13:01:31] man PKGBUILD [13:01:38] ah okay [13:01:39] MrElendig: There's no ssh+ protocol handler [13:01:44] *** Joins: ptrxyz (~json@2a00:1398:4:0:4ebe:c60e:6278:86c1) [13:02:12] But git understands ssh urls, simply tell makepkg that the url should be handled by git [13:02:21] actually, thanks for bringing pactree up [13:02:41] yea I ment git [13:03:03] just a broken brain/finger interface [13:03:19] *** Joins: maciejjo (~maciejjo@fireball.maciejjo.pl) [13:04:18] *** Joins: _1k5 (~mdl@ip4d17649b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [13:04:36] Which package gets me the rename command that is much more powerful? The one I have is an oversimplified stub. I need the one that does all the substitutions, has the -N option for counting and more imporantly has --dry-run. [13:04:59] *** Joins: dienogest (~dienogest@HSI-KBW-046-005-002-065.hsi8.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) [13:05:01] perl-rename [13:05:14] *** Quits: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:05:46] *** Joins: scottpgallagher (~scottpgal@client-130-203-79-46.mobility.psu.edu) [13:05:48] Thanks. [13:05:59] *** Parts: scottpgallagher (~scottpgal@client-130-203-79-46.mobility.psu.edu) () [13:06:03] *** Quits: sanitypassing (~sanitypas@unaffiliated/sanitypassing) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [13:06:17] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@ [13:06:26] *** Quits: pfad (web1416@unaffiliated/pfad) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:07:34] earnestly, MrElendig: I finally found the cause. Looks like they were all just dependant on each other in one giant dependency mess, removing one removed all the others, none of them were explicitely installed [13:08:31] *** Quits: Wind0r (~Wind0r@unaffiliated/wind0r) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:08:35] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:08:55] *** Quits: alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531) (Quit: l8r) [13:09:07] if it was an actual group: pacman -Ru whatever [13:09:14] There seems to be more and more dependency cycles creeping into [extra]. It used to just be harfbuzz and freetype2 (this was a known thing). Then came yp-tools and ytbind-mt, now there's like 4 more! [13:09:15] *** Joins: Wind0r (~Wind0r@unaffiliated/wind0r) [13:09:32] earnestly: I apologize if I came as I didn’t appreciate your advice, I honestly didn’t want to sound like that [13:09:52] kinit and kio, python{2}-twisted and python{2}-incremental, and usbmuxd and libimobiledevice [13:09:56] What the heck Arch [13:10:14] And now there's dependency cycles in community too [13:10:17] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [13:10:25] *** Quits: StarBrilliant (~brilliant@unaffiliated/starbrilliant) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:10:33] earnestly: actually I’m quite angry with myself because this happens more than it should and I never realise, thankfully it isn’t nearly as bad in real life [13:11:02] DoctorJellyface: This is real life [13:11:09] Or am I a bot? I don't know [13:11:11] this is a fantacy [13:11:11] Namarrgon: Doesn't look like perl-rename has the -N option for counting. [13:11:18] *** Parts: bleb (~bleb@ () [13:11:37] cought in a landslie, no escape from reality [13:11:52] eschwartz: https://ptpb.pw/Sud4/sh extra and community are getting worse. (The harfbuzz/freetype2 thing is known) [13:11:54] Title: pb (at ptpb.pw) [13:11:58] *** Quits: c0nch1t0 (~c0nch1t0@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [13:12:02] *** Joins: TheCycoONE (~quassel@ [13:13:41] *** Joins: cgar (~cgar@653263hfc228.tampabay.res.rr.com) [13:14:07] earnestly: I mean in real life where I see people and their expressions and they see mine, here it’s just text, you could be a bot and I would never know [13:14:18] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@CPEbc4dfb6cc763-CMbc4dfb6cc760.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [13:14:49] how do I chroot to change the root password which I don't remember [13:14:56] I can't restart my computer until I have that [13:15:00] or install anything [13:15:07] xelra: then i don't know either [13:15:25] fishbulb: how did you chroot the first time you installed arch? [13:15:31] earnestly: so, um, friends? [13:15:32] used an installer [13:15:42] he is not running arch [13:15:52] *** Joins: codedmart (sid145527@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yqnlfuvqixrzbvbf) [13:15:53] *** Quits: Adbray (~Adbray@2001:470:c692:666:445e:ebb5:c64e:2fcc) (Quit: Quit) [13:16:06] there's the revenge installer which actually seems to work [13:16:14] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/81240/manually-generate-password-for-etc-shadow [13:16:15] fishbulb: as i said it before you don't fit here, you've sucked the channel dry, move one [13:16:16] Title: linux - Manually generate password for /etc/shadow - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange (at unix.stackexchange.com) [13:16:16] can I use that [13:16:23] *move on [13:16:44] that doesn't answer the question [13:16:54] thanks so much for your input [13:17:06] *** Joins: indeedwatson (~yama@ [13:18:04] *** Quits: DPini (~DPini@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:18:23] *** Joins: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ [13:19:11] who gives a fuck how arch gets onto the computer [13:19:13] *** Joins: mefistofeles (~mefistofe@unaffiliated/mefistofeles) [13:19:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Namarrgon [13:19:16] *** Namarrgon sets mode: +b $a:fishbulb [13:19:20] fishbulb: i'm fed up with your shenanigans, come back once you've learned about the basics of civility [13:19:28] *** Quits: shyn (~shyn@unaffiliated/shyn) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [13:19:33] *** fishbulb was kicked by Namarrgon (fishbulb) [13:20:18] *** Joins: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) [13:20:29] sneaky +o [13:21:02] *** Quits: l3lu3 (~l3lu3@unaffiliated/l3lu3) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:21:27] Finally [13:21:35] *** Quits: strainwrld (~strainwrl@a79-168-45-129.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:22:14] *** Namarrgon sets mode: -o Namarrgon [13:22:38] *** Joins: vindur (~yourname@host86-184-216-158.range86-184.btcentralplus.com) [13:23:09] so, uh, something weird happened, I had a dbus system service and a user service, and when logging in after hitting gdm or lightdm it wouldn't work for the first few tries and it was just "how did this even happen", anyone had a similar experience [13:23:15] *** Quits: d_garbage (~free@unaffiliated/dgarbage/x-348756) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:23:46] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [13:24:03] *** Joins: mutin-sa (~s-mutin@mail.ska-irk.ru) [13:24:17] *** Joins: martium (~22_m_yk@ [13:24:24] *** Joins: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) [13:24:43] *** Quits: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:24:52] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [13:25:04] *** Parts: maximinh (236031@vor.ifi.uio.no) () [13:25:06] *** Joins: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ [13:25:09] *** Joins: maximinh (236031@vor.ifi.uio.no) [13:25:15] which pdf/epub reader do you guys use on arch? (its difficult to change night mode in zathura, have to manually edit config every time :( ) [13:25:23] Hi, I've been trying to set Chromium as my default browser and i3wm is my window manager. [13:25:30] When I do "xgd-mime query default x-scheme-handler/http" it returns "userapp-Chromium-5XGORY.desktop" which looks correct. [13:25:34] *** Quits: sledgehammer (~sledgeham@unaffiliated/sledgehammer) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [13:25:37] But Chromium prompts me to set as default everytime. [13:25:52] *** Joins: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) [13:26:04] vindur, write "echo $BROWSER" [13:26:09] and give us output [13:26:24] Returns nothing [13:26:35] thats why. [13:26:36] I thought that wasn't for GUI apps though? [13:26:43] *** Joins: poljar1 (~poljar@93-143-146-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr) [13:26:48] *** Parts: maximinh (236031@vor.ifi.uio.no) () [13:26:50] *** Joins: arTee_ (~arTee@host-81-200-56-86.ip.nej.cz) [13:26:56] just write $BROWSER [13:27:01] and see if it opens anything [13:27:10] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:27:14] *** Quits: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:27:14] *** Quits: mutin-s (~s-mutin@mail.ska-irk.ru) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:27:19] *** Joins: dandels (~dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [13:27:22] *** Joins: s4ro (~saro@222-9-159-88.business.edutel.nl) [13:27:27] *** Joins: sledgehammer (~sledgeham@unaffiliated/sledgehammer) [13:28:08] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [13:28:24] *** Joins: apollojustice_ (apollo@unaffiliated/apollojustice) [13:28:25] *** Joins: Killerkid_ (Killerkid@unaffiliated/killerkid) [13:28:35] *** Joins: Lenny__ (lenny@first.blesmrt.net) [13:28:44] *** Joins: szorfein (~ivy@gateway/tor-sasl/szorfein) [13:28:57] *** Joins: Zloudef (~Cloudef@dsl-jklbrasgw1-54fb10-2.dhcp.inet.fi) [13:29:07] So I got a new motherboard with a NIC that uses e1000e and I get a 10 year old "NVM checksum is not valid"-error. The workaround for e1000 appears to be modprobing with "eeprom_bad_csum_allow=1" but the e1000e module doesn't appear to have this option. Does anyone happen to have suggestions for this error, short of buying a new NIC or patching the source of the module? [13:29:41] *** Joins: sigtrm_ (quassel@quassel.woboq.de) [13:29:49] *** Joins: DrDisconsented (~quassel@disconsented.com) [13:29:50] *** Joins: thelinuxguy_ (~joq@unaffiliated/joq) [13:30:18] *** Joins: makmm (~makmm@unaffiliated/makmm) [13:30:41] Namarrgon: Good ban [13:30:44] *** Joins: andoruh_ (~andoruh@2601:1c0:c801:1f0:e6a4:71ff:feb5:7953) [13:30:45] *** Joins: siinus_ (~hmmm@suht.kahtlane.info) [13:30:50] *** Quits: SuperficialyLost (~john@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [13:30:52] *** Quits: A124 (~Username@unaffiliated/a124) (Disconnected by services) [13:30:53] *** Joins: A124 (~Username@unaffiliated/a124) [13:30:56] *** Joins: Minnozz_ (~minnozz@sanna.minnozz.com) [13:31:03] *** Joins: niemal_ (~mein@unaffiliated/anoniem4l) [13:31:03] *** Joins: DPini (~DPini@ [13:31:05] *** Joins: ec\_ (~me@ell.io) [13:31:07] *** Joins: reashlin (~reashlin@cpc3-lee211-2-0-cust212.7-1.cable.virginm.net) [13:31:12] Interesting. Dbus has a connection timeout on my laptop. How should i debug this? [13:31:15] *** Joins: Turski_ (~turski@dsl-mlibrasgw2-50de08-195.dhcp.inet.fi) [13:31:17] *** Joins: sekhmet_ (~pez@wilug/madlug/sekhmet) [13:31:25] *** Quits: mclement (mclement@nat/ibm/x-zdcqlnupoeksedko) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:31:27] *** Joins: nazarewk_ (~nazarewk@1d23810ffe137.rev.snt.net.pl) [13:31:49] Foxboron: Maybe if you type debugdbus 7 times, the dbus will show you debug information :P [13:32:09] *** Quits: vaesper (~vaesper@unaffiliated/vaesper) (Excess Flood) [13:32:09] *** Quits: microcolonel (~aaron@unaffiliated/microcolonel) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: asphy (~asphy@sbs.xigen.co.uk) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: skope (skope@psykedelia.org) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: uleenucks (~lala@ (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: nwoki (~quassel@unaffiliated/nwoki) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: sakkoja (sakkoja@otitsun.oulu.fi) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: arttuh5n1 (~arttuh5n1@ (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: th0rne (enomaae1@gateway/shell/tkk.fi/x-iqvdurgtislvlqdq) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: ecloud (quassel@nat/qt/x-wknakkibgkdpeafv) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: jj- (juutiju@hilla.kapsi.fi) (Write error: Broken pipe) [13:32:09] *** Quits: Fruktdrikk (~Fruktdrik@unaffiliated/fruktdrikk) (Excess Flood) [13:32:09] *** Quits: madknight (madknight@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-nottsslguadjzmhe) (Excess Flood) [13:32:09] *** Quits: LennyKitty (~lk@unaffiliated/lennykitty) (Excess Flood) [13:32:09] *** Quits: SCHAAP137 (~schapie@unaffiliated/schaap137) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: GrimKriegor (~GrimKrieg@ (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: schneid3306 (~schneid33@pool-100-6-144-223.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: hammer065 (~hammer065@unaffiliated/hammer065) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: dijit (~dijit@znc.darkscience.net) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: pavlushka (~pavlushka@ubuntu/member/pavlushka) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: BladedThesis (~BladedThe@2001:1af8:4010:a027:3::) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: averell (~averell@unaffiliated/averell) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: rt (rt@lykos/rt) (Excess Flood) [13:32:17] *** Quits: speak (~speak@grumpyhedgehog.me) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [13:32:17] *** Quits: Killerkid (Killerkid@unaffiliated/killerkid) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [13:32:17] *** Quits: apollojustice (apollo@unaffiliated/apollojustice) (Quit: ZNC 1.7.x-git-691-39646b6 - http://znc.in) [13:32:17] *** Quits: JZA (JZA@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-jvmejfbeewqycpaf) (Quit: Out for the count) [13:32:17] *** Quits: Cloudef (~Cloudef@dsl-jklbrasgw1-54fb10-2.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [13:32:17] *** Quits: niemal (~mein@unaffiliated/anoniem4l) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:17] *** Quits: hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: sigtrm (~sigtrm@quassel.woboq.com) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: kelvan (~quassel@merlin1991.at) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: thelinuxguy (~joq@unaffiliated/joq) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: siinus` (~hmmm@suht.kahtlane.info) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: Disconsented (~quassel@disconsented.com) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [13:32:18] *** Quits: Lenny_ (lenny@first.blesmrt.net) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net) [13:32:18] *** Quits: arTee (~arTee@host-81-200-56-86.ip.nej.cz) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: poljar (~poljar@93-143-146-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: andoruh (~andoruh@2601:1c0:c801:1f0:e6a4:71ff:feb5:7953) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: ineb (~ineb@i5DB51944.pool.tripleplugandplay.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: scriptiee (~scriptiee@unaffiliated/scriptiee) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: Minnozz (~minnozz@sanna.minnozz.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: mjevans_ (~mjevans@li984-246.members.linode.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: irb (NSAEchelon@retribution.maleficarum.org) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: necreo (necreo@Aircrack-NG/User/necreo) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: nazarewk (~nazarewk@1d23810ffe137.rev.snt.net.pl) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: ec\ (~me@ell.io) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: Turski (~turski@dsl-mlibrasgw2-50de08-195.dhcp.inet.fi) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: loofygun (~loofygun@unaffiliated/loofygun) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:18] *** Quits: beuker (~tim@node0.tim.wf) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:32:19] *** Lenny__ is now known as Lenny_ [13:32:20] *** Zloudef is now known as Cloudef [13:32:25] *** Joins: hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger) [13:32:27] *** Joins: necreo (necreo@Aircrack-NG/User/necreo) [13:32:28] *** Joins: Fruktdrikk (~Fruktdrik@unaffiliated/fruktdrikk) [13:32:29] *** Joins: Jupelius_ (jupelius@xen.ihme.org) [13:32:31] earnestly: this is tricky. No internett on my laptop so I can't provide loggs easily :c [13:32:35] *** Joins: pavlushka (~pavlushka@ubuntu/member/pavlushka) [13:32:35] *** Joins: hammer065 (~hammer065@unaffiliated/hammer065) [13:32:38] *** Joins: ecloud (quassel@nat/qt/x-lqbuqoswrmoaxalc) [13:32:44] dandels: is the firmware up to date? someone recently fixed this one by updating [13:32:50] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:32:57] what was that...? [13:33:04] *** Joins: vaesper (~vaesper@unaffiliated/vaesper) [13:33:08] *** Quits: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:33:10] earnestly: i'm not even morally conflicted this time! [13:33:10] Namarrgon: yeah I just updated it before I began installing [13:33:11] Foxboron: Mostly making a joke about dbus redundancy and how it's very difficult to at least try and figure out how to fix issues with it. I don't know [13:33:20] *** Joins: ShalokShalom (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [13:33:25] *** Joins: madknight (madknight@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-kjhkhfeqwxymcmtw) [13:33:28] *** Joins: speak (~speak@grumpyhedgehog.me) [13:33:31] earnestly: i sorta figured. I can't even reboot this shit now :D [13:33:38] Foxboron: I mean, this is fun: https://ptpb.pw/hySq [13:33:40] *** Joins: mclement (mclement@nat/ibm/x-juzdnpfzakjzuqpj) [13:33:52] Foxboron: Bypass dbus using sudo [13:34:01] *** Joins: rt (rt@lykos/rt) [13:34:07] makmm: netsplit [13:34:20] k [13:34:33] Hirr. Seems like the dbus service is running. On root. But anything from my user unit returns no such file or directory HUMmm [13:34:45] Foxboron: systemctl restart user@1000.service [13:34:50] assuming 1000 is your uid [13:35:13] How can i make the archiso use my phone (usb thetering) as network [13:35:15] ? [13:35:18] *** Quits: therue (~therue@1-162-64-95.dynamic.hinet.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:35:45] *** Joins: microcolonel (~aaron@unaffiliated/microcolonel) [13:35:54] grazzolini: I assume my user units are fucking something up maybe. I tried switching everything into them yesterday [13:36:03] *** Joins: l00t (~l00t@p57800bbb.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [13:36:07] Foxboron: might be [13:36:08] *** Minnozz_ is now known as Minnozz [13:36:16] !give makmm aw android tethering [13:36:17] makmm: Android tethering - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Android_tethering [13:36:26] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: vfw (~mythtv@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: javaisnom (~javaisnom@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: sekhmet (~pez@wilug/madlug/sekhmet) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: oskatat (~pi@ip72-201-139-160.ph.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: l3nkz (~l3nkz@erwin.inf.tu-dresden.de) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: onnex (~onnex@dsl-trebng22-58c1b7-58.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: Smoked_Duck (~kwrazi@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: hagen (~hagen@carlyle.tianming.eu) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: timewalker (~timewalke@eth0.nu) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:36:26] *** Quits: Jupelius (jupelius@xen.ihme.org) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [13:37:32] earnestly: oh wow... a wiki page of android thetering? i didnt expect that... [13:37:48] makmm: And iphone tethering [13:37:54] *** Joins: onnex (~onnex@dsl-trebng22-58c1b7-58.dhcp.inet.fi) [13:37:56] ._. [13:38:01] *** Joins: SCHAAP137 (~schapie@unaffiliated/schaap137) [13:38:39] *** Joins: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) [13:38:52] *** Joins: jack_boss (~neet@unaffiliated/jack-boss/x-2897284) [13:39:06] *** Quits: martium (~22_m_yk@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:39:36] bit rusy with virtualbox, but does arch need the properitary drivers of my gpu or the virtualguest addtions handle it? [13:39:42] earnestly: thanks! it works! now going to do my 2nd install of arch, on my desktop pc! [13:39:49] Yes ok. Fucked up systemd user units makes dbus time out. Duly noted [13:40:07] jack_boss: see the wiki [13:40:17] *** Quits: la_croix (~la_croix@host81-153-234-108.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:41:37] MrElendig: i didn't see a reference or it mentioning anything with regards of running X with arch as guest.. that part i did, but xorg-server wiki doesnt mention it [13:41:55] *** Joins: cgundersson (~christian@ [13:41:59] *** Quits: qt-x (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: qt-x) [13:42:00] *** Joins: jomg (~jomg@ [13:42:19] jack_boss: except that whole "arch as a guest" bit [13:42:26] *** Joins: skope (skope@psykedelia.org) [13:42:52] irtualBox Guest Additions provides drivers and applications that optimize the guest operating system including improved image resolution and better control of the mouse. Within the installed guest system, install: [13:42:53] *** Quits: inad922 (~inad925@78-131-82-48.pool.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [13:42:54] virtualbox-guest-utils for VirtualBox Guest utilities with X support [13:43:17] + the modules section [13:43:18] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:43:49] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [13:44:01] So, I think I fixed Chromium by removing my mimeapps.list files and then letting Chrome reset itself as the default and it stopped complaining. [13:44:33] *** Quits: jack_boss (~neet@unaffiliated/jack-boss/x-2897284) (Quit: reboot) [13:44:35] *** Joins: majo (~majo@unaffiliated/majo) [13:44:54] isn't there a "don't bother me again" checkbox in the chromium settings? [13:45:04] *** Quits: IcyDiamond (~icy@m83-191-209-156.cust.tele2.ee) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:45:23] *** Joins: la_croix (~la_croix@host81-153-234-108.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) [13:46:17] *** Joins: alx741 (~alx741@ [13:46:35] *** Quits: CyberDems (~dems@srv.webintuitive.co.za) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:46:36] *** Joins: mr_sm1th (~mr_sm1th@RN-145-97-159-129.eduroam.rug.nl) [13:46:40] *** Parts: Wizard (~wziuuuuuu@unaffiliated/wizard123) () [13:46:40] *** Joins: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ [13:46:44] *** Joins: dijit (~dijit@znc.darkscience.net) [13:47:20] *** Joins: loofygun (~loofygun@unaffiliated/loofygun) [13:48:09] *** Joins: CyberDems (~dems@srv.webintuitive.co.za) [13:48:36] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [13:49:10] *** Quits: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:49:20] *** Joins: anirban_ (~anirban@unaffiliated/apostasy) [13:49:30] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:49:50] *** Joins: timewalker (~timewalke@eth0.nu) [13:49:52] *** Quits: xiaodong (~xiaodong@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:51:14] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [13:51:27] *** Joins: hutch34 (~hutch34@h125.241.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) [13:51:44] *** Joins: shortCircuit__ (82d3f0e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [13:51:51] hello [13:51:58] I wanted to ask a question [13:52:05] *** Quits: anirban (~anirban@unaffiliated/apostasy) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:52:16] !ask [13:52:17] Don't ask to ask, if anyone is here or alive, or uses something. Just ask, and we'll get moving along. Thanks. [13:52:17] I have been given a macbook 20fancy one with touchbar .. so now I will have an ssd with archlinux installed, so if I boot from the ssd. what drivers other than the touchbar won't work? [13:52:51] *** Quits: sbraz (~sbraz@unaffiliated/drwx) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:53:23] *** Joins: sbraz (~sbraz@unaffiliated/drwx) [13:54:08] !give shortCircuit__ w [13:54:09] shortCircuit__: wikipedia wiki [13:54:17] *** Joins: c0nch1t0 (~c0nch1t0@ [13:54:17] !give shortCircuit__ aw macbook [13:54:18] shortCircuit__: Macbook - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Macbook [13:54:21] that xD [13:54:35] oh cool [13:54:39] *** Joins: IcyDiamond (~icy@m83-180-119-160.cust.tele2.ee) [13:55:12] *** Quits: redjollyroger (~csrynne@ (Quit: Leaving) [13:55:25] so i have to format the / to hfs+ !! [13:55:26] *** Quits: CathyInBlue (~garrett@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:55:28] *** Joins: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) [13:55:29] last i knew support was pretty sparse, but that was a couple of months ago [13:55:41] shortCircuit__: no, just no [13:56:01] *** Joins: scottpgallagher (~scottpgal@client-130-203-79-46.mobility.psu.edu) [13:56:05] ok a sample partition table is given below though. it looks like a normal partition [13:56:16] (linux doesn't even support hfs+) [13:56:17] You really don't want hfs+ [13:56:25] No one wants hfs+ [13:56:35] apple engineers don't really want hfs+ [13:56:40] even apple is (finally) dropping hfs+ [13:56:44] *** Joins: nguyenphi (uid211192@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nqkzblehsxzlvzzg) [13:56:49] They /really/ don't want hfs+, more than most I imagine [13:57:03] *** Joins: Throdne (~Throdne@ [13:57:03] *** Joins: hagen (~hagen@carlyle.tianming.eu) [13:57:09] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [13:57:29] apple should drop everything and use linux.. I mean osx is a nice toy... :D [13:57:34] *** Quits: scottpgallagher (~scottpgal@client-130-203-79-46.mobility.psu.edu) (Client Quit) [13:57:54] someone really needs to come up with apple grade hardware and DOS and no nvdia [13:58:03] ok [13:58:36] *** Quits: Guest60245 (~Makaveli7@ (Quit: Leaving) [13:58:38] can someone suggest a good laptop actually.. with core i5 and 4/8gb 128gb ssd or 1tb hdd . I am not sure what to buy :( [13:58:52] *** Quits: mr_sm1th (~mr_sm1th@RN-145-97-159-129.eduroam.rug.nl) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:59:01] *** Joins: r5hej (~r5hej@h224.natout.aau.dk) [13:59:12] you totally forget to include your budget there [13:59:17] *** Quits: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [13:59:24] because those range from 300€ to 3000€ [13:59:31] and you never want a hdd [13:59:47] *** Joins: mr_sm1th (~mr_sm1th@RN-145-97-159-129.eduroam.rug.nl) [14:00:09] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@wn-campus-nat-129-97-124-206.dynamic.uwaterloo.ca) [14:00:10] oh .. in indian currency its 50K to 60K INR .. so like half of 800$ USD laptops (because when it comes in here, the price simply doubles) [14:00:13] :P0 [14:00:19] *** Joins: yith (yith@nat/redhat/x-gkbuzoklqdjiifcg) [14:00:31] Firefox tells me "The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security." after a system upgarde. [14:00:32] *** Quits: alexandre9099 (~alexandre@gateway/tor-sasl/alexandre9099) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:00:48] mr_sm1th: report it to said site or stop using it [14:00:48] How can I diagnose/fix this? [14:00:53] *** Joins: alexandre9099 (~alexandre@gateway/tor-sasl/alexandre9099) [14:01:02] the site that is [14:01:03] It's my computer. [14:01:04] *** Joins: scriptie1 (~scriptiee@unaffiliated/scriptiee) [14:01:06] *** scriptie1 is now known as scriptiee [14:01:09] I get this on google.com [14:01:14] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:01:35] *** Quits: majo (~majo@unaffiliated/majo) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:01:35] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:01:35] I'm pretty sure they know how to set up SSL properly. [14:01:43] except when they don't :p [14:01:56] :D [14:02:08] http://www.pcworld.com/article/2906216/expired-google-certificate-temporarily-disrupts-gmail-service.html [14:02:10] Title: Expired Google certificate temporarily disrupts Gmail service | PCWorld (at www.pcworld.com) [14:02:11] *** Joins: lumidify (~lumidify@unaffiliated/lumidify) [14:02:13] *** Joins: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) [14:02:24] *** Quits: c0nch1t0 (~c0nch1t0@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [14:02:33] anyway, pacman -Q ca-certificates [14:03:01] ca-certificates 20160507-1 [14:03:10] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@ [14:04:04] *** Joins: duc_synth80 (~duc_synth@ [14:04:09] I will leave for now.... go home and come back on the laptop topic :) [14:04:19] *** Quits: opthomasprime (~thomas@p2003006A620BA740BEEE7BFFFE785E9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:04:23] *** Quits: shortCircuit__ (82d3f0e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [14:04:28] pacman -Q ca-certificates-mozilla [14:05:05] ca-certificates-mozilla 3.28.1-1 [14:05:51] *** Parts: duc_synth80 (~duc_synth@ () [14:06:15] 'flagged out of date' [14:06:18] maybe that's the problem [14:06:19] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:06:44] *** Joins: averell (~averell@unaffiliated/averell) [14:06:53] mr_sm1th: are you going to keep cross-posting? [14:06:58] *** Quits: fbu (~fbu@pl1369.nas825.p-tokyo.nttpc.ne.jp) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [14:07:09] *** Quits: r5hej (~r5hej@h224.natout.aau.dk) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7-dev) [14:07:15] mr_sm1th: please don't do that, just ask in #archlinux-arm or here not both.... [14:07:30] jelle: got it thanks [14:07:36] I think it's not arm specific [14:07:41] * jelle sighs [14:08:14] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [14:08:59] * mr_sm1th sighs harder [14:09:13] * mr_sm1th shakes head [14:09:17] * mr_sm1th looks up in despair [14:10:10] mr_sm1th: using [testing] ? [14:10:20] nope [14:10:42] pacman -Q nss [14:10:51] nss 3.28.1-1 [14:10:56] *** Quits: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [14:11:35] *** Quits: revoltingPeasant (~joe@unaffiliated/th3-g0d5) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:12:33] *** Quits: szorfein (~ivy@gateway/tor-sasl/szorfein) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:12:56] *** Joins: szorfein (~ivy@gateway/tor-sasl/szorfein) [14:14:02] *** Quits: altbashi (~altbashi@p4917205-ipngn25401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [14:15:18] *** Quits: Throdne (~Throdne@ (Quit: Leaving) [14:15:29] *** Joins: majo (~majo@unaffiliated/majo) [14:15:41] *** Joins: bel3atar (bel3atar@gateway/shell/insomnia247/x-qiceutipqbzrkwft) [14:16:44] *** Joins: _chaky_ (~chaky@gateway/tor-sasl/chaky) [14:16:44] *** Quits: mikcol (~mikcol@129-241-229-46-gw.cgn.ntnu.no) (Quit: mikcol) [14:17:36] *** Quits: A124 (~Username@unaffiliated/a124) (Quit: '') [14:17:50] *** Joins: futune (~futune@ [14:18:11] *** Joins: martium (~22_m_yk@ [14:18:12] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:18:22] does this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME do auto offloading? [14:18:22] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:18:22] Title: PRIME - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [14:19:01] no [14:19:31] *** Quits: chaky (~chaky@gateway/tor-sasl/chaky) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:20:13] Where is the best place to track the status of incoming packages? E.g. I want to know when a certain package version will be promoted to the official repos. [14:20:25] !when [14:20:26] When it's ready. [14:20:28] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@wn-campus-nat-129-97-124-206.dynamic.uwaterloo.ca) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [14:21:01] Let me reword -- where can I track the discussions/tests/etc around specific packages so I can make a best guess on when things will be ready? [14:21:11] *** Joins: jack_boss (~neet@unaffiliated/jack-boss/x-2897284) [14:21:29] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:21:29] AeroNotix: probably arch-dev-public, but not every package update is discussed there [14:21:31] MrElendig: why not? [14:21:39] thurstylark: thank you [14:21:39] AeroNotix: most discussions happen on places you have not access [14:21:43] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:21:46] grazzolini: that's... concerning [14:21:46] also that [14:21:54] AeroNotix: not really [14:21:58] ugh, so i removed xf86-intel-video and vbox guest additions work just copy paste between host and guest isn't [14:22:07] AeroNotix: you can always keep tabs on testing and staging if you want [14:22:15] by work i mean, fullscreen and resolution change when using X [14:22:19] I am looking to know when mesa-17 will be available. [14:22:41] soon(tm) [14:22:42] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:22:51] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:22:53] AeroNotix: there's more involved than just mesa. but yeah, soon [14:23:01] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:23:11] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:23:35] bel3atar: because auto offloading is not supported on gnu/linux at all currently [14:23:47] bel3atar: ask nvidia for why [14:24:07] MrElendig: why not AMD? [14:24:08] *** Quits: Lokke (~Thunderbi@ip5f5ad098.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Lokke) [14:24:31] could it be some bios USB setting on my host for copy paste not to work between host and guest? [14:24:37] so i'm trying to increase the mouse pointer speed on my computer. neither the KDE system settings thing, nor lxinput, nor xset, did work. suggestions? [14:24:40] AeroNotix: there are rss feeds, svn logs, commit MLs [14:24:53] bel3atar: you have a amd card? [14:24:57] i mean i got vboxservice.service enabled [14:25:17] MrElendig: yes [14:25:20] *** _chaky_ is now known as chaky [14:25:28] *** Quits: s4ro (~saro@222-9-159-88.business.edutel.nl) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [14:25:53] *** Joins: revoltingPeasant (~joe@unaffiliated/th3-g0d5) [14:26:08] that is rare [14:26:10] *** Joins: Lokke (~Thunderbi@ip5f5ad098.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [14:26:29] specially since most intel/amd laptops only have the amd card enabled in the hardware [14:26:31] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:26:41] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:26:45] if i understand the wiki correctly after retunin for the 10th time i need to Add VBoxClient-all to .xinitrc since i use xinit to start X ; correct? [14:27:05] *** Joins: currybullen (~currybull@h-205-136.a251.priv.bahnhof.se) [14:27:32] MrElendig: I don't have much detail, I have an 850g3 laptop. I don't even know if it support PRIME [14:28:26] *** Joins: MoonGNatRouth (~MoonGNatR@ [14:28:45] *** Joins: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) [14:28:52] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [14:28:54] *** Joins: A124 (~Username@unaffiliated/a124) [14:29:00] reboot [14:29:02] *** Parts: jack_boss (~neet@unaffiliated/jack-boss/x-2897284) () [14:29:34] so i have a web application running on a web server in an EC2 instance, from the web application (which is written in php) i would like to access a S3 bucket. are my AWS security credentials needed for this, or is there a smarter way of going about it? i.e. placing the S3 bucket in the same VPC as the EC2 instance (not even sure if this is possible) and configuring a security group? [14:29:45] oh wait, wrong channel lol [14:30:44] hi! When I type ls, I've got ''$'\321\213\320\262\321\204\321\213\320\262' instead of name with russian letters. how can I fix it? I already tried to setfont cyr-sun16 [14:30:48] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:30:53] *** Joins: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) [14:30:59] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:31:18] *** Joins: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) [14:31:21] man ls [14:31:38] huh, it's actually not documented [14:31:48] *** Joins: Pillowcase_ (~makura@unaffiliated/pillowcase/x-5995480) [14:31:56] what does locale say [14:32:00] *** Joins: siidney (~siid@ [14:32:10] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:32:19] *** Quits: mr_sm1th (~mr_sm1th@RN-145-97-159-129.eduroam.rug.nl) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [14:32:25] *** Quits: hiptobecubic (~john@unaffiliated/hiptobecubic) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:33:09] MrElendig: wat [14:33:10] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [14:33:10] *** Joins: Aelius (~Aelius@unaffiliated/aelius) [14:33:13] *** Joins: phairoh (~phairoh@ [14:33:30] LANG=en_US.UTF-8, all other variables "C". I prefer english version, but I want to use russian names in console [14:33:31] How do I determin the cause of a reboot? All journalctl tells me is -Reboot- [14:33:34] Hello71: ? [14:33:36] and I didn't issue it [14:33:37] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:33:47] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:33:50] !give MrElendig weechat2 [14:33:51] MrElendig: Prime cause for wrong completions: https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?12188 [14:33:58] *** Quits: _3onyc (~3onyc@unaffiliated/3onyc/x-6278885) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:34:05] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:34:08] MoonGNatRouth: C != allows russian names in console [14:34:15] MoonGNatRouth: C == ascii only [14:34:18] *** Joins: mr_sm1th (~mr_sm1th@RN-145-97-159-129.eduroam.rug.nl) [14:34:20] *** Quits: Black_Prince (~Black_Pri@unaffiliated/blackprince) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:34:31] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [14:34:35] я так не думаю [14:34:50] *** Joins: hiptobecubic (~john@unaffiliated/hiptobecubic) [14:34:50] *** Joins: mystiiq (~mystiiq@2001:700:300:1430:d807:8e3f:cd54:c0c5) [14:34:51] MoonGNatRouth: You want UTF-8 everywhere, hopefully glibc, like oBSD, will have a C.UTF-8 soon as well [14:35:00] export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 helped. thank you [14:35:29] *** Quits: mohsen_ (~Mohsen@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [14:35:31] MoonGNatRouth: http://turnoff.us/geek/user-space-election/ [14:35:32] Title: User Space Election (at turnoff.us) [14:35:44] *** Joins: MarcinWieczorek (~MarcinWie@afcc154.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) [14:36:25] Namarrgon: Heh, Rodseth sent a --dry-run patch to util-linux's rename [14:36:28] Namarrgon: Just now [14:36:51] *** Quits: obZen (~quassel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:36:56] sneaky [14:37:06] eee. how can I set en_US.UTF-8 to all variables from locale? or at least to LC_ALL for all users, not only for me [14:37:31] don't use LC_ALL [14:37:34] !LC_ALL [14:37:35] Hello71: BLEEP BLOOP [14:37:37] thanks [14:37:52] Hello71: Feel free to port #bash factoids over, I've done a few [14:37:56] * Hello71 is lazy [14:38:02] !give MoonGNatRouth aw locale [14:38:03] MoonGNatRouth: Locale - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Locale [14:38:05] MoonGNatRouth: man locale.conf [14:38:05] *** Joins: obZen (~quassel@ [14:38:06] Hello. Has anyone had problems with latest Xorg and urxvt? My terminal is pink [14:38:28] *** Quits: Phr33d0m (~x@gentoo/contributor/phr33d0m) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:38:28] MarcinWieczorek: usually means that you have a syntax error in your .Xdefaults/resources [14:38:30] Hello71: Aw, greybot doesn't explain why [14:38:35] *** Quits: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:38:37] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [14:38:51] MrElendig: I have changed nothing, I'm tracking that file with git [14:38:58] *** Quits: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:38:59] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:39:11] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [14:39:14] yeah. already found. thank you ;) [14:39:18] *** Joins: llorephie (~Thunderbi@ [14:39:53] *** Joins: crobbins (~crobbins@2602:30a:c08e:19e0::46) [14:39:58] *** Joins: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) [14:40:05] *** Quits: MoonGNatRouth (~MoonGNatR@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:40:11] *** Quits: armyriad (~armyriad@96-39-247-38.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:40:24] *** Joins: armyriad (~armyriad@ [14:40:38] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:40:56] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [14:41:42] Any idea? [14:41:54] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [14:41:57] Hello71: There is literally places on google telling you to use LC_ALL because it's less annoying than setting all the LC_ environments [14:42:14] MarcinWieczorek: move it out of the way and try again? [14:42:18] *** Quits: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) (Quit: felipedvorak) [14:43:12] It won't be pink anymore. They might disable some ancient way of reading colors, what do you think? [14:43:49] start commenting out lines until you find the ones that cause this [14:44:04] *** Joins: UNIcodeX__ (~UNIcodeX@vpn.ladelta.edu) [14:44:14] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:44:46] *** sekhmet_ is now known as sekhmet [14:44:52] *** Joins: arTee__ (~arTee@host-81-200-56-86.ip.nej.cz) [14:44:56] *** Quits: Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [14:45:08] well, mesa 17 is in [testing], let the fun begin [14:45:34] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@wn-campus-nat-129-97-124-206.dynamic.uwaterloo.ca) [14:45:35] *** Joins: Phr33d0m (~x@gentoo/contributor/phr33d0m) [14:45:50] *** Quits: arTee_ (~arTee@host-81-200-56-86.ip.nej.cz) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:45:50] *** Quits: zzzeyez (~zzzeyez@174-29-186-12.hlrn.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:45:50] *** Quits: nfnty (~nfnty@81-230-83-181-no297.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:45:50] *** Quits: wkts (~wkts@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:45:50] *** Quits: SporkWitch (~SporkWitc@unaffiliated/sporkwitch) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:46:00] *** Quits: DenSchub (~DenSchub@sprachrohr.0b101010.org) (Max SendQ exceeded) [14:46:09] *** Joins: nfnty (~nfnty@81-230-83-181-no297.tbcn.telia.com) [14:46:09] could post your exact config and a dump of the xrdb [14:46:09] and a ss of the urxvt window [14:46:10] Yeah I'll try... [14:46:10] *** Joins: top4o (~chatzilla@95-42-17-62.ip.btc-net.bg) [14:46:25] *** Joins: DenSchub (~DenSchub@sprachrohr.0b101010.org) [14:46:25] sure. I'll give you my dotfiles [14:46:31] *** Joins: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ [14:46:40] *** Quits: stairmast0r (~stairmast@unaffiliated/stairmast0r) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:47:10] *** Quits: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:47:17] How do I tell where a device is mounted? [14:47:26] lmat: findmnt(8)! [14:47:28] *** Quits: mr_sm1th (~mr_sm1th@RN-145-97-159-129.eduroam.rug.nl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:47:30] I have a smartctl failure on /dev/sdd, and I think it *might* be unused. [14:47:35] *** Quits: philwyettreb (~philwyett@79-74-95-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Quit: Play the game, for the games sake.) [14:47:40] *** Quits: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:47:40] *** Quits: UNIcodeX_ (~UNIcodeX@vpn.ladelta.edu) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:47:52] *** Parts: top4o (~chatzilla@95-42-17-62.ip.btc-net.bg) () [14:47:55] lmat: you can even do things like: findmnt -nT "$PWD" -o TARGET,SOURCE [14:48:02] http://i.marcin.co/2017-02-13-154749_792x661_scrot.png [14:48:06] *** Joins: SporkWitch (~SporkWitc@unaffiliated/sporkwitch) [14:48:17] earnestly: When I use that, I see a reference to /dev/mapper/stephen-root How do I know that doesn't refer to /dev/sdd? [14:48:22] *** Joins: aidanh (~aidanh@unaffiliated/aidanh) [14:48:24] *** Joins: wkts (~wkts@ [14:48:26] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarcinWieczorek/dotfiles/master/.Xresources [14:48:49] *** Joins: stairmast0r (~stairmast@unaffiliated/stairmast0r) [14:48:51] lmat: findmnt -S /dev/sdd [14:49:01] *** Joins: Smither (~Smither@cpc105474-brad21-2-0-cust495.17-1.cable.virginm.net) [14:49:11] *** Quits: mystiiq (~mystiiq@2001:700:300:1430:d807:8e3f:cd54:c0c5) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4) [14:49:42] earnestly: I tried that with sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, and it returns nothing every time :-( yet mount(1) says /dev/sda1 is used for /boot. [14:49:54] lmat: Dude [14:50:03] Oh, findmnt -S /dev/sda1; *does* return /boot. [14:50:03] lmat: If the device as partitions, use the partition... [14:50:05] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@ [14:50:12] m( [14:50:42] is that a smiley? I'm not seeing it [14:50:59] lmat: It's a facepalm [14:51:00] *** Joins: Pie-jacker875 (~Pie-jacke@c-24-62-41-71.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) [14:51:12] *** Joins: kelvan (~quassel@merlin1991.at) [14:51:23] ahh haha [14:51:25] MarcinWieczorek: You probably don't need the : in the definition with macros [14:51:47] earnestly: This doesn't work. lsblk suggests that /dev/sda5 is used for /dev/mapper/stephen-root; but findmnt -S /dev/sda5; returns nothing. [14:51:54] MarcinWieczorek: And you don't need * for that class either [14:51:59] *** Joins: svito (~svito@ [14:52:00] *** Quits: lumidify (~lumidify@unaffiliated/lumidify) (Quit: leaving) [14:52:10] lmat: lsblk reads udev (i.e. the kernel), not the actual disk [14:52:12] "pvdisplay" [14:52:17] *** Quits: svito (~svito@ (Client Quit) [14:52:28] Hey. I'm trying to get tinyos to work on my arch laptop, I have downloaded and installed tinyos and nesc from source, but when i try to make and make install i am missing the ncc program. it is referenced in the ubuntu man pages but I can't workout where the source code is or how to install it. any one else used tinyos and know how to do this? [14:52:43] It used to work fine. [14:52:59] *** Joins: mystiiq (~mystiiq@2001:700:300:1430:d807:8e3f:cd54:c0c5) [14:53:00] Smither: Why are you using make install... ;( [14:53:10] earnestly: I originally asked: "How can I be sure /dev/sdd isn't being used" it looks like findmnt is not a safe way to do that in the face of lvm (or probably mdadm? and no telling what other utilities) :-) [14:53:21] well it actually fails before that. it fails on the make stage. [14:53:24] lmat: You didn't ask that [14:53:43] :'( [14:54:06] lmat: you didn't even mention lvm (or DM devices) [14:54:52] *** Joins: GI_Jack (~GI_Jack@pdpc/supporter/active/gi-jack) [14:54:57] MarcinWieczorek: Sure it willw ork, but you don't /need/ it. Gosh, xresources sure is cargo-culted [14:55:18] earnestly: I think your answer was correct. "How do I tell where a device is mounted?" "findmnt". I *should* have asked: "How can I tell if a device is being used?" [14:55:53] *** Joins: ttr_ppix (~ttr_ppix@unaffiliated/ttr-ppix/x-4511972) [14:56:01] earnestly: thanks for the advice. [14:56:38] lmat: If you want a general mechanism, basically lsof [14:56:39] *** zerick_ is now known as zerick [14:56:55] lmat: Again, because you didn't mention DMs [14:57:05] *** Quits: TheSilentLink (~TheSilent@unaffiliated/thesilentlink) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:57:43] But not really even [14:58:28] lmat: Because it can be mounted and unused [14:59:26] lmat: And then you even involve namespaces, and your question quickly boils down to meaningless. This is the /primary/ reason why vague, general "y" questions are such a pain the in arse [14:59:33] *** Joins: Omar007 (~Omar007@2001:980:d086:1:21c7:1b8e:1f40:2884) [14:59:50] lmat: So instead, just ask the real question, first, always [14:59:55] *** Quits: Cthulu201 (~Cthulu201@unaffiliated/cthulu201) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [15:00:06] *** Joins: shizy (~shizy@ [15:00:38] *** Joins: hiyosilver (~hiyosilve@unaffiliated/hiyosilver) [15:00:39] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [15:01:19] *** Quits: martium (~22_m_yk@ (Remote host closed the connection) [15:01:22] *** Joins: PatrolDoom (~NilesCaul@99-103-170-95.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) [15:01:34] *** Joins: mdel (uid25573@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pgvletnzoisunlls) [15:01:45] ... I wonder if trying to use flock -x on a device block would work [15:01:54] earnestly: i think a lot of people have a really hard time identifying the issue they're having. they have so many assumptions that theyre unaware of [15:01:55] *** Quits: arTee__ (~arTee@host-81-200-56-86.ip.nej.cz) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:02:16] *** Joins: Cthulu201 (~Cthulu201@unaffiliated/cthulu201) [15:02:30] *** Quits: cgundersson (~christian@ (Quit: cgundersson) [15:02:32] i think that when someone asks a bad question, their implied question (that they dont even know they need to ask) is, canyou help me figure out what im talking about here? [15:03:07] *** Joins: techno_x64 (~techno_x6@unaffiliated/dark-wolf) [15:03:09] *** Joins: nZac (~Kingino@vpn-gateway.level12.net) [15:03:23] ishmael: On the contrary, xy problems usually result from them thinking they /do/ know what the problem is, and asking about issues they're having their path of logic towards their solution [15:03:36] *** Quits: gwash (~gwash@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [15:03:37] I'm having problems with tinyos and nesc. I have installed tinyos and nesc from source as described here-> http://tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos-wiki/index.php/Installing_From_Source but when i try make the Null app it fails, see the log here-> https://ptpb.pw/06ve I have looked for how to install the ncc program and the only thing i can find is on the ubuntu forums here-> [15:03:39] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/ncc.1.html but I can't work out where to get it from [15:03:39] Title: Installing From Source - TinyOS Wiki (at tinyos.stanford.edu) [15:03:40] Title: Ubuntu Manpage: ncc - nesC compiler for TinyOS (at manpages.ubuntu.com) [15:03:42] ishmael: But it's a paradox [15:03:56] earnestly: right, that's what im saying. that theyre making assumptions of which theyre unaware [15:04:02] *** Joins: beardedeagle (~beardedea@ [15:04:12] ishmael: It would be much easier to be honest though, no thinking required :D [15:04:18] *** Quits: nZac (~Kingino@vpn-gateway.level12.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:04:25] *** Joins: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) [15:04:26] ?pkgfile ncc [15:04:27] earnestly: no results for 'ncc' [15:04:38] Smither: You'll have to find out where you can get this ncc tool from [15:04:42] earnestly: unfortunately, human brains think, even when they probably shouldnt [15:04:53] ishmael: heh :p [15:06:02] *** Joins: dk0r (~dk0r@unaffiliated/dk0r) [15:07:03] And nope, I thought flock -x might open with creat|excl [15:07:34] *** Quits: ivladak (~quassel@bran.ispras.ru) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [15:07:34] *** Quits: ferr1 (~ferr@81-7-68-230.static.zebra.lt) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [15:07:51] *** Joins: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) [15:08:15] *** Joins: martium (~22_m_yk@ [15:09:02] *** Joins: KindOne_ (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone) [15:09:06] *** Quits: bnw (~bnw@unaffiliated/bnw) (Quit: Leaving) [15:10:14] *** Joins: t_h (~tobi@ [15:10:34] *** Quits: KindOne (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [15:12:06] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [15:13:14] *** KindOne_ is now known as KindOne [15:13:18] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@wn-campus-nat-129-97-124-206.dynamic.uwaterloo.ca) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [15:13:55] lmat: Best I could find: fuser -vm /dev/... [15:14:00] lmat: Does that work on dm? [15:14:07] *** Quits: K0JIbKA (~nikobit@ (Quit: K0JIbKA) [15:14:13] lmat: Because, it might not... [15:14:32] *** Quits: chjj (~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [15:14:42] lmat: If you want to check dm, then use the path to the /dev/mapper/ stuff instead [15:15:17] *** Quits: d1z (~gt@unaffiliated/grullizzle) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:15:28] *** Joins: andrewSC (~andrewSC@unaffiliated/andrewsc) [15:15:44] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2620:101:f000:700:b682:1029:fec1:8ea7) [15:16:08] *** Joins: Diemuzi (~IceChat9@unaffiliated/diemuzi) [15:16:43] lmat: I use lsof -t / [15:16:51] fuser requires the exact patch [15:16:55] *** Joins: crobbins_ (~crobbins@mobile-107-92-59-51.mycingular.net) [15:16:56] *path [15:17:16] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [15:17:26] *** Joins: gwash (~gwash@ [15:17:27] It seems that I can't use #define anymore in Xresources... [15:19:25] *** Quits: crobbins (~crobbins@2602:30a:c08e:19e0::46) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [15:21:22] do you have mcpp installed? [15:21:24] *** Quits: Soni (SoniEx2@unaffiliated/soniex2) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:21:29] does xrdb still use it? [15:21:31] grazzolini: They don't know the mountpoint though [15:21:39] Never heard of it [15:21:48] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2620:101:f000:700:b682:1029:fec1:8ea7) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:21:50] *** Joins: tempnick (~ghost@x1-6-08-3e-5d-48-7b-b2.cpe.webspeed.dk) [15:21:52] *** Joins: In33dt0kn0w (~zer0err0r@ [15:22:01] looks like it does, it is an optdep [15:22:06] Re: LUKS encrypted 4TB drive issues - Relevant terminal output: https://share.riseup.net/#uDlZxuuGo2fW52wSdX9tZQ It would be amazing if someone could help me fix my drive up. Ugh... if I lose all that data... :/ [15:22:07] *** Quits: Purec (~Purec@unaffiliated/purec) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.4 - http://znc.in) [15:22:08] Title: share.riseup.net (at share.riseup.net) [15:22:20] why would it matter? [15:22:24] earnestly: it works on directories too [15:22:44] MarcinWieczorek: --with-cpp=/usr/bin/cpp,/usr/bin/mcpp [15:22:45] grazzolini: Yeah? A mountpoint is usually a directory, this is what we don't know [15:22:52] *** Joins: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) [15:22:56] *** Joins: opthomasprime (~thomas@p5B3BEB11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [15:23:00] *** Joins: _3onyc (~3onyc@unaffiliated/3onyc/x-6278885) [15:23:00] Anyone up for helping me not lose years of work? :/ [15:23:02] MarcinWieczorek: it shouldn't, in theory [15:23:12] *** Joins: edh (~edh1@2001:4ca0:0:f230:76df:bfff:fe30:a443) [15:23:13] earnestly: sure, but you understood me ;-) [15:23:23] *** Joins: therue (~therue@1-162-64-95.dynamic.hinet.net) [15:23:37] no difference with mcpp [15:23:43] bbl, thanks anyway [15:24:09] I can remove every #define and put hex colors instead of variables there and it should work [15:24:13] now the best way tho [15:24:23] *** Joins: am0nrahx (~quassel@unaffiliated/am0nrahx) [15:25:18] tempnick: seems like a bad disk [15:25:50] *** Quits: mirk0 (~mirk0@unaffiliated/-mirko-/x-2946915) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [15:26:38] Lol it almost moves me to tears to read that. [15:26:40] *** Quits: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:26:42] *** Quits: Tazmain (~Tazmain@unaffiliated/tazmain) (Quit: Leaving) [15:26:59] *** Quits: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: idsfj) [15:27:01] *** Joins: Keziolio (~quassel@fsf/member/Keziolio) [15:27:06] *** Quits: revoltingPeasant (~joe@unaffiliated/th3-g0d5) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [15:27:09] MarcinWieczorek: (Btw, don't use UXterm either, use xterm -u8 (or configure the utf8 resource instead). The latter messes with the locale and it really shouldn't) [15:27:17] *** Joins: iconz (~iconz@ [15:27:20] tempnick: lol, you have backups, right? [15:27:26] *** Joins: crobbins__ (~crobbins@2602:30a:c08e:19e0::46) [15:27:32] *** Quits: still0r (~erik@mail.inera.se) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:27:37] blender is broken again [15:27:51] *** Joins: mirk0 (~mirk0@unaffiliated/-mirko-/x-2946915) [15:27:54] grazzolini: The 4TB *is* my backup drive! And my 1TB backup of my 4TB backup drive doesn't have my treasures on it! :(( [15:27:56] filed a bug report 3 hours ago but nobody cared [15:27:58] fix it ffs [15:27:59] "72057594037927936 512-byte logical blocks: (36.9 EB/32.0 EiB)" very big device indeed [15:28:14] tempnick: so, no backup [15:28:19] Nope. [15:28:30] *** Quits: Stick (~stick@Kol-kolibrien.cust.fsknet.dk) (Quit: leaving) [15:28:40] tempnick: did you at least had a luks header backup? [15:28:47] Keziolio: how is it broken? [15:28:52] I didn't know that was a thing... [15:29:03] Namarrgon: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/52947?project=5 [15:29:03] Title: FS#52947 : [blender] blender does not start (at bugs.archlinux.org) [15:29:05] *** Joins: revoltingPeasant (~joe@unaffiliated/th3-g0d5) [15:29:17] tempnick: it is, and it might save you in situations like this [15:29:28] *** Quits: panostimos (~ptim@athedsl-141700.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:29:29] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [15:29:44] *** Quits: crobbins_ (~crobbins@mobile-107-92-59-51.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:29:44] *** cedra is now known as ced_ra [15:30:16] *** Joins: penc4ke (~penc4k3__@p508F083D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [15:30:30] grazzolini: Next time I'll backup my LUKS header then, for sure. Could any of the advanced automagical gdisk commands save me? [15:30:32] Keziolio: is that the whole output? [15:30:37] Namarrgon: yes [15:30:43] *** Quits: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [15:30:44] tempnick: not really [15:30:47] *** Joins: bluedrc (~bluebrain@abnn241.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) [15:30:52] it's the second time something like this happens in a few days [15:31:01] Keziolio: pacman -Q opencollada [15:31:02] last time was another library [15:31:06] *** Joins: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) [15:31:21] opencollada 20150702-3 [15:31:21] i wrote that in the report [15:31:22] *** Quits: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-127.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [15:31:39] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2620:101:f000:700:b682:1029:fec1:8ea7) [15:31:48] Keziolio: I was just looking at that. The path to the library is added to the linker's path in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opencollada.conf [15:31:56] *** Quits: jagob (~jacob@h229.natout.aau.dk) (Quit: Lost terminal) [15:32:08] grazzolini: You're quite familiar with LUKS lvm crypto and such? Certain my disk is screwed? Nothing I can do? Trying to figure out if I should, stop trying. [15:32:08] *** Joins: d1z (~gt@unaffiliated/grullizzle) [15:32:25] MarcinWieczorek: Anyway, the problem actually jsut seems like you forgot to load the new xresources [15:32:42] Messed up somewhere, because the cpp didn't run [15:33:01] tempnick: no, I'm not certain. but, if you can't read from your disk, you're pretty much screwed [15:33:16] *** Joins: cedra (~cedra@unaffiliated/cedra) [15:33:17] *** Quits: CC0422 (~CC0422@ (Quit: CC0422) [15:33:18] *** Joins: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) [15:33:23] *** Joins: brontosaurusrex (~mua@unaffiliated/brontosaurusrex) [15:33:24] Scimmia: not sure if I understood [15:33:26] *** Quits: crobbins__ (~crobbins@2602:30a:c08e:19e0::46) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:33:29] tempnick: Unless you can break the encryption used, you're SOL :p [15:33:37] Hey guys [15:33:41] *** Joins: arttuh5n1 (~arttuh5n1@ [15:33:41] is there a workaround? [15:33:43] How exactly does the ** work? [15:33:44] Keziolio: pacman -Qkk opencollada [15:33:45] What would I google for to get this image in svg format? https://scontent.flju1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16602360_10154820254060937_3210118007924380791_o.jpg?oh=9fcd59d30cfca1280a8cadcc4d555827&oe=593CE3B3 [15:33:49] Keziolio: works for me [15:33:49] *** Joins: crobbins__ (~crobbins@2602:30a:c08e:19e0::46) [15:33:53] grazzolini: this tool 'testdisk' can work my disk over checking it. So, it's not mechanical, perhaps... Just partition screw up-y maybe? [15:33:56] *** Parts: ced_ra (CEDRA@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-aplcjkbudmvzyxrd) () [15:34:03] Keziolio: the library is at /usr/lib/opencollada/libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.so. The file I mentioned tells the linker to look in that dir [15:34:05] *** Joins: shiva__ (~LordShiva@unaffiliated/lordshiva) [15:34:07] Namarrgon: opencollada: 364 total files, 0 altered files [15:34:09] *** Quits: du5tball (~du5tball@filzwiesel.de) (Quit: NEEP NEEP) [15:34:16] *** Joins: BiGOranGe (~BiGOranGe@ [15:34:26] Scimmia: ah ok i wasn't finding it in /usr/lib [15:34:48] earnestly: Hmm... If I conspire to commit some terror maybe my local intelligence agency will give me a hand. [15:34:59] Keziolio: run ldconfig as root, see if there's any errors [15:35:06] *** Quits: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) (Client Quit) [15:35:06] Keziolio: ldconfig -p | less /libOpenCOLLADA [15:35:11] tempnick: without your partition table you could still theoretically recover your data using your luks header [15:35:17] i'm having trouble figuring out how to route traffic through my command line vpn client, openconnect, is there a wiki for this already?> [15:35:18] *** Joins: endi (~endi@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) [15:35:22] Or I guess you can skip checking and just rebuild the ld cache [15:35:24] *** crobbins__ is now known as crobbins [15:35:31] Scimmia: no output [15:35:40] tempnick: Except they can't either [15:35:49] tempnick: and, the header might still be there, if it's just the gpt that's missing [15:35:54] earnestly: /libOpenCOLLADA: No such file or directory [15:35:57] using nm-applet, but configuring vpn through it probably won't work well since i have to steal a cookie to auth with vpn [15:36:07] Keziolio: / is a search command in less [15:36:17] *** Joins: undeadleech (~undeadlee@p4FE3A42C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [15:36:21] *** Joins: du5tball (~du5tball@filzwiesel.de) [15:36:35] Keziolio: Better than grep for interactive searching [15:36:38] *** Quits: shiva (~LordShiva@unaffiliated/lordshiva) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [15:36:44] gdisk output wrote something about being able to maybe recreate the gpt from... hmm... written down... [15:37:11] tempnick: gpt stores backup headers for its partition table, but that's not related to luks [15:37:26] *** Joins: goksinen (~goksinen@rrcs-50-75-193-138.nyc.biz.rr.com) [15:37:43] Yetanotherfuckingpastebinthatneedsjstodisplaytext [15:38:18] grazzolini && earnestly: Advancing the topic, I've researched 100K ways to do easy home backups, no cloud. How do you do your backups? I hate this. :( [15:38:21] *** Parts: BiGOranGe (~BiGOranGe@ () [15:38:22] *** Joins: gugah (~gugah@ [15:38:24] *** Quits: gugah (~gugah@ (Max SendQ exceeded) [15:38:33] tempnick: Yeah, you've lost it. Don't worry, everyone skips doing backups until they've lost something they care about [15:38:52] earnestly: grep with "COLLADA" gives no output [15:38:56] *** Joins: gugah (~gugah@ [15:39:00] (Also, encryption sucks for this reason as well, and why I don't use it if I can avoid it) [15:39:03] Keziolio: Then what Scimmia said [15:39:24] *** Joins: mohsen_ (~Mohsen@ [15:39:24] Lost tons of SANS SEC courses... Those are the most prized things I've lost. :/ [15:39:36] tempnick: I use duplicity [15:39:52] tempnick: but, I also have RAID on my luks encrypted devices [15:39:54] *** Joins: patarr (~patarr@unaffiliated/patarr) [15:39:56] /usr/lib/opencollada is already in that file [15:40:10] *** Joins: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ [15:40:14] duplicity. I'll research that top to bottom. Thanks. Plus RAID LUKS. Okay... [15:40:52] tempnick: Or just skip LUKS, if you can [15:41:10] So... is the drive toast? As in, recycle bin? [15:41:10] Encrypt only the things that need to be encrypted with something like gpg [15:41:17] tempnick: The drive is fine [15:41:32] tempnick: I don't know [15:41:36] Yeah, I think after so many total data losses it might be time for me to stop using disk crypto. [15:41:37] *** Joins: lumidify (~lumidify@unaffiliated/lumidify) [15:41:44] I can't be sure by the information you provided [15:41:57] Keziolio: do you have something in the env overriding the linker paths? [15:42:01] tempnick: lol, sure, blame the crypto for not having backups =D [15:42:08] tempnick: Someone did a cost analysis of disk encryption due to all the work that gets lost due to corruption, can't remember it now, or find it [15:42:13] So a good 'ol /sbin/mkdosfs -F32 -I /dev/sdb should do? [15:42:28] *** Joins: CupOfCoffee (~CupOfCoff@unaffiliated/cupofcoffee) [15:42:32] HAHAHAHAHA! Damn crypto, back up your crap! [15:42:41] *** Joins: MoonGNatRouth (~MoonGNatR@ [15:42:59] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Quit: Quit) [15:43:02] Scimmia: I don't think so as i tried in fish/bash/zsh [15:43:18] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:43:26] Keziolio: this is arch linux, right? not manjaro, parabola or somethinge else? [15:43:27] Keziolio: well, you could still have something overriding the paths [15:43:30] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [15:43:35] Namarrgon: arch [15:43:42] grazzolini: Yeah, stupid people for using openssl wrong. They should have jsut learned the API properly. It's always their fault and the designers of these systems should never take any ethical responsibility for humans. Those guys in the Amazon space plane? Yeah, they just did it wrong too [15:43:46] grazzolini: ok I'll look into that [15:44:02] *** Quits: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:44:09] grazzolini: Welcome to why computer programming is not engineering [15:44:15] Keziolio: "ldd /usr/bin/blender" [15:44:24] *** Joins: SamSagaZ__ (~SamSagaZ@ [15:44:33] *** Joins: feksclaus (~feksclaus@80-71-131-204.u.parknet.dk) [15:44:55] Namarrgon: "not found" for all collada-related libs [15:45:14] post the output anyway [15:45:16] *** Joins: d42 (~root@89-70-23-250.dynamic.chello.pl) [15:45:36] gaaah... [15:45:40] Yeah, I do get: libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.so => /usr/lib/opencollada/libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.so (0x00007f87b839b000) [15:45:54] I do as well [15:46:09] something is screwing you your linker, Keziolio [15:46:14] I wondered briefly if it might be dlopen'd and thus not in the loader, but nope, it's there [15:46:19] Namarrgon: https://gist.github.com/Keziolio/5e36b09896789d0b6e92adb480034c94 [15:46:22] Title: gist:5e36b09896789d0b6e92adb480034c94 · GitHub (at gist.github.com) [15:46:23] Scimmia: :c ok [15:46:35] *** Quits: dandels (~dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:46:40] Keziolio: You did rebuild the loader cache right? [15:46:53] earnestly: I don't think so, not intentionally [15:46:56] *** Quits: endi (~endi@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: Leaving) [15:47:02] Keziolio: You were asked to though [15:47:08] *** Joins: zub1n (~zub1n@unaffiliated/zub1n) [15:47:11] yes, he did [15:47:11] earnestly: I got some e-mails off list regarding LibreSSL [15:47:14] ldconfig as root? [15:47:18] I did that [15:47:38] Scimmia: Wouldn't they need to use -r / (since post install glibc uses -r .) [15:47:41] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@ (Remote host closed the connection) [15:47:52] grazzolini: Anything promising? [15:47:54] just ldconfig should do it AFAIK [15:47:56] *** Joins: SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) [15:47:56] Thanks for the help earnestly & grazzolini. :) [15:47:59] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@ [15:48:06] exit(EXIT_FAILURE); [15:48:09] *** Joins: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) [15:48:51] earnestly: oh, -r is just used in case --root is used for pacman [15:48:59] Scimmia: It is optional at least, but would ldconfig use the current directory if -r wasn't specified? [15:49:05] Scimmia: Right [15:49:16] *** Quits: unlaudable (~bleurgh@trexdhr.net.afrihost.co.za) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [15:49:20] earnestly: try it as non-root, it will fail with permission issues [15:49:21] * earnestly grr at manuals for not explaining defaults [15:49:56] *** Joins: K0JIbKA (~nikobit@ [15:50:10] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [15:50:20] *** Quits: aajjbb (~aajjbb@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:50:35] *** Joins: Introoter (derpson@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-gmyzgoclejnbhkig) [15:50:54] *** Quits: cgar (~cgar@653263hfc228.tampabay.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:50:56] Scimmia: Yeah, but that's only for the default ld.conf backup, urg. Let's just assume it defaults to / then [15:51:13] *** Joins: hosified (~hosified@unaffiliated/hosified) [15:51:22] *** r00t^2 is now known as t4t3rs [15:51:27] *** t4t3rs is now known as r00t^2 [15:51:40] that's my assumption. probalby bite me in the ass one of these days, but we'll go with it until then [15:51:48] *** Joins: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [15:51:51] *** Joins: cgar (~cgar@653263hfc228.tampabay.res.rr.com) [15:52:22] I managed to try blender on another machine and it works, so I remove the bug report [15:52:52] *** Quits: chandan (~chandan@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [15:52:54] have you tried it with a different user account? [15:53:51] earnestly grazzolini: sudo /sbin/mkdosfs -F32 -I /dev/sdb returned: mkdosfs: Too few blocks for viable filesystem [15:54:00] *** Joins: timofonic (~timofonic@unaffiliated/timofonic) [15:54:15] *** Joins: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) [15:54:16] *** Quits: Kryptron_ (~Kryptron@unaffiliated/kryptron) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [15:54:29] tempnick: why are you formatting the entire disk instead of a partition? [15:54:44] How do I send an e-mail from a bash script? [15:54:46] * lmat braces himself [15:54:46] *** Joins: zgrayc (~zgrayc@wsip-70-168-53-74.sd.sd.cox.net) [15:55:36] mutt, mailx, mail, nc [15:55:37] Scimmia: The disk was LUKS encrypted and it's all screwed up, apparently unrecoverable. [15:55:44] *** Quits: futune (~futune@ (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [15:55:48] Namarrgon: tried now and it has the same problem [15:55:53] *** Quits: shizy (~shizy@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [15:56:08] Erm, how can/should I format the disk? [15:56:08] *** Quits: MafProd (~mafprod@62-251-33-152.ip.xs4all.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:56:10] earnestly: on the contrary [15:56:11] is there a way to reset everything? [15:56:29] tempnick: generally you don't. You format the partition on the disk [15:56:34] *** Joins: inad922 (~inad925@78-131-82-48.pool.digikabel.hu) [15:56:35] tempnick: check fdisk -l [15:56:47] *** Joins: ashka (~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka) [15:57:23] Keziolio: can you give us the output of env? [15:57:29] mitch0: sendmail I think. [15:57:44] *** Quits: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) (Client Quit) [15:58:14] *** Quits: proudzhu (~proudzhu@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:58:22] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [15:58:23] https://share.riseup.net/#uDlZxuuGo2fW52wSdX9tZQ illustrates my predicament. If I read this correctly, fdisk -l doesn't show the drive. [15:58:24] Title: share.riseup.net (at share.riseup.net) [15:58:38] Scimmia: https://gist.github.com/Keziolio/8f085c8120b9f54d963b1fefed1704f7 [15:58:40] Title: gist:8f085c8120b9f54d963b1fefed1704f7 · GitHub (at gist.github.com) [15:58:43] *** Joins: endi__ (~endi__@host20-192-static.22-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) [15:58:50] *** Joins: TekhnoLife (~Dmitry@ [15:59:15] Hey, any of you guys have an idea what might be wrong with this xorg setup? [15:59:19] *** Joins: chjj (~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj) [15:59:22] https://ptpb.pw/kLyq [15:59:32] tempnick: you just want to wipe it and start over? [15:59:54] Keziolio: unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH [15:59:59] *** Quits: stylemistake (~stylemist@ (Remote host closed the connection) [16:00:08] Scimmia: Truly I'd like to recover all of my data but unless one of you can help, yeah... I'll be needing to wipe it and start over. [16:00:21] *** Joins: rav1 (~rav@p5490D1ED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [16:01:07] *** Quits: szorfein (~ivy@gateway/tor-sasl/szorfein) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:01:18] *** Quits: brontosaurusrex (~mua@unaffiliated/brontosaurusrex) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1) [16:01:26] cobalt-red: whats wrong is that this is #archllinux not #freebsd [16:01:28] *** Quits: martium (~22_m_yk@ (Remote host closed the connection) [16:01:40] Scimmia: still it doesn't start :c [16:02:40] tempnick: can't help with recovery. Looking closer, I 'd missed the part where dmesg was saying it's 32+ EB. Hmm... [16:02:48] Keziolio: where did you set all the CSF_* stuff from? [16:02:48] MrElendig: figure it's worth a try. [16:02:56] *** Quits: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:03:12] *** Joins: aleksander0m (~Aleksande@ [16:03:18] *** Quits: Forlorn (~Forlorn@unaffiliated/forlorn) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:03:22] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:04:02] Namarrgon: i'm not sure, just uninstalled all that stuff [16:04:13] opencascade &co. [16:04:32] *** Joins: cruncher (~cruncher@unaffiliated/cruncher) [16:05:15] *** Joins: stylemistake (~stylemist@ [16:05:30] *** Quits: c4mp4r (~catalin@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:05:33] *** Joins: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) [16:06:05] *** Joins: nsturdev40 (~nsturdev4@ip68-0-162-151.tc.ph.cox.net) [16:06:19] i ran ldconfig and blender in a clean environment and still nothing [16:06:23] wtf [16:06:40] *** Quits: inflames (~syg@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:06:50] Keziolio: pacman -Qo /etc/ld.so.conf.d/* [16:07:24] https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Keziolio/787594c33e08bc62e0be226f772c13f4/raw/b2380e99dff330fbaa140e849b2d2413c40449d4/gistfile1.txt [16:07:25] *** Quits: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:07:34] *** Quits: lod__ (~lod@ (Remote host closed the connection) [16:07:53] *** Quits: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:08:22] *** Parts: rav1 (~rav@p5490D1ED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) () [16:08:30] *** Joins: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) [16:08:44] *** Joins: lod__ (~lod@ [16:09:02] *** Joins: MafProd (~mafprod@62-251-33-152.ip.xs4all.nl) [16:09:07] *** Joins: Captain_Rage (~smuxi@c52-28.icpnet.pl) [16:09:12] http://i.imgur.com/SgfSAGm.png does this mean dd is done? [16:09:26] *** Joins: herdsman (~lepi@bzq-79-177-90-171.red.bezeqint.net) [16:09:53] *** Joins: Adbray (~Adbray@2001:470:c692:666:388b:948d:6112:2337) [16:10:02] yep [16:10:03] *** Joins: louisdk (~louisdk@ruc-007.ruc.dk) [16:10:29] *** Joins: gtxbb (~gtxbb__@modemcable088.224-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) [16:10:31] if it also exited [16:10:35] Hey Scimmia? How can I reformat the drive since /sbin/mkdosfs -F32 -I /dev/sdb returns: mkdosfs: Too few blocks for viable filesystem ? [16:11:09] why are you trying to format a broken device? and with fat32 at that [16:11:22] So it *is* broken? [16:11:34] tempnick: what was on that thing before? [16:11:40] and what kind of device is this? [16:11:51] also why are you using /sbin/ ? [16:12:04] *** Quits: gugah (~gugah@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [16:12:06] MrElendig: 4TB drive with tons of material from SANS.org... :( and all of my other nice things. [16:12:15] Keziolio: sanity check: what does `file /usr/bin/blender` say? [16:12:40] tempnick: you can dd out the first MB or two of the drive, that should let you start over [16:12:42] *** Joins: kelnoky (~shao@ip1f1064b5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [16:12:48] dd zeros to it, that is [16:13:11] sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdb ^C ? [16:13:13] *** Quits: nguyenphi (uid211192@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nqkzblehsxzlvzzg) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [16:13:17] still not sure why dmesg would report that capacity, though; not sure where it comes from [16:13:17] how is it connected? [16:13:38] tempnick: I would use /dev/zero [16:13:43] and what is the actual problem? [16:13:44] Scimmia: /usr/bin/blender: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=9fc15f89b12fdc3d17cf013ab2400fb764ec5ac4, not stripped, with debug_info [16:13:57] as in, why are youn trying to format it if it has data you care about on it? [16:13:58] MrElendig: corrupt encrypted disk [16:14:00] It's connected via some crazy cable getting power from a wall socket connected to this and that to sata and then to USB!! [16:14:03] *** Quits: zaki (~zaki@unaffiliated/zaki) (Quit: Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.) [16:14:13] running mkfs on it won't save the data [16:14:17] The problem is: https://share.riseup.net/#uDlZxuuGo2fW52wSdX9tZQ :( [16:14:18] Title: share.riseup.net (at share.riseup.net) [16:14:38] My crypted LUKS lvm drive stopped appearing today. [16:14:46] * MrElendig suggest taking the drive out and connecting it directly over sata [16:15:19] MrElendig: hahaha, I uhh, had to connect it this way otherwise, though my BIOS would detect it, the OS would not. [16:15:33] then trow it in the trash [16:15:53] plug it into a different system, if it still says that the capacity is 32 exabyte then you know somehting's wrong [16:15:53] Though... I could try leaving it connected to the motherboard/power supply and disconnecting/reconnecting the sats cable while the OS is running. [16:16:20] Nah, the data's dead. Can the drive be used again though? It's 4TB and not but years old! [16:16:32] tempnick: rma it then and get a new one [16:16:44] Keziolio: that looks fine, then how about `file /usr/lib/opencollada/libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.so`? [16:16:46] unless you are in one of the countries that doesn't have sane consumer protection laws [16:16:48] *** Quits: MarcinWieczorek (~MarcinWie@afcc154.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [16:16:55] *** Parts: cobalt-red (~cobalt@ ("WeeChat 1.6") [16:17:06] its connected via a USB adapter right? [16:17:08] /usr/lib/opencollada/libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a228b9bde97d944b17eb52fbba06f7cc89f0a9e3, stripped, with debug_info [16:17:26] *** Joins: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) [16:17:28] *** Quits: citazen (~citazen@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [16:17:28] MrElendig: I did try on another laptop... same issue, didn't check the 32EB thing though... [16:17:28] Keziolio: are /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d/* still vanilla? [16:17:34] Keziolio: again fine :( [16:17:37] failing an RMA, theres a good chance the drive is fine and the adapter is bad [16:17:55] buckley310: via usb adapter yes [16:18:17] *** Joins: citazen (~citazen@ [16:18:22] Namarrgon: plenty of files in /etc/profile.d/ [16:18:29] *** Quits: TekhnoLife (~Dmitry@ (Quit: quit) [16:18:38] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [16:18:40] did you edit any of them or add new ones? [16:18:43] buckley310: he said it failed when connected directly over sata [16:19:01] BIOS detected the drive on boot, OS did not detect. [16:19:04] Namarrgon: not manually, do you have some pacman magic command to check? [16:19:21] *** Quits: zub1n (~zub1n@unaffiliated/zub1n) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [16:19:36] *** Joins: Raed|Mobile (~Raed@2607:fb90:442c:68e5:d339:1f81:1b4:b797) [16:20:14] *** Quits: shiva__ (~LordShiva@unaffiliated/lordshiva) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:20:26] *** Joins: autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk) [16:20:38] *** Joins: boombanana (~jorick@78-22-70-154.access.telenet.be) [16:20:39] I brutally moved /usr/lib/opencollada in /usr/lib/ and it works [16:20:41] ah, nvm then :) [16:20:48] *** Joins: CoreISP (~CoreISP@simplemachines/rootadmin/CoreISP) [16:20:55] I mean, /usr/lib/opencollada/* [16:21:36] So, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb ^C should allow me to reformat/partition the drive? [16:22:18] *** Joins: Nuc1eoN (~Nuc1eoN@oss/nuc1eon) [16:22:18] *** Joins: zerorax (~zerorax@tnhlon4048w-lp130-05-65-95-220-41.dsl.bell.ca) [16:22:30] *** Quits: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:22:42] *** Quits: typh00nz (~typh00nz@pc185-169.solaris.ds.polsl.pl) (Quit: Lost terminal) [16:22:46] *** Joins: MRiddickW (~quassel@71-14-142-242.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) [16:23:07] hi, I saw that a new search function has been implemented for searching in the repos: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?q=mesa [16:23:08] Title: Arch Linux - Package Search (at www.archlinux.org) [16:23:16] *** Joins: urodna (~urodna@unaffiliated/urodna) [16:23:19] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2620:101:f000:700:b682:1029:fec1:8ea7) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:23:19] it show exact matches first [16:23:29] thats pretty neat [16:23:36] *** Joins: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) [16:23:55] is it also planned to integrate this feature into the AUR search engine? [16:24:16] Nuc1eoN: new since how long? That's been there for a really long time [16:24:38] thurstylark, dunno after like 3/4 years I'm using arch again^^ [16:24:47] it wasnt there before [16:24:52] *** Joins: jagob (~jacob@d40a9e34.rev.stofanet.dk) [16:25:11] ahh, yeah, it's been there for at least the last two years afaik [16:25:13] but the AUR is still a pain to search :/ [16:25:30] Bye all. Thanks for your time. [16:25:38] *** Parts: tempnick (~ghost@x1-6-08-3e-5d-48-7b-b2.cpe.webspeed.dk) ("Leaving") [16:25:57] *** zandr_ is now known as zandrmartin [16:25:58] :O mesa 17 is in testing [16:26:09] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2620:101:f000:700:b682:1029:fec1:8ea7) [16:26:40] *** Quits: C5OK5Y (~C5OK5Y@ (Quit: C5OK5Y) [16:26:42] *** Quits: [fb] (~fbis251@unaffiliated/fbis251) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [16:26:50] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) (Quit: blueness) [16:27:10] *** Quits: Superstring (~quassel@host-72-174-157-80.cac-co.client.bresnan.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:27:47] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [16:28:27] *** Joins: troulouliou_div2 (~troulouli@unaffiliated/troulouliou-div2/x-0271439) [16:28:41] *** Joins: choru (~choru@78-56-154-238.static.zebra.lt) [16:28:50] *** Quits: MoonGNatRouth (~MoonGNatR@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:29:31] *** Joins: szorfein (~ivy@gateway/tor-sasl/szorfein) [16:29:37] *** Quits: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:29:42] did the last docker update broke for anyone else? [16:29:51] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [16:29:54] *** Joins: agent_white (~agent_whi@unaffiliated/agent-white/x-6197888) [16:29:56] *** Quits: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:29:59] *** Joins: boyne (~cirrus@host-92-22-62-171.as13285.net) [16:30:18] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:30:19] *** Joins: C5OK5Y (~C5OK5Y@ [16:30:40] *** Quits: lumidify (~lumidify@unaffiliated/lumidify) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:30:50] hello [16:30:51] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [16:31:07] \o/ [16:31:47] *** Joins: [fb] (~fbis251@unaffiliated/fbis251) [16:31:53] *** Quits: t_h (~tobi@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [16:31:59] *** Quits: leonixyz (~leonixyz@2a02:27e8:10:1041:0:dacb:a3d2:e07f) (Quit: Leaving.) [16:32:31] !give bbigras errors [16:32:32] bbigras: Don't just say it doesn't work. Give the exact error. If you think that more information than a line or two will be useful, see !paste [16:32:47] *** Joins: jathan (~jathan@arcmty01.izabc.com) [16:32:55] *** Quits: j12t (~j12t@c-50-131-55-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:33:22] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [16:33:28] logs are it dint happen [16:33:29] *** Joins: shiva (~LordShiva@unaffiliated/lordshiva) [16:33:34] *our [16:33:37] ffs or [16:33:45] Also didn't* [16:33:48] !paste [16:33:50] Paste short snippets (up to 3 lines) in channel. Do NOT use pastebin.com... some good, sane paste services are https://ptpb.pw https://bpaste.net https://ix.io and https://gist.github.com - See !ptpb for an easy way to paste from a pipe. [16:34:05] !give citazen f [16:34:06] !ptpb [16:34:06] citazen: AAH THE FAILURE! IT BURNS! [16:34:08] | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw” OR “curl -F c=@path/to/a/file https://ptpb.pw” OR install community/pbpst [16:34:29] *** Joins: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [16:34:30] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [16:34:38] *** Joins: t_h (~tobi@ [16:34:46] *** Joins: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) [16:35:08] *** Joins: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) [16:35:10] *** Quits: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@dyn-a319da6189d80e4f10034000.zemos.ipv6.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:35:20] am curious, conky shows my ram at 3.5 gigs and kde widget shows my ram usage at 1.6G who is right? [16:35:30] *** Joins: frankdrey (~textual@c-73-225-124-33.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) [16:35:37] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:35:43] *** Joins: zub1n (~zub1n@unaffiliated/zub1n) [16:35:47] free [16:35:53] *** Joins: deltasquared (~deltasqua@unaffiliated/deltasquared) [16:35:53] no in use [16:35:55] here's my `journalctl -x -b -u docker`. pasting from pipe is nice. https://ptpb.pw/fksI [16:36:00] free(1) is right [16:36:17] !calc 6-1.6 [16:36:18] citazen: 4.4 [16:36:24] yeah in use [16:36:34] I had a test swarm on my desktop. I'm trying to purge everything and install docker back. I'm rebooting now. brb [16:36:54] bbigras: citazen since this is in an english channel, could you prepend your journalctl command with `LANG=C` please? [16:37:05] yes. sorry [16:37:25] https://ptpb.pw/U_Ae [16:37:26] citazen: whups, extraneous highlight :P [16:37:32] kk [16:38:00] *** Quits: Monoide (~xXx@unaffiliated/monoide) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:38:16] *** Joins: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ [16:38:28] *** Joins: TheSilentLink (~TheSilent@unaffiliated/thesilentlink) [16:38:37] *** Joins: mstruebing (~mstruebin@ [16:38:44] *** Joins: Monoide (~xXx@unaffiliated/monoide) [16:39:08] *** Quits: thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc) (Quit: Saindo) [16:41:06] *** Joins: smdeep (~smdeep@ [16:41:08] *** Quits: K0JIbKA (~nikobit@ (Quit: K0JIbKA) [16:41:29] *** Quits: troulouliou_div2 (~troulouli@unaffiliated/troulouliou-div2/x-0271439) (Quit: Leaving) [16:43:00] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [16:43:25] *** Quits: nahra (~user@unaffiliated/nahra) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:44:05] *** Quits: Lokke (~Thunderbi@ip5f5ad098.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Lokke) [16:44:12] *** Joins: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) [16:45:16] *** Joins: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x52716281.dyn.telefonica.de) [16:45:56] *** Joins: robattila256 (~robattila@S0106f0f24908d2a3.vf.shawcable.net) [16:46:00] *** Joins: vuoto (~vuoto@n9pl7d.static.netgroup.dk) [16:46:35] *** Quits: makmm (~makmm@unaffiliated/makmm) (Quit: = "cya") [16:46:56] *** Joins: unclutter (~unclutter@24.79-160-153.customer.lyse.net) [16:48:21] *** Parts: deltasquared (~deltasqua@unaffiliated/deltasquared) ("WeeChat 1.7") [16:48:50] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@ [16:48:55] *** Joins: murkx (~mur@unaffiliated/murkx) [16:49:52] *** Quits: In33dt0kn0w (~zer0err0r@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:50:25] hi, is there a way to remove borders and all window-decoration of specific programs (Xorg)? (in my case mpv) [16:51:04] docker seems usable now. I purged every docker directories and reinstalled. [16:51:21] (using bspwm ^^) [16:51:58] *** Quits: yourname2 (~NauTiluS1@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:52:25] *** Quits: vindur (~yourname@host86-184-216-158.range86-184.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:52:42] *** Quits: stefanauss (~stefanaus@ (Quit: Leaving) [16:53:17] *** Joins: cudencuden (~cudencude@ [16:53:19] *** Quits: cotko (~ahmed@89-212-138-82.static.t-2.net) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:55:00] *** Joins: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-222.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) [16:55:26] I am following pulse audio troubleshooting wiki but have a question about: If the only playback device is the Dummy Output, PulseAudio cannot access your sound devices. It is possible there is an issue with logind giving permissions [16:55:48] *** Joins: h4wk (~h4wk@cpc82411-trow6-2-0-cust90.18-1.cable.virginm.net) [16:56:01] *** Joins: pierres (~pierre@archlinux/developer/pierres) [16:56:10] pulseaudio needs sinks -- so if you want pulseaudio, you will need to make sure it is using an alsa sink [16:56:34] further instruction say, if loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID does not show correct output then i need to make sure that X runs on the same tty where the login occurred. This is required in order to preserve the logind session. [16:56:35] cudencuden: do you have pulseaudio-alsa installed? [16:56:38] *** Quits: tigrmesh (~tigrmesh@archlinux/op/tigrmesh) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [16:56:47] *** Joins: shizy (~shizy@ [16:57:24] *** Quits: IndigoTiger (IndigoTige@sahara.sigint.pw) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [16:57:40] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:58:03] i just installed pusleaudio-alsa, pulseaudio volume control still only dummy output [16:58:13] how do i make sure i am using alsa sink? [16:58:14] murkx: I use bspwm too, should do it automatically [16:58:30] *** Quits: gtxbb (~gtxbb__@modemcable088.224-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) (Quit: Leaving) [16:58:35] *** Quits: DexterLB (~dex@77-85-5-192.ip.btc-net.bg) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:58:38] cudencuden: try relog or reboot [16:59:04] copy that. [16:59:10] *** Quits: mSSM (~SuperFluf@unaffiliated/superfluffy) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:59:23] *** Joins: tigrmesh (~tigrmesh@archlinux/op/tigrmesh) [16:59:38] poisonby: what do you mean? when i use mpv --no-border it still has a border (i use compton as a compositor tho) [16:59:43] *** Joins: Kryptron (~Kryptron@unaffiliated/kryptron) [16:59:49] *** Quits: cudencuden (~cudencude@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [17:00:54] *** Quits: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:01:59] *** Joins: insidious15 (~insidious@unaffiliated/insidious15) [17:02:26] *** Joins: DexterLB (~dex@77-85-9-145.ip.btc-net.bg) [17:02:29] *** Joins: cudencuden (~cudencude@ [17:03:06] @thurstylank, still only dummy out device [17:03:12] *rk [17:03:33] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) [17:03:51] *** Quits: DeonThomas (~DeonThoma@unaffiliated/deonthomas) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4) [17:04:52] *** Quits: majo (~majo@unaffiliated/majo) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [17:05:15] *** Joins: IndigoTiger (IndigoTige@sahara.sigint.pw) [17:05:51] murkx: set up a rule with border=off [17:05:53] cudencuden: can you paste the output of `fuser -v /dev/snd/*` [17:06:11] *** Joins: panostimos (ptim@athedsl-141700.home.otenet.gr) [17:06:27] it is nothign. returns nothing [17:06:44] *** Quits: alwyn (~alwyn@unaffiliated/alwyn) (Quit: o/) [17:06:55] poisonby: thanks, i will try that, didn't know that option existed ^^ [17:07:54] aplay -l says no sound card found [17:08:07] *** Quits: Unb0rn_ (~unb0rn@ (Quit: Unb0rn_) [17:08:08] *** Joins: douedd_ (~davybee@ [17:08:29] nvm, if i run as root i do see my soundcard [17:08:44] *** Joins: yourname2 (~NauTiluS1@ [17:08:51] *** Joins: linux_dream (~linux_dre@unaffiliated/linux-dream/x-5839402) [17:08:53] *** Joins: Grapes (~greatgrap@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/greatgrapes) [17:09:06] *** Quits: Amado (~Amado@ (Quit: Communi 3.4.0 - http://communi.github.com) [17:09:35] *** Quits: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x52716281.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:09:40] poisonby: thanks man, it works great [17:09:49] *** Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:ad48:66d8:6147:6738) [17:10:13] cudencuden: can you paste that output to a paste service? [17:10:14] !paste [17:10:15] Paste short snippets (up to 3 lines) in channel. Do NOT use pastebin.com... some good, sane paste services are https://ptpb.pw https://bpaste.net https://ix.io and https://gist.github.com - See !ptpb for an easy way to paste from a pipe. [17:10:55] here it is http://pastebin.com/2cSheSk6 [17:10:56] Title: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: DG [Xonar DG], device 0: Mu - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com) [17:11:06] *** Quits: hiptobecubic (~john@unaffiliated/hiptobecubic) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [17:11:10] *** Quits: douedd (~davybee@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:11:12] whops. i will use recommended service [17:12:02] https://bpaste.net/show/a92bb54b9a14 [17:12:02] Title: show at bpaste (at bpaste.net) [17:12:06] Wait, you can only see your sound card if you run aplay as root? [17:12:12] murkx: Nice! No problem [17:12:20] that is correct [17:12:52] <[fb]> TAKE THAT, MAINTAINER [17:13:54] *** Joins: LanDi (~landi@ [17:14:29] cudencuden: can you run alsa-info.sh and post the link it gives you? if you don't have that, install alsa-utils [17:14:46] *** Quits: jtc123 (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [17:14:47] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:15:25] *** Joins: futune (~futune@ [17:15:51] http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=0a1b1eb1bacc86da237f7119f52dc439b6d33c55 [17:16:23] *** Quits: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [17:16:33] *** Joins: tecuani (~tecuani@dslb-088-071-135-156.088.071.pools.vodafone-ip.de) [17:16:58] weird. your sound devices aren't world rw... [17:17:20] *** Joins: Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) [17:17:37] *** Quits: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@37-48-7-228.tmcz.cz) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:17:48] hmm. guess mine aren't either, but I can still see and use them just fine [17:18:02] what is world rw?also, jack says installed but not running. is that normal? [17:18:38] *** Quits: vevais (~vevais@cable-82-119-0-176.cust.telecolumbus.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:18:46] *** Joins: Pharaoh_Atem (~neal@fedora/ngompa) [17:18:56] *** Joins: vfw (~mythtv@ [17:19:22] *** Quits: JesusFreak (~patrick@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [17:19:50] cudencuden: jack being installed shouldn't interfere with anything. When I say world rw, I'm saying /dev/snd/* isn't readable or writable by others. [17:20:13] thurstylark: pencils don't use speakers to write silly [17:20:20] *** Quits: Cerpin (~Cerpin@mo-76-4-176-152.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:21:00] *** Quits: currybullen (~currybull@h-205-136.a251.priv.bahnhof.se) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [17:21:10] *** Quits: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:21:13] thurstylark: Actually, jack being installed *does* interfere. [17:21:19] orly? [17:21:26] Depending on whether it's *really* not running. [17:21:38] It steals your cards, so it might very well be the cause of not seeing them in pulse. [17:21:44] hmm [17:21:52] cudencuden: Can you verify jack is really not running? [17:21:53] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [17:21:59] *** Joins: Turk1024 (~rick@173-26-2-219.client.mchsi.com) [17:22:08] *** Quits: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: do) [17:22:12] *** Joins: Cerpin (~Cerpin@mo-76-4-182-58.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) [17:22:16] *** Quits: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [17:22:37] sorry, i'm very new. how to verify if jack is really not running? [17:23:13] `pgrep -a jack` most likely [17:23:35] *** Quits: boyne (~cirrus@host-92-22-62-171.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:23:36] *** Joins: meurer (~meurer@a89-154-255-25.cpe.netcabo.pt) [17:23:58] Yeah, that ^ [17:24:00] i get no result doing pgrep -a jack [17:24:08] When writing a pacman hook how could I make the Exec line substitute $USER to the actual user as intended? [17:24:17] Okay, then jack isn't interfering. Carry on. [17:24:18] *** Joins: Norith (~Norith@unaffiliated/norith) [17:24:33] *** Joins: abbec (~abbec@ [17:25:32] meurer: Why do you want something user-specific in a pacman hook? [17:25:40] meurer: i.e. what are you actually trying to do? [17:26:24] *** Joins: spacetato (~kps77@ [17:26:35] *** Joins: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) [17:26:46] *** Quits: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2620:101:f000:700:b682:1029:fec1:8ea7) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [17:26:50] MacGyver, I'm writing a hook that does a sed to replace the user on a certain file. I want it to be portable without me having to mess with it, so I wanted sed to replace the old user with the current $USER [17:27:14] I guess I could just hardwire my username there, but I figured a portable solution would be more elegant [17:27:27] *** Joins: kaleidoscope (~nomad@unaffiliated/kaleidoscope) [17:27:44] !ugm [17:27:45] Good (ugt) morning to all from kaleidoscope! [17:27:56] Using pacman for user-specific configuration is usually frowned upon, considering it's the package manager for a multi-user system. [17:28:05] Hmm. [17:28:08] *** Quits: nazarewk_ (~nazarewk@1d23810ffe137.rev.snt.net.pl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:28:13] *** Joins: awidegreen (~awidegree@2001:16d8:ff00:860c:c947:7385:fec7:5910) [17:28:22] hey guys, can you guys help me setup openvpn with connman? i'm using connman-gtk and i'm not connecting to any of PIA's servers [17:28:39] the connman-vpn is started as well. [17:28:52] *** Joins: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) [17:28:58] *** Quits: ravior (~crapitea@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [17:29:01] MacGyver, Well, I'll just use my username then [17:29:16] the gui says it connects and they "fails" (as in reverts back to idle) without causing any change [17:29:25] *** Joins: hiptobecubic (~john@unaffiliated/hiptobecubic) [17:29:27] *** Quits: l00t (~l00t@p57800bbb.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving) [17:29:30] *** Joins: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) [17:29:52] *** Joins: Arlefreak (~Arlefreak@ [17:30:00] i can use openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/client/*** but i was hoping to let connman deal with the setup [17:30:22] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [17:30:36] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [17:30:58] *** Joins: lounge (~lounge@93-103-38-82.dynamic.t-2.net) [17:32:02] *** Joins: makmm (~makmm@unaffiliated/makmm) [17:32:05] *** Joins: JZA (JZA@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-wazpdiuljefytxbe) [17:32:25] *** Quits: spacetato (~kps77@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [17:32:50] *** Quits: kishore96 (~kishore@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:33:02] Sound doesnt work... using a fresh install with xfce & gdm [17:33:16] makmm: So what are you using? [17:33:47] poisonby, nothing..? it worked out-of-the-box on other install i did [17:33:51] *** Joins: c4mp4r (~catalin@2a02:2f0e:52b0:1412:fc26:e684:e832:5209) [17:33:56] markmm, i am using lxde and no sound either [17:33:57] *** Quits: ptrxyz (~json@2a00:1398:4:0:4ebe:c60e:6278:86c1) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:34:04] makmm: So you're only using alsa? [17:34:23] poisonby, i installed pulseaudio [17:34:28] makmm: So you're using pulesaudio? [17:34:42] poisonby: i guess..? [17:34:49] makmm: Don't guess. Are you using it or not? [17:34:58] Hi ,to write protect resolv.conf is chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf ,whats command to un protect? [17:35:14] poisonby: yes... i didnt install alsa or anything else than pulseaudio and pavucontrol [17:35:36] makmm: Pavucontrol works? Nothing is muted, etc.? [17:35:42] poisonby: nope. [17:35:49] lounge: replace the + to - [17:35:52] makmm: Does pavucontrol show feedback when you listen to audio? [17:36:00] poisonby: yes [17:36:15] with sudo of course [17:36:32] makmm: Can you check for muted channels in alsa-mixer? [17:36:37] *** Quits: phairoh (~phairoh@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [17:36:46] alsamixer* [17:37:01] poisonby: so i install it? [17:37:07] kaleidosc: thanks ,ofcourse :> [17:37:22] *** Quits: techno_x64 (~techno_x6@unaffiliated/dark-wolf) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [17:37:29] lounge: sure thing :) [17:37:31] makmm: it's in extra/alsa-utils [17:38:04] makmm: If alsamixer doesn't fix your problem, consider trying fluxbox or something just to make sure it's not LXDE that's causing it, since that other guy had the same problem [17:38:10] *** Joins: Soaked (~Soaked@unaffiliated/soaked) [17:38:22] *** Joins: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x4db51a80.dyn.telefonica.de) [17:38:25] poisonby: how do i use alsamixer? ui is werid [17:38:29] weird* [17:38:59] *** Joins: chandan (~chandan@ [17:39:17] *** Joins: phairoh (~phairoh@ [17:39:26] *** Quits: louisdk (~louisdk@ruc-007.ruc.dk) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [17:39:32] *** Quits: cudencuden (~cudencude@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [17:39:35] makmm: left/right changes which fader you're controlling, m toggles mute, f6 allows you to change the sound card you're controlling [17:39:43] ^ [17:39:46] *** Quits: llorephie (~Thunderbi@ (Remote host closed the connection) [17:39:48] makmm: Check for muted channels. [17:39:56] Muted = MM in alsamixer IIRC [17:40:00] yup [17:40:08] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [17:41:10] *** Quits: frenchbeard (~frenchbea@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:41:15] *** Joins: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) [17:41:36] poisonby: unmuted the muted ones, nothing... [17:42:10] makmm: Still not working? Try the audio in fluxbox or something then to make sure it's not LXDE itself [17:42:24] poisonby: xfce* [17:42:30] Right [17:42:33] :P [17:43:13] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [17:43:26] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:43:44] poisonby: speaker-test does nothing... [17:43:50] *** Quits: chandan (~chandan@ (Client Quit) [17:43:54] *** Quits: darkrow (~D4rKr0W@unaffiliated/d4rkr0w) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:44:03] *** Joins: AzumaHazuki (~hazuki@66-188-137-190.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com) [17:44:05] *** Joins: chandan (~chandan@ [17:44:08] * poisonby tried speaker-test, RIP ears [17:44:09] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [17:44:22] poisonby: :/ [17:44:27] speaker-test -t sine -f 250 is nicer [17:44:29] *** Quits: Yakuma (~yakuma@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:44:30] But yeah then I'm out of ideas unfortunately [17:44:43] *** Quits: dgeex (~dgeex@gateway/tor-sasl/dgeex) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:45:16] makmm: I assume you've set the correct default output device in pavucontrol? [17:45:45] poisonby: im pretty sure my headphones there dont come up [17:46:33] makmm: Really? USB or AUX? [17:46:40] poisonby: AUX [17:46:59] *** Joins: techno_x64 (~techno_x6@unaffiliated/dark-wolf) [17:47:49] makmm: http://askubuntu.com/questions/132440/headphone-jack-not-working [17:47:50] Title: pulseaudio - Headphone jack not working? - Ask Ubuntu (at askubuntu.com) [17:47:53] Maybe try that [17:48:19] *** Quits: kaleidoscope (~nomad@unaffiliated/kaleidoscope) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [17:48:35] *** Parts: nsturdev40 (~nsturdev4@ip68-0-162-151.tc.ph.cox.net) () [17:48:46] *** Joins: Skybound (~skybound@cl-1399.lon-02.gb.sixxs.net) [17:50:40] NTFS bullshit is the best way to start off a Monday. [17:51:17] poisonby: going to restart to see if it works, see you on the other side? [17:51:37] *** Joins: lacrymology (~lacrymolo@182.red-88-1-60.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [17:51:47] *** Quits: makmm (~makmm@unaffiliated/makmm) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:52:02] *** Joins: rumcajs (~andy@ [17:52:58] *** Quits: techno_x64 (~techno_x6@unaffiliated/dark-wolf) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [17:53:07] *** Joins: dviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola) [17:53:27] *** Joins: makmm (~makmm@unaffiliated/makmm) [17:53:29] i had an idea. frontend for Connmann called Conneries. It blasphemes in Quebecois whenever your connection drops :v [17:53:38] poisonby: it worked! thanks! [17:53:55] what's a fast PDF viewer? chromium chokes a bit with PDF containing 8000 pages or more [17:53:57] and if you pull the ethernet cable it shouts "Branleur!" at you through the speakers [17:54:03] *** Joins: robotroll (~robotroll@unaffiliated/robotroll) [17:54:07] *** Joins: fekzebzak (~fekzebzak@2601:246:8202:6aaa:fa32:e4ff:febb:8a7d) [17:54:19] makmm: Nice! No problem [17:55:08] *** Quits: zgrayc (~zgrayc@wsip-70-168-53-74.sd.sd.cox.net) (Quit: zgrayc) [17:55:09] *** Joins: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) [17:55:13] *** Quits: citazen (~citazen@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [17:55:14] *** Quits: Turk1024 (~rick@173-26-2-219.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: leaving) [17:55:22] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [17:56:42] *** Joins: citazen (~citazen@ [17:56:51] *** Quits: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [17:57:01] *** Joins: gugah (~gugah@ [17:57:20] *** Quits: gugah (~gugah@ (Remote host closed the connection) [17:57:21] so tell me again why i dont want a cron job to run my update command? [17:57:28] I'll give mupdf a try [17:57:51] *** Joins: Turk1024 (~rick@173-26-2-219.client.mchsi.com) [17:58:01] citazen: because you're supposedly not a masochist [17:58:22] wh? dafq [17:58:52] *** Joins: petejones (~petejones@pool-108-46-153-243.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) [17:58:57] *** Quits: t_h (~tobi@ (Quit: Leaving.) [17:59:02] thurstylark, lold [17:59:18] citazen: because sometimes updates require manual intervention, and if you do updates automatically, you won't know when that is and breakage will happen [17:59:20] when i update mpv-git, i get this in the beginning: WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree. any significance? [17:59:26] citazen: Can you stop trolling? [17:59:31] i think it started a couple days ago [17:59:47] *** Joins: louisdk (~louisdk@ruc-007.ruc.dk) [17:59:55] *** Quits: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:00:07] citazen: but because the instructions/notification for such a situation is in the output of pacman, and it's a reasonable assumption that you're actually *reading* that output, the breakage is now your fault. [18:00:11] *** Joins: yithian (yith@nat/redhat/x-mucktluuftiqqsvz) [18:01:01] hmmm. so could have a terminal just open and run the command, this way i can monitor and interact? [18:01:20] citazen: Are you gonna make sure you're at the computer every time the commands runs out of your control? [18:01:29] Stop trolling... You're not funny. [18:02:01] citazen: sure, but if it automatically pops up and runs pacman -Syu, and you stop the update, you're now in a partial upgrade situation, which is also not supported. [18:02:14] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:02:20] *** Quits: louisdk (~louisdk@ruc-007.ruc.dk) (Client Quit) [18:02:35] ahhh u say if it does run and lets say i reboot atm then !linux... k [18:02:57] *** Joins: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ [18:02:58] citazen: you *could* just have something notify you with the output from checkupdates, then do the upgrade yourself if you choose to. That would keep things sane [18:03:03] *** Quits: yith (yith@nat/redhat/x-gkbuzoklqdjiifcg) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:03:22] yeah maybe notifications. k ty [18:03:51] *** Joins: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) [18:03:56] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [18:04:33] *** Joins: delmadord (bc706830@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:04:40] *** Quits: s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:04:51] *** Joins: typh00nz (~typh00nz@pc185-169.solaris.ds.polsl.pl) [18:04:56] *** Quits: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:05:01] anyone? [18:05:12] *** Quits: edh (~edh1@2001:4ca0:0:f230:76df:bfff:fe30:a443) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:05:20] Weird. Formatting a drive with mkfs.ntfs resulted in Windows not recognizing it, while parted resulted in a recognizable drive. [18:05:54] Boobuigi: because parted and mkfs don't do the same job [18:06:01] Hello, I am building my second AUR package. The version of the original item is 2.1_RC1. Where to put _RC1 part into PKGBUILD (common practice), please? [18:06:02] petejones: how are you updating [18:06:13] grazzolini: pacaur [18:06:18] thurstylark: Durrr? [18:06:31] *** Quits: mirk0 (~mirk0@unaffiliated/-mirko-/x-2946915) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:07:02] *** Quits: awidegreen (~awidegree@2001:16d8:ff00:860c:c947:7385:fec7:5910) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:07:03] *** Joins: analfabeta (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) [18:07:07] Boobuigi: if that answer isn't sufficient, provide more details. [18:07:19] petejones: try using the --rebuild option. but git packages should be built using --devel [18:07:25] * thurstylark gets that tattooed on his forhead [18:07:26] petejones: or, better yet, makepkg [18:07:40] grazzolini: my update command is pacaur -Syu --devel --needed [18:07:44] grazzolini: What does the --devel flag do? :o [18:07:45] yaourt yaourt [18:07:55] poisonby: updates git packages [18:08:08] *** Quits: mar77i (~mar77i@77-56-218-203.dclient.hispeed.ch) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:08:13] petejones: makepkf -sriC [18:08:16] *** Joins: d_garbage (~free@unaffiliated/dgarbage/x-348756) [18:08:17] makepkg [18:08:17] Ohh, I assumed it was an argument of makepkg [18:08:18] *** Joins: most_enter (~most_ente@193-81-142-157.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [18:08:26] poisonby: no, pacaur's [18:08:30] *** Quits: phairoh (~phairoh@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [18:08:36] Yeah, I see :P [18:08:41] grazzolini: you're saying i should rebuild it with makepkg? [18:08:41] *** Quits: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:09:00] petejones: or remove the cache from .cache/pacaur [18:09:05] *** Joins: thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc) [18:09:14] petejones: but yes, using makepkg is the only official way [18:09:45] grazzolini: yeah I tried deleting the cache and rebuilding. TBH I doubt rebuilding with makepkg will matter since this just started happening but I guess I can try [18:10:01] either way it doesnt actually affect the update or anything [18:10:10] literally just a benign warning. makes me curious though. [18:10:12] petejones: man makepkg. specifically the -C option [18:10:19] *** Quits: zrj (~raw_rw@ (Quit: leaving) [18:10:20] always troubleshoot with the native tools [18:10:27] petejones: it might [18:10:42] fair enough, ill give it a shot [18:11:08] *** Joins: camelid (~nick@pool-74-99-148-212.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net) [18:11:27] grazzolini: so i should use makepkg -sriC? [18:11:31] *** Joins: TheRealRob (~bobby@a838.ip20.netikka.fi) [18:11:38] *** Joins: rcat (~us3r@ [18:11:41] petejones: read makepkg man page and find out =D [18:11:43] grazzolini: the rest of the process is the same right? just git clone etc [18:11:48] okay okayyyyyyy [18:12:06] petejones: at least I gave you the options you need [18:12:15] petejones: there are days I don't even do half that =D [18:12:20] i usually build with -sirc unless it's some kind of vcs thing [18:12:25] grazzolini: yeah i appreciate it :) [18:12:25] *** Quits: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:12:40] Hi, I've a problem w/ bluetooth [18:12:42] d_garbage: -C, not -c [18:12:43] its always the same story, I get it to pair w/ my device, then about 1.2937867 seconds later, it says: [CHG] Device 54:79:75:7B:2D:27 ServicesResolved: no and [CHG] Device 54:79:75:7B:2D:27 Connected: no [18:12:44] *** Parts: Viech (~Viech@unvanquished/developer/viech) ("Leaving") [18:12:53] *** Joins: gffa (~unknown@unaffiliated/gffa) [18:12:56] then if I try and connect w/ it by "connect 54:79:75:7B:2D:27", then I get "Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed", and in the log I get bluetoothd[12199]: 54:79:75:7B:2D:27: error updating services: Device or resource busy (16) [18:13:03] grazzolini, yes if it isn't clean already but mine already are :) [18:14:05] *** Quits: sigmundv__ (sigmundv@nat/ibm/x-qacfdpgfxfvrbbuv) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:14:06] i like the -c because i archive the last copy of each tarball/package and that saves some space [18:14:08] also, right at starting the bluetoothd daemon I get bluetoothd[12199]: Failed to obtain handles for "Service Changed" characteristic [18:14:27] has anybody had similar trouble w/ bluetooth? [18:14:34] TheRealRob, paste (see topic) the full log [18:14:34] thurstylark: Nah, it was just an observation of mine. Parted has "mkpart primary ntfs 0% 100%", which should produce the same results as "mkfs.ntfs /dev/selected_by_parted", but it doesn't. [18:14:42] !topic [18:14:43] TheRealRob: Welcome to Arch Linux World Domination, Inc. <+> Channel rules: https://goo.gl/fkksz9 <+> Pastebins: https://ptpb.pw https://gist.github.com https://bpaste.net <+> Become an official Arch Tester: https://goo.gl/3uvJQk <+> Phasing out i686! | Welcome new ops gehidore and alad | `pacman -Syu libxml++` if you get conflicts [18:14:46] *** Joins: murray (~murray@dyndsl-092-252-065-194.ewe-ip-backbone.de) [18:14:55] thurstylark: ... at least, not where Windows is concerned. [18:15:00] Everything worked fine on my end. [18:15:05] thx d_garbage, will do [18:15:17] *** Joins: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) [18:15:20] *** Joins: phairoh (~phairoh@ [18:15:59] *** Quits: frostschutz (~frostschu@x2f65ab7.dyn.telefonica.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:16:36] *** Quits: cutgah (~Thunderbi@222.red-81-47-55.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Quit: cutgah) [18:16:38] systemd status log https://bpaste.net/show/dee389c30264 [18:16:39] Title: show at bpaste (at bpaste.net) [18:16:51] *** Joins: cutgah (~Thunderbi@222.red-81-47-55.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [18:17:14] *** Joins: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) [18:17:17] grazzolini: So it didn't give me the warning when using makepkg but didn't make it stop happening with pacaur. [18:17:34] TheRealRob, dunno what the problem is but "Unknown key AutoEnable in main.conf" sounds like you should check your config [18:17:47] grazzolini: anyway whatever its probably a pacaur specific warning and it may even be caused by upstream [18:17:51] petejones: because pacaur uses another dir [18:17:52] *** Joins: vshl (~vishal@c-69-181-63-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [18:17:59] grazzolini: ohhhh [18:18:06] ah ye, got that from the archwiki d_garbage, I can surely remove it [18:18:24] !pacaur [18:18:25] If you are not a makepkg wizard already, help yourself with the wiki and stay away from this helper! [18:18:28] grazzolini: Isn't the source dir for pacaur in .cache? [18:18:36] https://bpaste.net/show/3f1c2abc2fb7 <- and thats bluetoothctl when I tryand use the device [18:18:37] Title: show at bpaste (at bpaste.net) [18:18:52] wait people say pacaur is bad now? [18:19:01] petejones: usually, yes [18:19:02] *** Quits: Jesperhead (~chatzilla@cpe-72-191-36-156.satx.res.rr.com) (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 51.0.1/20170125094131]) [18:19:06] my god [18:19:07] petejones: no, citazen is a troll [18:19:10] ^ [18:19:14] grazzolini: oh ok [18:19:15] Fucking hate that guy [18:19:43] Though I have noticed a bit of resentment towards pacaur [18:19:50] Lately [18:19:55] why? [18:20:20] removed that and restarted d_garbage, still the smae [18:20:23] *same [18:20:34] No idea, I didn't pay much attention to the discussions. Though use whatever you prefer. [18:20:47] *** Quits: insidious15 (~insidious@unaffiliated/insidious15) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:21:02] dunno it seems to pair ok, then gets upset, tries to pair again and fails [18:21:31] I tried to pair again, but it was already paired, so I tried to connect, but bluez didnt like that [18:21:35] *** Parts: Skybound (~skybound@cl-1399.lon-02.gb.sixxs.net) ("WeeChat 1.6") [18:21:52] I've used pacaur and it's okay, it's just that I don't use that many packages from the AUR, so I often just use makepkg to build and rebuild [18:21:55] *** Quits: lounge (~lounge@93-103-38-82.dynamic.t-2.net) (Quit: Lost terminal) [18:21:58] grazzolini, i'm not so sure actually. I was wondering that for a while but i think they're just a bit silly sometimes [18:22:03] *** Joins: gugah (~gugah@ [18:22:05] *** Quits: gugah (~gugah@ (Max SendQ exceeded) [18:22:09] and then I got the device or resource busy in the log, so its fine for like a second and then decides to disconnect [18:22:15] what can I do about this? [18:22:32] *** Quits: Nuc1eoN (~Nuc1eoN@oss/nuc1eon) (Quit: Leaving) [18:22:44] poisonby: between needing mpv-git and a few aur packages, its nice to have one command to update everything [18:22:52] *** Joins: hackour (~hackour@ [18:22:53] *** Quits: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:22:55] probably has to w/ the "Failed to obtain handles for "Service Changed" characteristic" line I get when starting the bluetooth daemon [18:23:01] *** Quits: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [18:23:09] but I cant seem to google up anything on how to get rid of that [18:23:10] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [18:23:22] *** Joins: whphhg (whphhg@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-ynlvknruvklrjfvi) [18:23:36] petejones: Yeah I'm sure it's prefectly fine. According to that AUR helper comparison table, it seems to be one of the best anyway [18:23:38] *** Quits: valeth (~valeth@188-23-67-152.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:23:52] Boohbah, [18:24:00] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Remote host closed the connection) [18:24:01] Pacaur: not as insane as yaourt! [18:24:18] it's up to people to decide what they use, that's fine [18:24:20] *** Quits: Timelaw (~Timelaw@h-190-33.a486.priv.bahnhof.se) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:24:28] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [18:24:56] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Max SendQ exceeded) [18:24:56] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [18:25:01] Pacaur is amazing compared to yaourt. Even without the bad design and security issues, waiting for it to ask to view pkgbuild for next package was a nightmare [18:25:08] !shrug [18:25:09] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [18:25:22] *** Joins: l3nkz (~l3nkz@erwin.inf.tu-dresden.de) [18:25:31] decide for yourself and also deal with any crap that results yourself too };] [18:25:32] *** Joins: negen (~negen@ [18:25:49] All in jest, really. I'm not looking to start a war [18:25:51] !best [18:25:52] Use whatever suits _you_ best. [18:25:56] !war AUR helper [18:25:56] are we talking about AUR helper again? [18:26:01] Forgot the s [18:26:04] meh [18:26:10] *** Quits: matoro (~matoro@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:26:11] thurstylark: A waur? [18:26:14] *** Joins: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) [18:26:14] *** Joins: valeth (~valeth@188-23-65-62.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [18:26:16] :: Starting AUR upgrade...nioce [18:26:17] *** Quits: chandan (~chandan@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:26:21] MacGyver: fuck. off. [18:26:23] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [18:26:24] * poisonby squints at MacGyver [18:26:25] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [18:26:38] (/s) [18:26:53] *** Joins: ravior (~crapitea@ [18:26:58] !war waur [18:26:58] are we talking about waur again? [18:27:03] lol never change #archlinux [18:27:10] too late [18:27:46] *** Quits: Soaked (~Soaked@unaffiliated/soaked) (Quit: Leaving) [18:27:56] Is it possible to delete a package from the AUR ? I uploaded a package, but I realize it was already in community (ghp-import) [18:27:57] waur...waur never commits changes [18:28:00] *** Joins: yabbes (~yabbounic@unaffiliated/yabbounic) [18:28:09] enough time spent here will make anyone go "just juse the fucking manual tools I don't wanna hear about your convenient shit fuck you" [18:28:09] *** Quits: LanDi (~landi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:28:13] is there a way to allow function keys to adjust volume past 100%? (pulseaudio) [18:28:13] *** Joins: majo (~majo@unaffiliated/majo) [18:28:23] tried to find something, but nothing good came up [18:28:23] hahaha [18:28:28] nicoulaj, did you check the wiki entry? [18:28:51] nicoulaj: I mean, first google result answers your question [18:28:54] nicoulaj, page 'aur' [18:28:58] utack: for a video player? [18:28:58] utack, yes [18:29:14] does HDCP of any kind work in arch linux if not then are all the backend requirements now being fulfilled by widevine? [18:29:15] petejones system wide, to artifically push it past 100%, as possible in the GUI controls [18:29:26] Infamous any idea where to set such option? [18:29:38] utack: pactl [18:29:56] utack don't think so. however in mpv for example theres the softvol option which does something similar [18:30:02] utack, amixer [18:30:05] *** Joins: tuelz (~tuelz@c-68-35-96-210.hsd1.al.comcast.net) [18:30:10] ? [18:30:11] maybe [18:30:15] utack check daemon.conf settings? idk [18:30:25] that would be a 'nope' i think [18:30:25] if `iw link` isn't showing my wifi device, what can I do to get it up and running? [18:30:55] corrction `ifconfig` isn't showing my device [18:31:16] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [18:31:33] isn't it 'ip' you use? [18:31:35] `iw list` shows nothing as well, though [18:31:37] *** Quits: petejones (~petejones@pool-108-46-153-243.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving) [18:31:42] *** Quits: goksinen (~goksinen@rrcs-50-75-193-138.nyc.biz.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:31:56] ip link just shows lo and usb (currently tethering my phone) [18:32:03] *** Joins: nsturdev40 (~nsturdev4@ip68-0-162-151.tc.ph.cox.net) [18:32:05] *** Quits: DexterLB (~dex@77-85-9-145.ip.btc-net.bg) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:32:09] oh, ok [18:32:10] *** Quits: murkx (~mur@unaffiliated/murkx) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:32:12] *** Parts: nsturdev40 (~nsturdev4@ip68-0-162-151.tc.ph.cox.net) () [18:32:32] grazzolini that allows manually setting to 150% i found out, but FN keys still go back to 100% max [18:32:38] if the device detected? I guess that would be dmesg/journal [18:32:40] lsusb or lspci might give some insight to what drivers you may need to install for your wireless controller tuelz [18:32:46] the weirdest thing is that wireless works fine when I've got my usbc -> hdmi adapter connected xD [18:33:04] oh lol, one of *those* problems. Good luck :P [18:33:27] poisonby: what's the point of your answer ? [18:33:34] *** Joins: Narrat (~Narrat@p5DED1D66.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [18:33:37] *** Quits: analfabeta (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) (Quit: leaving) [18:33:48] nicoulaj, just general advice, i think [18:34:10] utack: them bind them to pactl [18:34:25] weird, lspci isn't showing anything about wifi that I can find either [18:34:27] *** Joins: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) [18:34:30] *** Joins: analfabeta (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) [18:34:31] rebooting I guess [18:34:35] *** Quits: tuelz (~tuelz@c-68-35-96-210.hsd1.al.comcast.net) (Client Quit) [18:34:36] nicoulaj, i thought it sounded a bit snotty myself but it's easy to be misunderstood on the internet so it's best to assume good faith in the first instance [18:34:39] *** Quits: analfabeta (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) (Client Quit) [18:34:52] *** Joins: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ [18:35:08] *** Joins: analfabeta (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) [18:35:14] grazzolini just found out "+10%" works as well...will bind that to the FN keys. thanks [18:35:15] *** Quits: AzumaHazuki (~hazuki@66-188-137-190.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:35:53] d_garbage: I don't think my question is *that* stupid, the AUR page only vaguely points to aur-requests archive... [18:36:12] nicoulaj: My point is that I think it's good practice to attempt to answer your own question before relying on others. As it turns out, it was quick and easy to find out. Google is a handy thing you know, no offense meant. =) [18:36:16] *** Joins: vlatkoB_ (~IRC_clien@unaffiliated/vlatkob) [18:36:16] nicoulaj, i wouldn't worry about it [18:36:44] *** Joins: mar77i (~mar77i@77-56-218-203.dclient.hispeed.ch) [18:37:10] *** Joins: DexterLB (~dex@77-85-1-109.ip.btc-net.bg) [18:37:12] *** Quits: homerj (~homerj@april-fools/2013/second/homerj) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:37:35] *** Quits: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:37:49] *** Joins: matoro (~matoro@ [18:37:51] nicoulaj: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#Other_requests [18:37:51] Title: Arch User Repository - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [18:38:36] *** Joins: YungRaj (~YungRaj@ [18:38:55] nicoulaj, isn't deletion in the faq? [18:39:00] pretty sure it used to be [18:39:54] *** Quits: vlatkoB (~IRC_clien@unaffiliated/vlatkob) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:40:45] nicoulaj, no it's in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Aur#Other_requests [18:40:46] Title: Arch User Repository - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [18:41:06] yeah, thanks [18:41:23] *** Joins: tuelz (~tuelz@c-68-35-96-210.hsd1.al.comcast.net) [18:41:25] *** Joins: poljar (~poljar@93-141-149-203.adsl.net.t-com.hr) [18:41:26] you're welcome [18:41:48] hmm, reboot still shows nothing looking thru journalctl but not sure what I should be looking for other than red crap xD [18:41:56] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [18:41:59] "Note: aur-mirror is no longer available" <- i bet someone mirrored it :P [18:42:20] *** Quits: itai86 (~indstwetr@ip5457d9b7.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [18:42:24] *** Joins: irb (NSAEchelon@retribution.maleficarum.org) [18:42:32] *** Quits: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:43:01] *** Joins: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ [18:43:03] *** Joins: homerj (~homerj@april-fools/2013/second/homerj) [18:43:12] d_garbage: nothing dies on the internet [18:43:20] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:43:56] whats dead can never die [18:44:12] *** Quits: vshl (~vishal@c-69-181-63-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Lost terminal) [18:44:27] like apprently my wifi chip xD [18:44:28] *** Quits: poljar1 (~poljar@93-143-146-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:44:35] Considering switching to btrfs [18:44:46] I need a network analysis tool which can generate a report of a long period, what do you recommend me? [18:44:53] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [18:45:22] *** Joins: vshl (~vishal@c-69-181-63-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [18:45:35] *** Joins: thinkpadnewbee1 (~Thunderbi@ipservice-092-217-218-019.092.217.pools.vodafone-ip.de) [18:45:39] *** Quits: analfabeta (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) (Quit: Reconnecting) [18:45:57] poisonby, f2fs > brtfs [18:46:11] *** Joins: raynold (uid201163@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zluvwvphiiwiopyw) [18:46:13] btrfs even [18:46:26] *** Quits: hardfalcon (~hardfalco@x4db51a80.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:46:39] thurstylark, it just adds an extra dimension to the data doesn't it? I use the 'date' filter on google all the time. I wish it was more common practice to date pages clearly [18:47:03] thurstylark, should be built-in to the internet really [18:47:54] d_garbage: I hear you. Many times I look for info, and it's all dated too old to be relevant except for that one article/post/whatever that seems relevant from the preview and doesn't have a date [18:47:58] *** Joins: s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101) [18:48:08] yup [18:48:28] *** Quits: abbec (~abbec@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:48:51] *** Joins: melkor333 (~melkor333@2a02:1205:34d3:c070:7c76:c6ca:8df8:8a4c) [18:48:57] thurstylark, sometimes on forums i mistake the date of joining of the poster for the posted date and double-take [18:49:07] *** Joins: cotko (~ahmed@188-230-161-23.dynamic.t-2.net) [18:49:17] *** Joins: nsturdev40 (~nsturdev4@ip68-0-162-151.tc.ph.cox.net) [18:49:18] *** Quits: smdeep (~smdeep@ (Remote host closed the connection) [18:49:41] *** Quits: tuelz (~tuelz@c-68-35-96-210.hsd1.al.comcast.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:49:43] * thurstylark knows that feel [18:49:58] also just horrible page design, everywhere. All day every day [18:49:59] don't get me started on date format either [18:50:18] *** Joins: sandeepkr (~Sandeepkr@ [18:51:22] *** Joins: vdv (~vdv@x4dbd6792.dyn.telefonica.de) [18:51:22] you have to fight your way through to what would logically be the most salient thing buried underneath the weight of 'snazzy' design' and advertising [18:51:39] Hello, I'm using pacaur -Syu to update the mainline linux kernel, and for some reason, I'm starting to get a bunch of patch messages that look like this: "The next patch would create the file , which already exists! Assume -R? [n]" Can anyone explain to me what's happening here? [18:51:43] ctrl+f [18:51:56] Jester2: which version? [18:52:09] !npm [18:52:10] https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/2933 [18:52:10] Jester2, helpers not really supported here [18:52:25] spyhawk: linux-mainline-4.10rc8-1 [18:52:26] *** Joins: flavius (~flavius@unaffiliated/flavius) [18:52:32] Jester2: pacaur version? [18:52:33] d_garbage, oh, okay. [18:52:43] *** Quits: choru (~choru@78-56-154-238.static.zebra.lt) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:52:52] Jester2, weeeeel, unless the author happens to start talking to you ;) [18:52:52] spyhawk, v5.0.1 [18:52:57] er sorry [18:53:00] that's pacman. [18:53:03] *** Quits: thinkpadnewbee1 (~Thunderbi@ipservice-092-217-218-019.092.217.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: thinkpadnewbee1) [18:53:13] *** Joins: linuksz (~linuksz@gateway/tor-sasl/linuksz) [18:53:18] pacur 4.7.2 [18:53:24] really 4.10 damnnnn [18:53:36] so mainline [18:53:50] Jester2: don't bother reporting issue with obsolete version. Update to latest pacaur. [18:54:12] pacaur -Syu [18:54:24] citazen, leave them to it ;) [18:54:46] kk :) [18:54:47] yeah, i'll update pacaur first, then do the others to see if it will clear it up. thank you. [18:54:51] n rboot [18:54:54] *** Quits: citazen (~citazen@ (Remote host closed the connection) [18:55:02] that was a wonderful moment of problem meets person who solved problem [18:55:18] even seemed genuine :) [18:55:25] :P [18:55:27] *** Quits: SpinTensor (~SpinTenso@i577A3C4F.versanet.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [18:55:28] *** Quits: treia (~treia@2a01cb00037c81007e5cf8fffe34032d.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:55:29] hah [18:57:05] *** Quits: panikovsky (~panikovsk@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:57:19] *** Quits: linuksz (~linuksz@gateway/tor-sasl/linuksz) (Client Quit) [18:57:28] *** Quits: SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:57:29] *** Quits: therue (~therue@1-162-64-95.dynamic.hinet.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:58:34] *** Quits: matoro (~matoro@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:58:36] *** Quits: iconz (~iconz@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [18:58:56] *** Quits: Turk1024 (~rick@173-26-2-219.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: leaving) [18:59:35] *** Quits: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:00:09] *** Joins: tuelz (~tuelz@c-68-35-96-210.hsd1.al.comcast.net) [19:00:13] *** Quits: vshl (~vishal@c-69-181-63-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: leaving) [19:00:34] okay so the ath10k modules are supposedly supposed to be loaded for my dell xps 9360 [19:00:52] and they aren't...so after I load them, how can I find my wifi devices name to try and bring it up? [19:01:01] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Remote host closed the connection) [19:01:12] *** Joins: vshl (~vishal@c-69-181-63-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [19:01:29] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [19:01:33] *** Quits: mohabaks (~mohabaks@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [19:01:50] *** Parts: nsturdev40 (~nsturdev4@ip68-0-162-151.tc.ph.cox.net) () [19:01:56] *** Quits: makmm (~makmm@unaffiliated/makmm) (Quit: Leaving) [19:02:01] *** Joins: martium (~mars@ [19:02:07] *** Joins: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [19:02:38] *** Joins: gugah (~gugah@ [19:02:42] *** Quits: jomg (~jomg@ (Quit: Leaving) [19:02:59] *** Joins: Turk1024 (~rick@173-26-2-219.client.mchsi.com) [19:03:15] *** Joins: Matombo (~Matombo@p579913A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [19:03:56] !problem [19:03:57] Please try to define the problem as clearly as you can, so: what do you want to do, what did you try and what was the result? [19:04:05] *** Quits: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:04:09] *** Quits: bluedrc (~bluebrain@abnn241.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Lost terminal) [19:04:30] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Remote host closed the connection) [19:04:54] ahh it's a wonderful day [19:04:56] *** Joins: citazen (~citazen@ [19:04:58] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [19:05:04] *** Joins: pfad (web1416@unaffiliated/pfad) [19:05:05] for more detail on this very effective approach: http://www.co.kerr.tx.us/it/howtoreport.html [19:05:07] Title: FGA: Please follow the standard litany when giving a problem report. (at www.co.kerr.tx.us) [19:05:11] *** Quits: tuelz (~tuelz@c-68-35-96-210.hsd1.al.comcast.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [19:05:15] hmm still linux 4.9.8-1 [19:05:38] citazen, don't be too impatient for the Future it comes all too quickly };] [19:05:44] hahahah [19:05:58] yeh i will wait till in pacman [19:06:12] bugs n whoknows [19:06:24] i usually do, though it run the linux-ck kernel so [19:06:35] *** Quits: DexterLB (~dex@77-85-1-109.ip.btc-net.bg) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:06:41] i* [19:06:48] *** Joins: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) [19:07:02] kk. just valilla 4me [19:07:08] vanilla [19:07:10] mostly it's behind necessarily but sometimes it's ahead [19:07:26] like when 4.9 got stuck for a while [19:07:29] *** Joins: zrj (~raw_rw@ [19:08:03] *** Joins: NolanSyKinsley (~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5112:df00:77f3:1947:810a:5711) [19:08:11] i hate that - cuz i normally rely on people screaming here to know if there's a problem, so behind is better };] [19:08:11] i could swear tho i was at 4.9.8-3 mani gotta quit smokint that stuff :) [19:08:23] *** Joins: DexterLB (~dex@79-100-236-252.ip.btc-net.bg) [19:08:40] heh [19:08:40] *** Quits: cutgah (~Thunderbi@222.red-81-47-55.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Quit: cutgah) [19:09:00] d_garbage: noise-related bug prioritizing. I like it. [19:09:00] maybe just a bit less }:] [19:09:05] ha [19:09:28] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:09:58] *** Quits: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [19:10:05] *** Joins: even_me (~eVe@archlinux/fellow/even) [19:10:20] thurstylark, i like to help here i never said i didn't also profit from it in other ways :) [19:10:58] d_garbage: you have the finger on the pulse of archlinux. Mainly using it as a canary for your own updates, but so be it! [19:11:17] damn my squigdit is farbled because of the latest update! ... delays updating a bit, heh heh heh };] [19:11:45] *** Joins: Stick (~stick@Kol-kolibrien.cust.fsknet.dk) [19:11:52] recent mpv thing was classic example [19:12:08] *** Quits: robotroll (~robotroll@unaffiliated/robotroll) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:12:11] damn if I'm gonna let my squigdit get farbled! [19:12:19] i could easily have rebuilt it myself but it was fixed in a few hours so :) [19:12:28] d_garbage: must have missed the mpv thing. What happened? [19:12:28] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:12:40] needed rebuild against ffmpeg [19:12:44] iirc [19:13:04] was like an hour or so before fixed [19:13:06] * thurstylark didn't do any updates this weekend, so didn't get affected either [19:13:07] *** Quits: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:13:19] i update most every day [19:13:27] *** Quits: aleksander0m (~Aleksande@ (Quit: Leaving) [19:13:32] come home from work, check updates :P [19:13:58] I update weekdays mostly. Run arch on my work machine, so I update before leaving [19:14:07] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [19:14:13] usually takes about 10 seconds to decide if it's breakage possible stuff and update [19:14:31] :) [19:14:53] yup. always checkupdates before updating :P [19:15:00] yyus [19:15:10] *** Joins: awidegreen (~awidegree@2001:16d8:ff00:860c:c947:7385:fec7:5910) [19:15:15] ver' handy [19:15:18] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [19:15:31] i never noticed because i run my own mpv and ffmpeg builds as i enjoy blaming myself when shit breaks [19:15:36] I've debated putting a `checkupdates | wc -l` in my bar... [19:15:38] \o/ [19:15:43] haven't yet because lazy [19:15:50] !give beest blame [19:15:51] beest: Allan. [19:15:55] *** Quits: pcspkr (~toor@dyx-ztyb2w-7s--tydmwy-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [19:15:56] :) [19:16:36] sudokode-dooby-doo! Where are you? We've got some work for you now ;) [19:16:40] *** Joins: Toropisco (~toropisco@unaffiliated/toropisco) [19:17:45] sudokode, uh if you don't get the reference, ask an older relative of some kind [19:17:57] *** Joins: matoro (~matoro@ [19:18:19] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [19:19:33] *** Joins: t_h (~tobi@ [19:19:40] sudokode, in addendum: also when did you get a life? How annoying! but best of luck anyway :) [19:19:40] *** Joins: pcspkr (~toor@dyx-ztyb2w-7s--tydmwy-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) [19:20:01] *** Joins: harveykim (~harveyk_@ [19:20:47] *** Joins: ches52 (~alex@ [19:21:13] *** Joins: windel (~windel@2001:984:3702:1:c5bc:5e0b:f8a9:6070) [19:21:40] *** Quits: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:21:49] *** Quits: Gi0 (~Gi0@unaffiliated/gi0) (Quit: Cheers) [19:21:57] * d_garbage looks around and realises he's talking too much. Please, do carry on :) [19:22:19] *** Joins: BL4DE (~BL4DE@host86-144-191-106.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) [19:22:25] *** Quits: Raed|Mobile (~Raed@2607:fb90:442c:68e5:d339:1f81:1b4:b797) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:23:27] *** Joins: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ [19:23:33] *** Joins: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) [19:23:44] *** Joins: RickDeckard (~tburringt@cpe-68-174-144-3.nyc.res.rr.com) [19:23:55] *** Joins: elgatov (~elgatov@231.red-81-32-90.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [19:23:58] *** Quits: stef204 (~stef204@unaffiliated/stef-204/x-384198) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [19:24:31] *** Joins: bf_ (~bf_@xdsl-87-79-151-22.netcologne.de) [19:24:35] *** Joins: Gi0 (~Gi0@unaffiliated/gi0) [19:25:20] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [19:26:10] *** Quits: berton (~berton@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:27:13] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [19:28:07] *** Quits: bocaneri (~bocaneri@about/linux/staff/sauvin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:28:24] spyhawk: just to let ou know, i did an update pacaur and that eliminataed the messages I was having. I was just having a chicken and egg situation where I was updating the kernel before updating pacaur. thanks again. [19:28:32] *** Joins: JohnDoe42 (~frederik@ [19:28:56] *** Quits: mohsen_ (~Mohsen@ (Quit: Leaving) [19:29:47] *** Joins: someotherguy (589969e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:29:49] *** Joins: Irishluck83 (~Irishluck@unaffiliated/irishluck83) [19:29:49] hedya [19:30:14] *** Joins: OhYash (73f9822f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:30:47] Jester2: ok, np. [19:31:10] is it possible to turn on the num pad at bootup. If so where? [19:31:11] *** Joins: abbec (~abbec@ [19:31:14] *** Quits: pingveno (~pingveno@li731-29.members.linode.com) (Read error: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number) [19:31:21] *** Joins: Deleh (8d3a3857@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. [19:31:34] installed arch for tripleboot(in addition to ubuntu n win7), installed grub. grub wont show Ubuntu [19:31:43] *** Quits: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [19:32:12] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [19:32:26] these days i set up my arch linux again on a new SSD and finally managed to get into gnome. now the problem is that I don't have the network set up right at the start. after each boot I have to "dhcpcd enp0s25" to set up the internet connection. i guess this is related to some daemon but I cannot figure out what I did wrong in the initial setup to screw this up [19:32:45] *** Joins: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) [19:33:02] OhYash: install os-prober and try again. [19:33:18] make sure you redo your grub [19:34:03] someotherguy: if you want the dhcpcd service to start at boot then you should enable it [19:34:21] *** Quits: Stick (~stick@Kol-kolibrien.cust.fsknet.dk) (Quit: leaving) [19:34:26] someotherguy: otherwise use NetworkManager, it integrates with gnome. [19:34:28] Toropisco : done, thats why it shows win7 [19:34:37] nevermind on my issue [19:34:39] someotherguy, I find the easiest way to control networks is using intel's connman tool along with a gui called cmst things work out really simple [19:35:19] *** Quits: Deleh (8d3a3857@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. (Client Quit) [19:35:26] Namarrgon: I actually think I did enable it, can I check if its enabled without doing the systemctl enable command? [19:35:39] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [19:35:46] systemctl status [19:35:46] OhYash: did you enable NetworkManager.service? [19:36:02] but to get dhcp running it should be something like sysmtemctl start/enable dhcp@INTERFACENAME.service [19:36:14] *** Quits: yithian (yith@nat/redhat/x-mucktluuftiqqsvz) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:36:23] when I grub from ubuntu, all 3 show up but arch doesnt boot [19:36:31] well it says Loaded: loaded.... and then Active: inactive (dead) [19:36:41] but is it enabled? [19:36:59] Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) [19:37:04] Toropisco : Not even installed, why would I need NetworkManager.service [19:37:24] If I add a build dependency as a normal dependency, and I fix that, do I have to increase pkgrel? [19:37:24] OhYash: Mixed up conversations... [19:37:35] *** Joins: shortCircuit__ (6a33168d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:37:36] accidentally ad* [19:37:47] add* >.> [19:37:49] *** Quits: hackour (~hackour@ (Quit: Leaving) [19:37:58] Toropisco: No I don't have NetworkManager.service installed [19:38:00] *** Joins: Stick (~stick@Kol-kolibrien.cust.fsknet.dk) [19:38:01] poisonby: Increase pkgrel when new version would change something for the user [19:38:11] what's your threshold? [19:38:18] *** Quits: abbec (~abbec@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [19:38:24] erm [19:38:24] andreyv: So it doesn't take into account fixes to the PKGBUILD itself, only the package? [19:38:29] OhYash: When you boot from Ubuntu, do you notice something strange in grub.cfg. [19:38:44] the dangers or reading scroll back ... [19:38:48] *** Quits: Stick (~stick@Kol-kolibrien.cust.fsknet.dk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:38:58] poisonby: No, pkgrel means changes in PKGBUILD/other files [19:38:59] someotherguy: journalctl -b -u dhcpcd.service [19:39:00] Toropisco : like? [19:39:04] someotherguy: Try with NetworkManager. Many say it is the spawn of hell, but it works quite well with gnome. [19:39:17] is there a way that I can install the os directly from iso into the external hdd (in mac) .. because mac now has this C grade ports .. and I only have one convertor .. so I . can't boot my usb drive and install in the external hdd at the same time.. plz plz plz help [19:39:20] *** Joins: berton (~berton@ [19:39:23] Namarrgon: No entries [19:39:25] andreyv: I see, thanks [19:39:25] poisonby: When you fix a typo in the PKGBUILD comment, you don't need to change pkgrel, because for users nothing changes [19:39:35] someotherguy: is that the unit you enabled? [19:39:43] lol [19:39:45] poisonby: If you change dependencies, then users see it, so you probably need to increase pkgrel [19:39:52] OhYash: something different from the configuration lines in Arch's grub.cfg [19:40:06] *** Quits: Gathis (~TheBlack@unaffiliated/gathis) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:40:08] *** Quits: mar77i (~mar77i@77-56-218-203.dclient.hispeed.ch) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:40:11] Toropisco : lemmi check [19:40:20] andreyv: Understood, thanks! [19:40:37] Namarrgon: I thought I did at least... I enabled it now again but the status still doesnt seem right, no? [19:40:53] *** Joins: mar77i (~mar77i@77-56-218-203.dclient.hispeed.ch) [19:41:10] someotherguy: post the 'systemctl' output [19:41:10] *** Quits: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:41:10] can I use virtual box and boot the os and install it in the external hdd ? [19:41:34] ● dhcpcd.service - dhcpcd on all interfaces Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) [19:42:39] *** Quits: LBV_User (~leonardo@ (Quit: done with this Instant Ramen Cup) [19:43:21] someotherguy: Note that you enable it with: systemctl enable --now dhcpcd@INTERFACE.service [19:43:33] It probably turns inactive if you don't specify the interface [19:43:33] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:43:41] *** Joins: rogorido (~rogorido@127.red-88-4-198.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [19:43:46] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [19:43:47] Toropisco : Yep, arch's grub.cfg is way shorter than ubuntu's [19:43:57] poisonby: so in my case dhcpcd@enp0s25.... ? [19:44:06] someotherguy: If that's the network interface, yes [19:44:30] *** Quits: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:44:44] *** Joins: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) [19:44:48] hmm it failed, sec [19:44:59] *** Joins: nyarlu (~brandon@2001:8003:4171:0:8e70:5aff:fe80:65a4) [19:45:08] *** Quits: awidegreen (~awidegree@2001:16d8:ff00:860c:c947:7385:fec7:5910) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:45:12] Feb 13 19:44:26 archnix systemd[1]: Starting dhcpcd on enp0s25... Feb 13 19:44:26 archnix systemd[1]: dhcpcd@enp0s25.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1 Feb 13 19:44:26 archnix systemd[1]: Failed to start dhcpcd on enp0s25. Feb 13 19:44:26 archnix systemd[1]: dhcpcd@enp0s25.service: Unit entered failed state. Feb 13 19:44:26 archnix systemd[1]: dhcpcd@enp0s25.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. [19:45:36] *** Joins: abbec (~abbec@ [19:45:44] *** Quits: shortCircuit__ (6a33168d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [19:45:47] someotherguy: Maybe you can get some more information from the journal [19:45:58] *** Quits: MRiddickW (~quassel@71-14-142-242.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:46:30] OhYash: copy the arch menuentry lines into custom.cfg in ubuntu and you would be set. Afterwards you want try to regenerate arch's grub.cfg [19:46:48] And see if it sees the ubuntu partition. [19:47:10] *** Quits: borkr (~borkr@ (Quit: Leaving) [19:47:24] poisonby: yea it's saying that dhcpcd is already running on pid 1185 [19:47:27] Mind that if you are using a GPT disk, you can only have one grub boot partition.... [19:48:15] *** Joins: comma8 (~comma8@2601:1c2:500:b7fc::9c3f) [19:48:57] *** Joins: dandels (~dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) [19:49:01] *** Joins: yithian (yith@nat/redhat/x-ueytgzwiqaeavfpn) [19:49:11] *** Joins: ShalokShalom_ (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [19:49:24] *** Quits: ShalokShalom (~quassel@192-164-252-134.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:49:28] someotherguy: Kill it? :P [19:50:03] *** Jupelius_ is now known as Jupelius [19:50:15] *** Joins: initiumdoeslinux (~initiumdo@78-69-231-98-no253.tbcn.telia.com) [19:50:47] someotherguy: If you enabled some systemd service, ls /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ | egrep dhcpcd [19:51:01] And stop the service [19:51:09] disable [19:51:16] poisonby: yea just did :D killed it, enabled the service, now status says "failed to start dhcpcd on enp0s25" [19:51:29] someotherguy: Check journal again [19:51:34] *** Joins: edh (~edh1@p5499003A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [19:51:40] someotherguy: Is the interface UP? [19:51:47] poisonby: journal did not update [19:51:56] *** Quits: Irishluck83 (~Irishluck@unaffiliated/irishluck83) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [19:52:05] *** Quits: boombanana (~jorick@78-22-70-154.access.telenet.be) (Quit: leaving) [19:52:08] *** Quits: rokups (uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fchksxkriwtagyxy) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [19:52:19] also the other command you mentioned gives back: dhcpcd.service and dhcpcd@enp0s25.service so ill just disable the first one eh? [19:52:24] Yeah [19:52:32] someotherguy: is the interface up in ip link? [19:52:38] yes [19:52:56] *** Joins: boombanana (~jorick@78-22-70-154.access.telenet.be) [19:53:05] *** Quits: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:53:25] *** Joins: blueblur112198 (~blueblur1@96-95-58-237-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) [19:53:28] disabled the other one, enabled the "proper" one, still says failed on status... [19:53:31] someotherguy: Double check you don't have any typos in the command [19:53:58] poisonby: which command? [19:54:05] how would one install both nvidia-libgl and mesa-libgl on an nvidia optimus machine [19:54:11] *** Joins: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) [19:54:12] someotherguy: Also, maybe I should've lead with this, you *are* using ethernet right? :P [19:54:20] yep yep :) [19:54:24] Nice [19:54:27] primusrun works unless a glx context needs to be created [19:54:30] *** Quits: YungRaj (~YungRaj@ (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [19:54:39] someotherguy: $ sudo systemctl enable --now dhcpcd@enp0s25.service [19:54:39] it's also the same machine so i'm actually using that ethernet connection right now [19:54:47] Wait [19:54:49] How? [19:54:57] VM? [19:54:58] *** Joins: nuh_al_khidr (~nuh_al_kh@2601:140:c001:6285::5724) [19:55:16] well like i said, when I do "dhcpcd enp0s25" after booting up, THEN the connection works [19:55:18] *** Quits: nuh_al_khidr (~nuh_al_kh@2601:140:c001:6285::5724) (Client Quit) [19:55:23] the problem was that i have to type this every time i boot up [19:55:35] pgrep dhcpcd [19:55:52] *** Quits: jstimm (~jstimm@unaffiliated/jstimm) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:55:59] *** Quits: cedra (~cedra@unaffiliated/cedra) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [19:56:02] what does that do? [19:56:10] *** Joins: StinkyFinger (~stephen@62-64-232-151.dynamic.dial.as9105.com) [19:56:15] But since you're still connected, I assume there's some conflict. Try $ sudo systemctl enavbe dhcpcd@enp0s25.service instead and reboot [19:56:17] without --now [19:56:17] *** Joins: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [19:56:28] someotherguy: It checks if there's a process matching dhcpcd running [19:56:35] it returned nothing [19:56:43] but ill do the other command and reboot then [19:56:48] Good luck! [19:57:04] someotherguy: same command but disable if you need to disable it and reboot later for some reason [19:57:12] http://ix.io/1Tie [19:57:34] there's what happens when I try to run "primusrun glxgears" [19:57:51] *** Joins: Icedman (~Icedman@unaffiliated/icedman) [19:58:04] I'm fairly sure it's because I have mesa-libgl installed and not nvidia-libgl [19:58:05] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Remote host closed the connection) [19:58:13] but I need mesa-libgl for my intel graphics device [19:58:15] *** Eyess is now known as eyes [19:58:20] *** eyes is now known as Eyes [19:58:21] and they conflict with each other [19:58:28] *** Quits: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ (Remote host closed the connection) [19:58:45] *** Quits: OhYash (73f9822f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [19:58:52] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [19:58:53] *** Joins: cedra (~cedra@unaffiliated/cedra) [19:59:08] *** Eyes is now known as await [19:59:10] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Max SendQ exceeded) [19:59:11] pacman -Qs nvidia [19:59:46] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [19:59:49] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [20:00:40] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:00:46] i don't think primus works with the blob unless you use bumblebee [20:00:47] *** Joins: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ [20:01:02] *** Joins: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) [20:01:15] which provides the symlinks otherwise found in nvidia-libgl [20:01:29] *** Quits: someotherguy (589969e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:01:35] *** Joins: aguitel (~aguitel@ [20:01:55] *** Quits: berton (~berton@ (Quit: Leaving) [20:02:09] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [20:02:30] Namarrgon: I am using bumblebee [20:02:42] maybe I should reinstall it [20:02:47] triyng to install arch in chromebook samsung 3 celes last mounth and keyboard is not running , any clues? [20:02:52] how about the output of that command? [20:03:01] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Remote host closed the connection) [20:03:04] *** Joins: cottoneyejim (~cottoneye@ [20:03:10] aguitel: braswell? [20:03:16] Namarrgon, yes [20:03:52] it's borked, try the -lts kernel or get one of the 4.8 kernels from the ALA for testing [20:04:05] *** Joins: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ [20:04:06] *** Quits: frankdrey (~textual@c-73-225-124-33.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [20:05:05] *** Quits: the_alchemist (~the_alche@ (Max SendQ exceeded) [20:05:19] Namarrgon, what is ALA ? [20:05:31] Namarrgon: http://ix.io/1Tii [20:05:44] aguitel: Arch Linux Archive [20:05:45] pretty sure I'm configured to use the proprietary drivers [20:05:54] blueblur112198: uname -r [20:06:01] *** Quits: zerorax (~zerorax@tnhlon4048w-lp130-05-65-95-220-41.dsl.bell.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:06:03] 4.8.13-1-ARCH [20:06:08] Llewelyn, ok [20:06:14] aguitel: https://archive.archlinux.org/ [20:06:15] Title: Index of / (at archive.archlinux.org) [20:06:18] blueblur112198: lspci -k [20:06:32] It is an archive of all the old binary packages and PKGBUILDs [20:06:40] Very helpful on an number of fronts [20:06:52] *** Joins: bahtiyar (~bahtiyar@ [20:06:56] *** Quits: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [20:06:59] *** Joins: sandlst (~sandlst@h98.133.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) [20:07:14] * d_garbage wonders past and notices Llewelyn [20:07:17] first time i see this archive , very important [20:07:19] blueblur112198: the nvidia-lts modules is built against the linux-lts kernel, not 'linux' [20:07:20] *** Joins: TotalOblivion (~Henry@ppp-94-66-221-61.home.otenet.gr) [20:07:35] * Llewelyn tosses a cookie at d_garbage [20:07:45] trying to make cofeee or something , damnit! [20:08:11] Drinking coffee and eating cookies, like a boss XP [20:08:14] *** Quits: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:08:45] Namarrgon: let me do a quick pacman -Syu and install non-lts nvidia drivers [20:08:50] Good evening. 'pacman -Syu' failed because haskell-x11 is now 1.8-1 but my aur xmonad-git and xmonad-contrib-git requires haskell-x11 < 1.8. How should I resolve this best, I'd like to keep using xmonad-git? Should I force the upgrade which will upgrade haskell-x11 to 1.8-1, and then rebuilg my aur packages (which I can not do now because the aur packages now require haskell-x11>1.8)? [20:09:04] *** Joins: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) [20:09:04] *** Joins: thymba (~andrea@host115-202-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [20:10:17] *** Joins: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) [20:10:24] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness) [20:10:37] *** Quits: Gi0 (~Gi0@unaffiliated/gi0) (Quit: Cheers) [20:10:44] *** Quits: TheRealRob (~bobby@a838.ip20.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [20:11:28] *** Quits: bahtiyar (~bahtiyar@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:12:05] *** Joins: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) [20:12:16] *** Joins: JDH313 (~jacob@ [20:12:25] *** Quits: dviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [20:12:50] yes rebuild, thus system is up to date [20:12:51] jonascj: do I have a dejavu? [20:13:41] * d_garbage made coffee, the World is safe again, for the time being }:] [20:13:51] hahhaha [20:14:04] pacman -Syu coffee [20:14:36] *** Joins: Purec (~Purec@unaffiliated/purec) [20:14:41] if only [20:14:54] teraflops: I have likely had a similar problem in the recent past, so probably yes. Apparently it takes a few more cases to become self sufficient in resolving these issue (without breaking things too badly which I would do on my own). [20:15:02] like that robot in that film [20:15:29] *** Quits: lacrymology (~lacrymolo@182.red-88-1-60.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:15:45] yeah that film... [20:15:49] jonascj: may I ask what's wrong with using xmonad and xmonad-contrib from repos? [20:16:11] *** Quits: mdarse (~mdarse@LStLambert-656-1-267-103.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [20:16:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robby_the_Robot [20:16:21] Title: Robby the Robot - Wikipedia (at en.wikipedia.org) [20:16:34] im thinking more of a strtreck replicator [20:17:01] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [20:17:12] teraflops: #xmonad says it makes most sense to use the latest git version of xmonad since they do infrequent releases. [20:17:25] im pretty sure nanos would play a role in that one [20:17:29] citazen, 'Monsters from the ID!" };] [20:17:53] teraflops: however, the issues which caused me to use the git version are resolved in 0.13-1, so maybe I should just revert to that. [20:17:55] *** Quits: alexandre9099 (~alexandre@gateway/tor-sasl/alexandre9099) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:18:20] *** Joins: lacrymology (~lacrymolo@182.red-88-1-60.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) [20:19:21] also that wikipedia article is crap [20:19:28] jonascj: I never felt the need of doing xmonad from git, for the same reasons you are saying, and xmonad is well mantained (now) in arch repos [20:19:32] *** Joins: philwyettreb (~philwyett@79-74-95-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) [20:19:34] *** Quits: mstruebing (~mstruebin@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [20:19:46] in that case I would just remove xmonad-git and xmonad-contrib-git, then upgrade and install the non-aur version of xmonad? [20:20:05] jonascj: that's what I'm doing for 3 years :) [20:20:08] *** Joins: muhannad____ (~muhannad@ [20:20:11] *** Joins: SysGhost (~sysghost@ [20:20:15] pacman -Syu [20:20:27] *** Joins: bocard (~bocard@ [20:20:30] holy shit that's my first example of, "who said this exactly?!" on a wiki, lol [20:21:02] *** Quits: vlatkoB_ (~IRC_clien@unaffiliated/vlatkob) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:21:14] jonascj: not saying: go use xmonad from repos, just describing what I do [20:21:15] a garbled load of schlock instead of the real metaphors :P lol [20:21:46] *** Joins: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ [20:21:47] teraflops: the 0.12 version (which were in the arch repos until very recently, 3 days ago?) suffered frome some caching issues which were only fixed by using the -git versions. [20:22:24] teraflops: atm 0.13-1 from the repos will do it for me, so I might as well leave the -git versions for now, returning to them if need be (other bugs) [20:22:42] *** Joins: oxhak (~OxHaK@unaffiliated/oxhak) [20:23:25] sure, but I don't know what issues are you talking about [20:23:29] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [20:23:56] *** chee is now known as petal [20:24:00] *** petal is now known as chee [20:24:03] *** chee is now known as snes [20:24:13] teraflops: struct caching where status bars would be covered on first loading untill you reset the layouts, reloaded xmonad or similar. [20:24:16] *** snes is now known as chee [20:24:29] jonascj: which status bar? [20:24:37] https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2016-March/015057.html [20:24:38] Title: [xmonad] Can avoidStruts stop working? (at mail.haskell.org) [20:24:43] *** Joins: alexandre9099 (~alexandre@gateway/tor-sasl/alexandre9099) [20:24:51] jonascj: which one? [20:24:58] teraflops: I think all bars under certain circumstances. In my case xmobar [20:25:05] ah, I use dzen2 never had that issue [20:25:35] *** Quits: lacrymology (~lacrymolo@182.red-88-1-60.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:25:39] I see, maybe all bars are not equal with respect to that bug / issue :) [20:26:09] do you agree that I should just remove xmonad-git and xmonad-contrib-git, do the system-upgrade, then install the repo versions? [20:26:10] I think so [20:26:21] as a way to transition from the git versions to the repo versions [20:26:31] wait my I think so was about the bars^ [20:26:59] *** Quits: nod (~nod@zenode.zerofill.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [20:27:13] *** Quits: vee (~vee@unaffiliated/vee) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:27:31] jonascj: do what you want, I'm just describing what I do, also I don't so xmobar [20:27:37] so/do [20:27:48] *** Joins: dhil (~dhil@dhcp-90-078.inf.ed.ac.uk) [20:27:51] *** chee is now known as asciident [20:27:55] *** Joins: kishore96 (~kishore@ [20:27:59] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [20:28:00] *** Joins: trulyyourswo (~eooo@unaffiliated/operasinger) [20:28:04] hello [20:28:07] *** asciident is now known as chee [20:28:15] *** Quits: blueblur112198 (~blueblur1@96-95-58-237-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [20:28:19] how do I know from where a site is hosted , like xxxx.com [20:28:25] it's location ? [20:28:38] if it's not using a vpn [20:28:43] trulyyourswo: why are you asking here in #archlinux? [20:28:52] *** Quits: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [20:28:53] maybe it's about archlinux.org [20:29:01] why not? [20:29:12] you can always *ask* [20:29:38] trulyyourswo: get the ip address and look it up? [20:29:41] jonascj: then where do I ask ? [20:29:50] teraflops: yeah, of a site ? [20:29:54] Hello, makepkg extracts package but it has wrong permissions inside. How to make chmod on extracted contents? [20:30:02] trulyyourswo: you can use nslookup or similar to find the ip corresponding to xxx.com, then you can look it up in a geolocation database like https://www.iplocation.net/ [20:30:06] *** Joins: Valicek1 (~Thunderbi@55-125-149-46.synanet.cz) [20:30:13] delmadord, start at the beginning [20:30:19] *** Joins: moonnie (~irc@5355D4AC.cm-6-6d.dynamic.ziggo.nl) [20:30:22] *** Quits: bf_ (~bf_@xdsl-87-79-151-22.netcologne.de) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:30:27] trulyyourswo: it has dns record like A or AAAA? [20:31:06] alhtough ip geolocation is at best accurate to country or city, not more than that. [20:31:16] delmadord, as in what do you want to do, what did you try and what was the result? [20:31:30] dns record A or AAAA ? what's AAAA [20:31:53] trulyyourswo: ipv6 equivalent of A [20:31:55] d_garbage: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/scriptbasic/ this is what I am working on. It has multiple problems. [20:31:57] Title: AUR (en) - scriptbasic (at aur.archlinux.org) [20:32:13] delmadord, that's not what i asked you :) [20:32:46] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:33:36] d_garbage: :) but I have published it. It is my package I am building. It has a tar inside, which has some strange permissions. [20:33:54] !problem [20:33:55] Please try to define the problem as clearly as you can, so: what do you want to do, what did you try and what was the result? [20:33:55] *** Quits: meurer (~meurer@a89-154-255-25.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:34:05] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:34:08] it's the easiest way [20:34:13] *** Joins: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) [20:34:26] *** Quits: whphhg (whphhg@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-ynlvknruvklrjfvi) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [20:34:32] trulyyourswo: You can ask anywhere, I just wondered what brought you to #archlinux, and not just #linux or similar :) [20:34:42] because [20:34:45] !next [20:34:46] Another satisfied customer! NEXT! [20:34:50] *** Joins: disharmonic (~disharmon@unaffiliated/disharmonic) [20:35:40] *** Joins: dude42 (~dude42@f0.63.01a8.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com) [20:35:57] trulyyourswo: same as A but for ipv6 [20:36:11] d_garbage: nevermind...thank you :) [20:36:48] *** Quits: boombanana (~jorick@78-22-70-154.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [20:36:52] delmadord, no, really, honestly i'm really trying to help you [20:37:08] i even aborted a game i just decide to play to say that :) [20:37:32] *** Joins: KindOne_ (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone) [20:37:48] so... [20:38:04] d_garbage: I know and I understand you, I was once helping on a #laravel channnel for about half a year :) but I have more problems with that, I am considering opening a topic on a forum [20:38:14] *** Joins: Balzy (~Balzy@host67-136-dynamic.17-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [20:38:23] good idea [20:38:37] forums get wider audience [20:39:09] teraflops: it worked uninstalling xmonad-contrib-git and xmonad-git, then 'pacman -Syu', and finally 'pacman -S xmonad xmonad-contrib'. Thanks. [20:39:15] half dozen to dozen here at a one time, forums get seen more [20:39:24] *** ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom [20:39:31] *** Quits: dnut (~soldier95@45-20-67-14.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:39:45] *** Quits: autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:39:55] *** Joins: ensyde (~ensyde@cpe-172-73-222-111.carolina.res.rr.com) [20:40:25] *** Quits: trulyyourswo (~eooo@unaffiliated/operasinger) (Quit: trulyyourswo) [20:40:29] * d_garbage sees his chance to run for his game now [20:40:29] *** Quits: KindOne (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [20:40:46] *** Quits: pierres (~pierre@archlinux/developer/pierres) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [20:40:47] *** Quits: vshl (~vishal@c-69-181-63-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: leaving) [20:41:04] jonascj: good [20:41:20] *** Quits: zub1n (~zub1n@unaffiliated/zub1n) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [20:41:44] *** KindOne_ is now known as KindOne [20:41:55] *** Quits: Turk1024 (~rick@173-26-2-219.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: leaving) [20:42:17] *** Quits: Balzy (~Balzy@host67-136-dynamic.17-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Client Quit) [20:43:27] *** Joins: Balzy (~Balzy@host67-136-dynamic.17-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) [20:44:03] *** Quits: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:44:05] *** Quits: itokatsu (~itk@chy02-1-88-176-125-166.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:44:10] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Quit: Lost terminal) [20:44:11] *** Quits: Shinryuu (~gdsptuwtd@mobile-access-6df041-47.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: that's what makes it so wrong) [20:44:43] what types of checksums does makepkg support [20:44:57] *** Quits: melkor333 (~melkor333@2a02:1205:34d3:c070:7c76:c6ca:8df8:8a4c) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:45:07] *** Joins: itokatsu (~itk@2a01:e35:8b07:da60:2652:de5c:9b55:bbba) [20:45:10] <[fb]> sha256, sha512, md5 for sure [20:45:23] <[fb]> sha1 too [20:45:31] well, those are obvious [20:45:42] <[fb]> stop asking obvious questions then ;) [20:46:08] <[fb]> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PKGBUILD#Integrity [20:46:09] Title: PKGBUILD - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [20:46:11] Kilobyte22: whirpool if you want to be fancy. [20:46:24] *** Quits: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [20:46:26] b2sum supported too? :P [20:46:34] *** Quits: Polichronucci (~polichron@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:46:35] Nope [20:46:46] <[fb]> i just recently started playing around with b2sum [20:46:55] *cries+ [20:46:59] <[fb]> after a file gets to around 100 megabytes it's faster than sha256 on my comp [20:47:21] *** Quits: abbec (~abbec@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:47:35] i actually had an issue with b2sum recently where two different versions reported different hashsums for the exact same file [20:47:35] *** Joins: abbec (~abbec@ [20:47:59] i have NO IDEA how that is even possible [20:48:05] *** Joins: Polichronucci (~polichron@ [20:48:08] bug [20:48:08] s [20:48:15] Stary: no shit [20:48:17] <[fb]> probably an implementation error [20:48:34] yeah, but you gotta fuck up pretty badly for that :P [20:48:45] <[fb]> not really, an off by 1 will do it [20:48:52] true [20:49:05] *** Joins: zub1n (~zub1n@unaffiliated/zub1n) [20:49:28] <[fb]> quick question for you gnome users, how can I get the application icons to stay visible and not auto hide? I can't seem to find the option [20:49:30] aguitel: did you find a kernel where the keyboard still works? [20:49:38] *** Joins: nando293921 (~Nando15@ [20:50:06] *** Joins: batch (~batch@unaffiliated/batch) [20:50:10] *** Joins: Avonis (~Avonis@unaffiliated/avonis) [20:50:22] *** Quits: mclement (mclement@nat/ibm/x-juzdnpfzakjzuqpj) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [20:50:32] Namarrgon, last 4.8 series work [20:52:43] *** Joins: modlin (~modlin@ [20:54:10] *** Quits: abbec (~abbec@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:54:42] *** Joins: nahra (~user@unaffiliated/nahra) [20:55:38] *** Quits: moonnie (~irc@5355D4AC.cm-6-6d.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: bye) [20:56:23] *** Joins: K0JIbKA (~nikobit@ [20:58:02] *** Joins: jcbitter (~jcbitter@ [20:58:03] *** Quits: Matombo (~Matombo@p579913A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:58:25] *** Quits: most_enter (~most_ente@193-81-142-157.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Leaving) [20:58:34] *** Quits: nando293921 (~Nando15@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:58:40] *** Joins: austrinus (~austrinus@50-200-254-220-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) [20:58:42] *** Quits: raijin (~raijin@unaffiliated/raijin) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:58:44] *** Joins: XbommelX (~tobias@p20030006337C9A25FF949D45B56A5DBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [20:58:44] d_garbage: so I posted it on the forum under AUR :) thank you anyway [20:59:13] *** Parts: XbommelX (~tobias@p20030006337C9A25FF949D45B56A5DBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) () [20:59:21] *** Quits: kiao2938 (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) 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[21:15:41] *** Parts: vindkaldr (~vindkaldr@188-143-31-160.pool.digikabel.hu) ("WeeChat 1.7") [21:15:52] *** Quits: initiumdoeslinux (~initiumdo@78-69-231-98-no253.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Leaving) [21:15:59] *** Joins: vindkaldr (~vindkaldr@188-143-31-160.pool.digikabel.hu) [21:16:14] *** Joins: whphhg (~whphhg@unaffiliated/whphhg) [21:17:33] *** Quits: vindkaldr (~vindkaldr@188-143-31-160.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [21:17:52] *** Joins: nielsdg (~nielsdg@2a02:a03f:26d6:bf00:759:2031:11b:d98a) [21:18:47] *** Joins: vindkaldr (~vindkaldr@188-143-31-160.pool.digikabel.hu) [21:18:56] *** Parts: vindkaldr (~vindkaldr@188-143-31-160.pool.digikabel.hu) () [21:18:57] *** Quits: TotalOblivion (~Henry@ppp-94-66-221-61.home.otenet.gr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:19:38] *** Quits: kishore96 (~kishore@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:20:31] *** Quits: c4mp4r (~catalin@2a02:2f0e:52b0:1412:fc26:e684:e832:5209) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [21:20:48] *** Quits: Omar007 (~Omar007@2001:980:d086:1:21c7:1b8e:1f40:2884) (Quit: Cya!) [21:21:13] *** Quits: windel (~windel@2001:984:3702:1:c5bc:5e0b:f8a9:6070) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [21:21:48] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [21:22:27] *** Quits: t_h (~tobi@ (Quit: Leaving.) [21:22:31] My motherboard software doesn't let me edit the boot order so every time I boot I have to override. Any idea why this is happening? [21:22:37] *** Joins: niemal (~mein@unaffiliated/anoniem4l) [21:23:22] *** Joins: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) [21:23:46] rollinDyno: efi? [21:24:25] *** Quits: niemal_ (~mein@unaffiliated/anoniem4l) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:24:56] *** Quits: sandeepkr (~Sandeepkr@ (Remote host closed the connection) [21:25:00] *** Quits: tschan (~tschan@p579FB96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving) [21:25:01] thurstylark: yes, I'm using EFI. I have 2 devices one for Windows and another one for Arch. The windows device has an EFI partition and it has systemd-boot installed. I would like my computer to always boot there so I can choose which OS to load. However, the motherboard jumps straight into Windows Boot Manager. [21:25:29] *** Joins: nom_de_plume (~yoda@anon-35-246.vpn.ipredator.se) [21:26:03] *** Quits: DoctorJellyface (~DoctorJel@ip155.213-181-149.pegonet.sk) (Quit: DoctorJellyface) [21:26:07] rollinDyno: you can use efibootmgr to change that. [21:26:18] rollinDyno: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface#efibootmgr [21:26:20] Title: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [21:26:38] thanks, will read this [21:26:50] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [21:27:45] *** Joins: knutmithut (~knut@2001-4dd7-c465-0-d2df-9aff-fecf-ef1c.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de) [21:27:55] *** Quits: granitosaurus (~granitosa@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:28:08] Hello, I'm trying to install diaspora on an arch linux ARM system with this pkgbuild: https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=diaspora-mysql However, there is a Bug in ruby unf_ext gem on rubygems, which is fixed in the github repo (https://github.com/knu/ruby-unf_ext/issues/15). Can anyone help me figure out how to include this fix into the PKGBUILD or how to use the system installed version [21:28:08] of unf_ext? By system installed I mean that cloning the git repo and doing gem build/install manually worked and gem which unf_ext returns the correct path of the .so [21:28:08] Title: aur.git - AUR Package Repositories (at aur.archlinux.org) [21:28:18] *** Quits: TheCycoONE (~quassel@ (Remote host closed the connection) [21:28:39] !give knutmithut alarm [21:28:40] knutmithut: If you're here because of an issue with your Raspberry Pi or other ARM device, join #archlinux-arm. [21:28:50] *** Joins: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) [21:29:18] well, thanks, yet it's not directly an ARM problem [21:29:43] knutmithut: doesn't matter. archlinux arm is a separate distro, and we don't support it. [21:29:56] *** Joins: VISIONGATE (~VISIONGAT@unaffiliated/visiongate) [21:30:22] *** Quits: rnabinger (~rnabinger@c-50-136-255-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:30:25] *** Joins: deltasquared (~deltasqua@unaffiliated/deltasquared) [21:30:42] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [21:30:50] So where can I find AUR support in general? [21:31:06] hey all, how would I go about keeping the middle click primary selection in sync with the Ctrl-V clipboard in X11? I *think* what I'm looking for are generally called clipboard managers but not sure. [21:31:55] *** Quits: frankdrey (~textual@c-73-225-124-33.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) [21:32:26] !give deltasquared aw clipboard [21:32:27] deltasquared: Clipboard - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Clipboard [21:32:56] I am having a very strange behavior. When I am connected to wifi, no programs want to start. When running from a terminal, I get the message "No Protocal Specified". If I disconnect from wifi, the apps work. Forexample, disconnect from wifi, launch firefox, reconnect wifi, is what I need to do to get firefox open. Other wise I just get "No Protocal Specified". Added to this, while WIFI is connected, I am unable to select any of t [21:33:04] thurstylark: huh, my mistake was putting "x11 clipboard manager" directly into the search :/ [21:33:26] *** Joins: redjollyroger (~csrynne@ [21:33:53] *** Joins: fpqc (~Negi@unaffiliated/fpqc) [21:33:55] heya [21:33:58] *** Quits: hiyosilver (~hiyosilve@unaffiliated/hiyosilver) (Quit: No Toy xD) [21:34:02] anyone know if theres a way to make it so [21:34:09] bash or zsh saves an input line to history [21:34:13] by just pressing down [21:34:17] like irc clients do [21:34:26] when i type pacman -S xorg is that a group package installing everything? [21:34:33] redjollyroger: Yes, don't do that [21:34:51] *** Joins: Lokke (~Thunderbi@ip5f5ad098.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) [21:34:56] redjollyroger, yeah probably don't [21:35:06] shit [21:35:20] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:35:26] anyone know how to do that thing [21:35:52] *** Quits: Captain_Rage (~smuxi@c52-28.icpnet.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:36:08] *** Quits: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-222.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:36:16] already done was watching a video on and dude did that and after i did it i though hmmm i dont see anything in the docmentation that says that i need to do that. [21:37:30] redjollyroger: Don't watch videos, use the official wiki [21:37:50] *** Quits: poleprogger (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:38:18] *** Quits: Tazmain (~Tazmain@unaffiliated/tazmain) (Quit: Leaving) [21:38:23] redjollyroger: pacman -S xorg drives in a whole bunch of shit that you don't need, like various graphic card drivers. [21:38:47] *** Joins: denisk (~denisk@pa49-181-161-134.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) [21:39:05] *** Quits: obZen (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:39:10] poisonby: i am doing both reading the wiki first then watching videos to get a better understanding as they explain it. That why i realized the i never read anything about just downloading the xorg group [21:39:43] *** Quits: K0JIbKA (~nikobit@ (Quit: K0JIbKA) [21:39:56] *** Joins: jab416171 (~jab416171@c-76-27-96-12.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) [21:40:18] Still, videos are quickly outdated and very rarely of good quality. [21:40:26] redjollyroger: Don't watch videos; videos tend to get outdated very quickly, and they're not reviewed in the same manner as the wiki [21:40:55] *** Quits: jonkristian (~jonkristi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:40:58] poisonby: will do [21:41:13] ill just stick to the wiki and this channel [21:41:22] If a package requires pkg-config (which exists in base-devel), should I add that as a dependency? [21:41:30] *** Joins: jonkristian (~jonkristi@ [21:41:37] In the PKGBUILD [21:41:43] *** Quits: nom_de_plume (~yoda@anon-35-246.vpn.ipredator.se) (Quit: This chat has been very enlightening) [21:42:27] *** Quits: CupOfCoffee (~CupOfCoff@unaffiliated/cupofcoffee) (Remote host closed the connection) [21:43:08] *** Quits: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:43:11] poisonby: base-devel is implicit to the ability to build packages, so I'd say no. [21:43:11] poisonby: i think everything in base and base-devel are implied [21:43:34] *** Joins: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) [21:43:45] *** Quits: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:44:08] *** Joins: dviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola) [21:44:21] *** Quits: opthomasprime (~thomas@p5B3BEB11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection) [21:44:30] *** Joins: davorb (~irc@hd5b91c76.k9211.dyn.perspektivbredband.net) [21:45:00] Yeah, that's what I thought as well. Thanks! [21:45:01] *** Joins: Captain_Rage (~smuxi@c52-28.icpnet.pl) [21:45:53] poisonby: explicitly in the wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Aur#Prerequisites [21:45:55] Title: Arch User Repository - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [21:46:30] poisonby: rule of thumb with depends is that you shouldn't include them explicitly if they're implicit to something else. If pkg-config was a depends and not just a build-depends, then I'd include it. [21:47:00] *** Quits: sledgehammer (~sledgeham@unaffiliated/sledgehammer) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:47:19] *** Quits: Th3R0b (~bobby@a838.ip20.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [21:47:32] *** Quits: casuallancelot (~casuallan@ (Quit: Leaving) [21:48:31] *** Joins: itai86 (~indstwetr@ip5457d9b7.direct-adsl.nl) [21:48:48] *** Joins: sledgehammer (~sledgeham@unaffiliated/sledgehammer) [21:49:05] *** Joins: vishal1 (~vishal@2601:645:c080:d9b:ac77:2dc9:4cec:f44e) [21:49:10] thurstylark: Thanks [21:49:23] np [21:50:11] *** Quits: linux_dream (~linux_dre@unaffiliated/linux-dream/x-5839402) (Quit: Leaving) [21:50:28] *** Quits: panostimos (ptim@athedsl-141700.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:50:38] *** Quits: VISIONGATE (~VISIONGAT@unaffiliated/visiongate) (Quit: Leaving.) [21:51:02] *** Quits: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [21:51:11] *** vishal1 is now known as vshl [21:53:38] *** Quits: dhil (~dhil@dhcp-90-078.inf.ed.ac.uk) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [21:54:12] Just to be sure, I guess adding new dependencies to the package means you have to increment pkgrel right? [21:54:48] yeah. any change to just the PKGBUILD but not the source should be a pkgrel bump. [21:55:01] *** Joins: CupOfCoffee (~CupOfCoff@unaffiliated/cupofcoffee) [21:55:09] Alright, thanks again! :P [21:55:12] *** Joins: m4sk1n (uid206209@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qzqpqgufhmykzdti) [21:55:16] also, pkgrel should be reset to 1 on a source version bump [21:56:20] *** Quits: flavius (~flavius@unaffiliated/flavius) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [21:56:34] *** Quits: deltasquared (~deltasqua@unaffiliated/deltasquared) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [21:56:38] *** Joins: ludat (~ludat@ [21:56:47] *** Quits: segurb (~segurb@unaffiliated/segurb) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [21:56:55] *** Quits: oxhak (~OxHaK@unaffiliated/oxhak) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [21:57:20] *** Quits: codfection (~codfectio@unaffiliated/codfection) (Quit: Leaving) [21:57:36] *** Quits: vshl (~vishal@2601:645:c080:d9b:ac77:2dc9:4cec:f44e) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [21:58:59] *** Quits: batch (~batch@unaffiliated/batch) (Quit: Leaving) [21:59:14] *** Quits: gagan662 (gagan662@gateway/shell/insomnia247/x-iqfwdqnlnqmzbbkt) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:59:18] *** Quits: StinkyFinger (~stephen@62-64-232-151.dynamic.dial.as9105.com) (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [21:59:29] *** Joins: surveyor (~surveyor@ [21:59:37] *** Joins: stanislav (~quassel@unaffiliated/valsinats) [21:59:53] *** Quits: bel3atar (bel3atar@gateway/shell/insomnia247/x-qiceutipqbzrkwft) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:00:13] *** Quits: kelnoky (~shao@ip1f1064b5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [22:00:30] *** Joins: InverseRhombus (~InverseRh@2a02:c7d:da1e:1300:f00d:c0a2:ba5:f72a) [22:01:35] *** Quits: Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo) (Quit: Olufunmilayo) [22:02:38] *** Joins: Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo) [22:02:46] *** Quits: Cthulu201 (~Cthulu201@unaffiliated/cthulu201) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [22:03:08] *** Joins: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) [22:03:23] besides xorg-server and xorg-server-utils do i require any other xorg packages before installin a desktop enviroment. it seems on the wiki that those are the only to needed, but almost all other documentation i have read usually has more xorg packages [22:03:48] redjollyroger: xorg-xinit [22:04:25] *** Quits: rogorido (~rogorido@127.red-88-4-198.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [22:04:36] poisonby: that package is needed to auto start the xserver correct? [22:04:49] *** Joins: MrLinuxFish (~mrlinuxfi@71-211-131-199.hlrn.qwest.net) [22:06:05] *** Quits: philwyettreb (~philwyett@79-74-95-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Quit: Play the game, for the games sake.) [22:06:08] *** Quits: yithian (yith@nat/redhat/x-ueytgzwiqaeavfpn) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:06:08] *** Quits: Llewelyn (~derelict@50-46-217-106.evrt.wa.frontiernet.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:06:25] *** Joins: dnut (~soldier95@45-20-67-14.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) [22:07:56] *** Joins: Grapes (~greatgrap@ [22:08:28] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:08:37] *** Joins: strainwrld (~strainwrl@a79-168-45-129.cpe.netcabo.pt) [22:08:50] *** Quits: szorfein (~ivy@gateway/tor-sasl/szorfein) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6) [22:09:11] *** Quits: mac_mario (~mac_mario@unaffiliated/mac-mario/x-7612387) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [22:09:13] *** Joins: batch (~batch@unaffiliated/batch) [22:09:35] *** Quits: mefistofeles (~mefistofe@unaffiliated/mefistofeles) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:09:45] *** Joins: Llewelyn (~derelict@50-46-217-106.evrt.wa.frontiernet.net) [22:10:02] redjollyroger: Yes, specifically, it's the package that manages ~/.xinitrc [22:10:25] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [22:10:32] *** Quits: rollinDyno (~rollindyn@cpc73676-dals20-2-0-cust366.20-2.cable.virginm.net) () [22:10:42] that's kinda of badly worded [22:10:49] nothing manages files in ~ :) [22:11:07] hehe [22:11:14] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [22:11:25] it's the program that parses ~/.xinitrc would probably be better [22:11:37] *** Quits: CupOfCoffee (~CupOfCoff@unaffiliated/cupofcoffee) (Quit: Leaving) [22:12:29] parses/runs ya know, since it's a script :P [22:12:32] I am having a very strange behavior. When I am connected to wifi, no programs want to start. When running from a terminal, I get the message "No Protocal Specified". If I disconnect from wifi, the apps work. Forexample, disconnect from wifi, launch firefox, reconnect wifi, is what I need to do to get firefox open. Other wise I just get "No Protocal Specified". Added to this, while WIFI is connected, I am unable to select any of t [22:13:17] *** Joins: philwyettreb (~philwyett@79-74-95-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) [22:13:22] *** Quits: Balzy (~Balzy@host67-136-dynamic.17-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: Leaving) [22:13:27] *** Joins: vishal1 (~vshl@2601:645:c080:d9b:ac77:2dc9:4cec:f44e) [22:13:29] *** Quits: Grapes (~greatgrap@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep.) [22:13:30] angrynapkin: have you only tried with firefox, or other applications too? [22:13:33] and which ones? [22:13:40] *** Quits: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:13:44] also, is that the only output? [22:14:00] thurstylark: I cant even Log off or reboot. [22:14:09] thurstylark: nothing works [22:14:24] if I disconnect my wifi...everytihng works [22:14:32] angrynapkin: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=163324 [22:14:32] Title: networkmanager and "no protocol specified" / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums (at bbs.archlinux.org) [22:15:31] ooh, that's an interesting question [22:15:44] *** Quits: lochs (~carabia@unaffiliated/lochs) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:15:49] angrynapkin: does your hostname change when you connect/disconnect wifi? [22:15:58] *** Joins: maBs (~maBs@host-149-154-196-178.dynamic.voo.be) [22:16:14] *** Quits: M-ou-se (~m-ou-se@2a01:7c8:aab5:37a:5054:ff:fe8d:e06c) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [22:16:34] *** Quits: vdv (~vdv@x4dbd6792.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [22:16:37] poisonby: Interesting find. Thhis is exacly my problem, but I dont know about the hostname thing [22:16:41] and do you have another networking package running? [22:16:48] How can I check my host name? [22:17:01] angrynapkin: hostname [22:17:02] i had weird problems with connman. even after i uninstalled it [22:17:03] angrynapkin: by running hostname [22:17:14] *** Joins: Math (~maBs@host-149-154-196-178.dynamic.voo.be) [22:17:17] I know I know...your in arch and you dont know how to check your host name? lol. I hang my head low :( [22:17:23] *** Joins: M-ou-se (~m-ou-se@2a01:7c8:aab5:37a:5054:ff:fe8d:e06c) [22:17:37] *** Math is now known as Guest577 [22:17:52] *** Quits: Guest577 (~maBs@host-149-154-196-178.dynamic.voo.be) (Client Quit) [22:17:52] tigrmesh: if true, it would be the first exception to the "You can install as many network managers as you like, but only run one" rule I've heard of [22:18:03] *** Joins: SteveDeFacto (~SteveDeFa@ [22:18:15] angrynapkin: don't be ashamed of not knowing, be ashamed of not googling [22:18:19] *** Joins: math12 (~maBs@host-149-154-196-178.dynamic.voo.be) [22:18:24] !grab beest [22:18:24] thurstylark: Tada! [22:18:55] heh. the cure to lack of knowledge is just a googling away. [22:19:00] ok, well I see the hostname. Now I have to see what it used to be [22:19:02] ...who kew... [22:19:04] *** Quits: majo (~majo@unaffiliated/majo) (Quit: Lost terminal) [22:19:06] knew* [22:19:12] *** Quits: BL4DE (~BL4DE@host86-144-191-106.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Auf Wiedersehen) [22:19:14] * thurstylark definitely doesn't claim to have heard lots of things, but anecdotal evidence has to count for something, right? [22:19:19] *** Joins: andyrtr (~andyrtr@archlinux/developer/andyrtr) [22:19:21] see if it changes when going to a new network [22:19:42] why would it? [22:19:49] *** Joins: poeticrpm (~poeticrpm@ [22:20:08] *** Quits: vishal1 (~vshl@2601:645:c080:d9b:ac77:2dc9:4cec:f44e) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [22:20:09] I have no clue why, but it seems others have had this issue [22:20:46] beest: that's what we don't know, but that's another symptom in common with the forum post... [22:21:10] *** Joins: etix (~etix@videolan/developer/etix) [22:21:26] *** Joins: whaletechno (~whaletech@unaffiliated/whaletechno) [22:21:27] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@pa49-181-161-134.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:21:39] *** Joins: j12t (~j12t@w146.z205158021.lax-ca.dsl.cnc.net) [22:21:53] *** Quits: murray (~murray@dyndsl-092-252-065-194.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Quit: Leaving) [22:22:04] *** Joins: denisk (~denisk@pa49-181-161-134.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) [22:22:07] *** Joins: strelox (~user@p200300754F265200625718FFFED193E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [22:22:14] *** Joins: Grapes (~greatgrap@ [22:22:39] What is the Arch equivalent of Debian's /etc/network/interfaces? [22:23:05] *** Joins: inflames (~syg@ [22:23:09] !give Boobuigi aw network configuration [22:23:10] Boobuigi: Network configuration - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_configuration [22:23:23] *** Quits: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving.) [22:23:24] *** Joins: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-56.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) [22:23:26] Boobuigi: several answers to that question, but it depends on which network manager you're using [22:23:29] *** Joins: sadmansk (~Thunderbi@2607:fea8:1c80:c5c::5) [22:23:35] Thank you kindly. [22:23:40] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:23:40] *** Quits: harveykim (~harveyk_@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:23:41] np [22:23:41] Boobuigi: It depends on how you choose to manage your networks. With Arch, YOU choose. [22:23:58] *** Quits: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:24:05] *** Quits: SteveDeFacto (~SteveDeFa@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:24:11] *** Quits: phairoh (~phairoh@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [22:24:29] *** Joins: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) [22:24:51] *** Joins: TotalOblivion (~Henry@ppp-94-66-221-13.home.otenet.gr) [22:24:58] *** Quits: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [22:26:08] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@pa49-181-161-134.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:26:08] *** Joins: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) [22:26:37] *** Quits: stanislav (~quassel@unaffiliated/valsinats) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:26:53] Ok, well it does seem my Hostname is getting changed when connecting to a new network [22:26:55] Arch can be comapred with pizzas: You have a lot to choose from. But one stand out: "Du chef". With that one, you choose the ingredients. [22:27:18] *** Joins: malina (~malina@unaffiliated/malina) [22:28:50] SysGhost: You must start your pizza with a specific type of bread (systemd), but other than that, you have free reign to build your own masterpiece! [22:29:16] and even if you wanted to switch your bread, you could, but we can't guarantee that you're pizza's gonna work any more :P [22:29:41] *** Joins: YungRaj (~YungRaj@ [22:29:41] angrynapkin: which network manager are you using? Are you sure that's the only one running? [22:29:49] *** Quits: YungRaj (~YungRaj@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:29:51] *** Joins: vee (~vee@unaffiliated/vee) [22:29:51] -" No bread! Throw my igredients in the owen as is!" \o/ [22:30:18] SysGhost: /bin/sh is pid1! [22:30:25] *** Quits: sandlst (~sandlst@h98.133.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:30:48] *** Quits: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@navi.chaosfield.at) (Quit: bye o/) [22:31:24] *** Quits: yabbes (~yabbounic@unaffiliated/yabbounic) (Quit: Leaving) [22:31:30] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [22:32:50] *** Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@navi.chaosfield.at) [22:33:13] *** Quits: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [22:34:11] *** Joins: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) [22:34:21] *** Joins: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) [22:34:37] poisonby: Thank you so much man! This is the issue I am having. I tested it, and my hostname was changing. manually putting it back fixed my apps not starting [22:35:48] *** Quits: lagothrix (~lagothrix@unaffiliated/lagothrix) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:36:04] *** Quits: dandels (~dandels@unaffiliated/dandels) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [22:36:10] *** Quits: vfw (~mythtv@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:36:10] *** Quits: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:36:17] *** Joins: obZen (~quassel@ [22:36:58] *** Quits: surveyor (~surveyor@ (Quit: Leaving) [22:37:05] angrynapkin: does it still change when you connect or disconnect? [22:37:20] *** Joins: poleprogger (~mj@pD9FFE892.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [22:37:32] *** Joins: irreleph4nt (~irrelevan@ [22:37:39] *** Joins: SteveDeFacto (~SteveDeFa@ [22:38:02] *** Quits: arttuh5n1 (~arttuh5n1@ (Quit: veke) [22:38:08] Hi all. I am trying to set up a ntp server for my local network. I am following this guide: [22:38:33] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Samba/Active_Directory_domain_controller#NTPD [22:38:34] Title: Samba/Active Directory domain controller - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org) [22:39:32] When I start ntpd I get a "restrict: ignoring line 23 .... unusuable" on all the restrict lines I need to add, though [22:39:35] *** Quits: felipedvorak (~felipedvo@unaffiliated/felipedvorak) (Quit: felipedvorak) [22:39:48] *** Joins: louisdk (~louisdk@ [22:39:52] irreleph4nt: post the full config to a paste service [22:40:14] thurstylark: I have to do more stesting, rebooting and connecting etc, but now I know where the problem is, and if need be, I will make a small script to put it back [22:41:03] Updating font cache... [22:41:05] error: command terminated by signal 13: Broken pipe [22:41:07] noice [22:41:12] angrynapkin: before you do, return here with your findings, because it definitely shouldn't do that. I recommend fixing the root cause instead of working around if possible. [22:41:15] *** Quits: elgatov (~elgatov@231.red-81-32-90.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:41:22] thurstylark, https://ptpb.pw/Svfo [22:41:48] *** Quits: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:42:12] *** Quits: NeverDie (~NeverDie@pool-98-116-59-104.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:42:37] *** Quits: Grapes (~greatgrap@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep.) [22:42:38] *** Joins: NeverDie (~NeverDie@pool-98-116-59-104.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) [22:42:39] angrynapkin: np! [22:42:55] thurstylark: Well This is in tangent with a pfsense trial. Putting my Wifi on a seperate network. I noticed I placed a hostname value in the hostnane feild, when creating a static dhcp for my laptop. Its that hostname my laptop changed to. So I know it was somehting I was doing, its just the problem was so stange I had no clue where to look. [22:43:11] *** Joins: clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1) [22:43:24] *** Quits: Xiti (~Xiti-@unaffiliated/xiti) (Quit: Xiti) [22:43:27] angrynapkin: ahh. Cool. [22:43:34] *** Quits: vojta (~vojta@dynamic-194-228-11-56.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [22:43:41] Man this was driving me NUTS! [22:43:43] hahaha [22:43:44] *** Joins: vxx (~vxx@unaffiliated/vxx) [22:44:57] *** Joins: denisk (~denisk@220-244-148-246.static.tpgi.com.au) [22:45:32] irreleph4nt: what if you comment/delete line 23? [22:46:03] *** Joins: lagothrix (~lagothrix@unaffiliated/lagothrix) [22:46:39] *** Joins: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) [22:46:48] *** Quits: RickDeckard (~tburringt@cpe-68-174-144-3.nyc.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:47:21] thurstylark, same result, just one line less that ntpd complains about [22:47:46] * clarjon1 pokes at pacman's key list. [22:48:24] irreleph4nt: what if you comment out all the 'x.arch.pool.ntp.org' entries? [22:48:30] Dang, that didn't work. [22:48:33] * thurstylark stabs dark [22:48:43] *** Joins: Grapes (~greatgrap@ [22:48:51] thurstylark, this machine is behidn a pfsense firewall with a mostly standard config ... [22:49:09] I read somewhere that ntpd needs to be allowed to talk to outside servers via firewall [22:49:15] oh, just had to re-download the package file. [22:49:28] *** Quits: sedrosken_ (~sedrosken@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:49:38] irreleph4nt: hmm. that, I don't know, then. Beyond my expertise :P [22:49:51] thurstylark, thank you though [22:49:55] np [22:50:03] *** Quits: numkem (~numkem@modemcable006.252-37-24.static.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:50:09] *** Quits: irreleph4nt (~irrelevan@ (Quit: Leaving) [22:50:37] *** Joins: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) [22:50:48] *** Joins: kylethebaker (~KYLEtheBA@unaffiliated/kylethebaker) [22:51:04] *** Quits: ches52 (~alex@ (Quit: Leaving) [22:51:29] *** Joins: thrice (~ajb@unaffiliated/thrice/x-000000001) [22:52:15] *** Quits: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:52:53] *** Joins: minimalism (~none@unaffiliated/minimalism) [22:53:16] *** Joins: fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) [22:53:24] *** Quits: louisdk (~louisdk@ (Quit: Ex-Chat) [22:53:43] *** Joins: louisdk (~louisdk@ [22:54:00] *** Joins: Frickelpit (~pit@ubuntuusers/serverteam/frickelpit) [22:54:48] *** Quits: fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:54:48] *** fstd_ is now known as fstd [22:55:19] Love it when i join to ask for help, and i figure it out just by being here lol. [22:55:46] clarjon1: rubber duck debugging at its best :D [22:55:52] eyup [22:56:11] I mean, pacman was offering the solution to me, so i figured i'd just try it and re-download the package to see if it was a corrupted download... lol [22:56:18] Iwas assuming it was a key issue. [22:56:27] *** Quits: C5OK5Y (~C5OK5Y@ (Quit: C5OK5Y) [22:57:07] *** Parts: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) () [22:57:56] *** Quits: ravior (~crapitea@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [22:58:30] not a terrible assumption, really. [22:58:53] but good on you for reading the output first! \o/ [22:59:12] * thurstylark thinks the simple things don't get praised enough... [22:59:34] *** Quits: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:00:13] *** Quits: minimalism (~none@unaffiliated/minimalism) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [23:00:29] *** Joins: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) [23:01:38] *** Quits: undeadleech (~undeadlee@p4FE3A42C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [23:01:53] *** Quits: xsmile (~xsmile@ip-84-118-84-210.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving) [23:02:35] *** Joins: RickDeckard (~tburringt@cpe-68-174-144-3.nyc.res.rr.com) [23:02:45] *** Joins: xsmile (~xsmile@ip-84-118-84-210.unity-media.net) [23:03:10] output is for robots [23:03:47] *** Quits: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:04:18] *bleep bloop* [23:04:27] *** Quits: palasso (~quassel@2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:04:30] *** Joins: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) [23:04:42] * thurstylark clears throat [23:04:43] *** Quits: Conder (~Conder@109-230-55-79.dynamic.orange.sk) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [23:04:50] I mean... Indeed, fellow human! [23:05:08] *** Quits: OxReki (~reki@solomon.in-ulm.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:06:13] phrik: tell me a robot story [23:06:13] sudokode: Tada! [23:06:23] *** Joins: wmunny (~user@ [23:06:31] ╰(✿˙ᗜ˙)੭━☆゚.*・。゚ [23:06:31] 'me' is gonna be awfully confused [23:06:33] *** Joins: u53r (~u53R@unaffiliated/u53r) [23:07:09] phrik: supply me with a robot story [23:07:10] sudokode: BLEEP BLOOP [23:07:25] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:08:06] um [23:08:06] [18:06:14] phrik | sudokode wants me to tell you: a robot story [23:08:08] hm.. [23:08:16] !listkeys bleep [23:08:16] thurstylark: Key search for "bleep" (2 found): "bleeping" and "imp. {did} (d Say what? d); p. p. {done} (d Is that a question? n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Doing} (d Eh? [i^]ng). This verb, when transitive, is formed in the indicative, present tense, thus: I do, thou doest (d[=oo] Is that… Is that really a word? st) or dost (d BLEEP BLOOP st), he does (d BLEEP BLOOP z), doeth (d The answer is 42. [e^]th), or doth (d[u^]th); (1 more message) [23:08:19] is 'me' a special word there? [23:08:23] the fuck, phrik? [23:08:25] i was wondering [23:08:31] phrik does funny things now [23:08:33] sudokode: Eh? [23:08:37] because otherwise if there wasn't a 'me' in the channel he woulda thrown an error [23:08:41] phrik: you're a robot [23:08:42] sudokode: You might be able to bribe me for an answer… [23:08:54] phrik: tell jnaldiafknj he's a tool [23:08:54] beest: Error: I haven't seen jnaldiafknj, I'll let you do the telling. [23:09:01] heh [23:09:02] so yeah, i reckon so [23:09:06] beest: !tell me sup [23:09:10] *** Joins: solenodic (~solenodic@unaffiliated/solenodic) [23:09:10] I think listkeys is bork [23:09:19] sudokode: fuck off, i'm busy [23:09:26] thurstylark: listvalues? [23:09:35] !listvalues bleep [23:09:36] thurstylark: Value search for "bleep" (3 found): "alad6", "censor", and "imp. {did} (d Say what? d); p. p. {done} (d Is that a question? n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Doing} (d Eh? Is that… Is that really a word? ng). This verb, when transitive," [23:09:45] ummm.. I think someone piped !define into is [23:09:54] *** Quits: mastizada (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:09:56] hmm [23:10:00] !listkeys "imp. {" [23:10:00] sudokode: Key search for "imp. {" (2 found): "imp. {did} (d Say what? d); p. p. {done} (d Is that a question? n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Doing} (d Eh? Is that… Is that really a word? ng). This verb, when transitive," and "imp. {did} (d Say what? d); p. p. {done} (d Is that a question? n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Doing} (d Eh? [i^]ng). This verb, when transitive, is formed in the indicative, present tense, thus: I do, thou doest (1 more message) [23:10:05] lol. [23:10:16] *** Quits: gugah (~gugah@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [23:10:31] *** Quits: Avonis (~Avonis@unaffiliated/avonis) (Quit: rip) [23:10:36] * SysGhost thinks phrik is broken again. [23:10:42] !phrik [23:10:43] Forever broken, but I'm still not your butler. [23:10:54] !poetry [23:10:55] roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not your butler, fuck you [23:11:00] <3 [23:11:05] *** Joins: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) [23:11:09] ...well... -.- [23:11:25] * SysGhost slaps phrik in the CPU [23:11:31] !sysadminhaiku [23:11:32] "Your lack of planning / Is not my emergency / Submit a ticket" [23:11:33] ... wait... I think that explains it. [23:11:46] * SysGhost unslaps phrik in the CPU [23:11:47] lol [23:11:59] *** Quits: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:12:24] *** Joins: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) [23:13:30] *** Joins: fassl (~fassl@192-164-248-141.adsl.highway.telekom.at) [23:14:10] *** Joins: gugah (~gugah@ [23:14:24] https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/take-number-hand-grenade-15596541.jpg [23:15:35] *** Quits: fassl (~fassl@192-164-248-141.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Client Quit) [23:15:48] * SysGhost thinks that should be the answer on !ticket [23:15:57] *** Quits: RickDeckard (~tburringt@cpe-68-174-144-3.nyc.res.rr.com) (Quit: later) [23:16:16] *** Joins: sigmundv (~sigmundv@ [23:16:16] *** Joins: bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc) [23:18:28] *** Joins: krabador (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador) [23:19:03] *** Joins: venmx (~pactadmin@cpc8-camd15-2-0-cust699.20-2.cable.virginm.net) [23:19:54] *** Joins: Raed|Mobile (~Raed@2607:fb90:442c:68e5:d339:1f81:1b4:b797) [23:19:56] *** Joins: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) [23:20:58] *** Quits: rcat (~us3r@ (Remote host closed the connection) [23:21:26] *** Joins: michaellt (~michael@d-132-204-220-159.res.umontreal.ca) [23:21:29] *** Joins: minimalism (~none@unaffiliated/minimalism) [23:21:53] *** Quits: clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:21:56] *** Quits: beardedeagle (~beardedea@ () [23:22:16] !ticket [23:22:17] beest: Say what? [23:22:33] do it then [23:23:45] *** Quits: Nizumzen (~Nizumzen@cpc2-reig5-2-0-cust667.6-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) [23:23:58] *** Quits: hutch34 (~hutch34@h125.241.138.40.static.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [23:24:26] *hasn't updated this machine in a couple months* *core doesn't download a new db* "Yeah fuckin right..." `pacman -Syyu` [23:25:06] *** Quits: tennix (~vagrant@unaffiliated/tennix) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [23:25:10] *** Quits: Grapes (~greatgrap@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep.) [23:26:43] *** Quits: michaellt (~michael@d-132-204-220-159.res.umontreal.ca) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [23:26:48] *** Quits: edh (~edh1@p5499003A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.7) [23:27:08] *** Quits: ImQ009 (~ImQ009@unaffiliated/imq009) (Quit: Leaving) [23:27:41] *** Quits: hosified (~hosified@unaffiliated/hosified) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:28:11] *** Joins: shellkr (~shellkr@unaffiliated/shellkr) [23:28:28] *** Joins: Grapes (~greatgrap@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/greatgrapes) [23:28:35] *** Quits: DexterLB (~dex@79-100-236-252.ip.btc-net.bg) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:28:43] *** Quits: Pillowcase_ (~makura@unaffiliated/pillowcase/x-5995480) (Quit: QUITTIN TIME!) [23:28:47] *** Quits: patarr (~patarr@unaffiliated/patarr) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:28:50] is it possible to have iptables force block everything not going through a VPN while routing one application (chrome) outside the vpn tunnel? [23:28:50] *** Joins: DexterLB (~dex@77-85-14-73.ip.btc-net.bg) [23:28:50] *** Joins: ediT (~ediT@unaffiliated/edit) [23:28:51] *** Quits: ediT (~ediT@unaffiliated/edit) (Client Quit) [23:28:59] *** Quits: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:29:10] *** Joins: pionen (~porfirio@fedora/porfiriopaiz) [23:29:27] *** Joins: BlueRavenGT (~BlueRaven@8-22-13-219.utopiafiber.net) [23:29:58] *** Quits: GI_Jack (~GI_Jack@pdpc/supporter/active/gi-jack) (Quit: Leaving) [23:31:32] *** Quits: beest (~beest@unaffiliated/gnubeest) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:31:42] *** Quits: tinnotl (~tinnotl@unaffiliated/tinnotl) (Quit: Leaving) [23:31:49] *** Joins: vozz (542de48f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:31:55] *** Quits: j7k6 (~j7k6@unaffiliated/j7k6) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:32:05] *** Quits: bocard (~bocard@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:32:08] *** Joins: ediT (~ediT@unaffiliated/edit) [23:32:17] *** Joins: datamoshr (~john@unaffiliated/datamoshr) [23:32:34] *** Quits: angrynapkin (~david@47-33-78-37.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving.) [23:32:44] I'm using pulseaudio and after using it a few minutes it will crackle and switch to a different pitch (I assume sample rate)... any idea what's up? 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I'm trying to find the Xorg.0.log file in my arch system, but I am unable to find it anywhere. Does it have a different name in arch? I've also googled about this and found no information. it's not here ~/.local/share/xorg/ nor here /var/log/ [23:51:48] kstenger: /var/log [23:51:51] it can also be in the journal [23:52:00] *** Quits: strelox (~user@p200300754F265200625718FFFED193E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:52:01] the systemd journal [23:52:08] mpan: not there read my message :-) [23:52:15] kstenger: wait, ignore. Mistook /var/log for /run/log :P [23:52:18] in the journal, hmm [23:52:27] also in like ~/.local or ~/.share iirc [23:52:34] Namarrgon: how could I find it exactly please? [23:52:49] kstenger: journalctl [23:52:49] ~/.local/share/xorg [23:52:54] sometimes :p [23:53:15] *** Quits: svito (~svito@ (Quit: svito) [23:53:22] ok, thanks for the info guys/gals :-) [23:53:22] not sure how they showed up there on me once haha [23:53:29] *** Joins: sz0 (uid110435@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rsyrywwgppmkdhrp) [23:53:33] *** eschwartz is now known as ztrawhcse [23:53:33] in 2015 hahaha [23:53:37] *** eschwartz1 is now known as eschwartz [23:54:13] kstenger: `journalctl _COMM=Xorg`, if I recall correctly, but ask Namarrgon for details. [23:54:27] *** Joins: strugart (strugart@ [23:54:40] Dan39: it is .local/share/xorg first, then /var/log/Xorg.0.log [23:54:44] das narwhal! [23:54:53] Dan39: only if auto detection fails it goes to /var/log [23:54:58] *** Quits: math12 (~maBs@host-149-154-196-178.dynamic.voo.be) (Quit: Leaving) [23:55:03] kstenger: how do you start X? [23:55:10] *** Joins: minimalism (~none@unaffiliated/minimalism) [23:55:39] *** Quits: maBs (~maBs@host-149-154-196-178.dynamic.voo.be) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:55:54] Namarrgon: not sure what you ask, I use gdm [23:56:12] X --gonna-give-it-to-ya [23:56:40] oh X uses single dashes, doesn't it? [23:57:03] *** Quits: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [23:57:08] *** Joins: SpaceAce (~SpaceAce@124-170-142-5.dyn.iinet.net.au) [23:58:26] *** Quits: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:58:33] *** Joins: Chinggis6 (~chinggis@unaffiliated/chinggis6) [23:58:37] journalctl _COMM=Xorg says no entries [23:59:00] *** Quits: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:59:08] journalctl -b -u gdm.service [23:59:21] *** Joins: boto (~boto@unaffiliated/boto) [23:59:48] *** Joins: JeanCarloMachado (~jean@ [23:59:55] *** Quits: shizy (~shizy@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:59:56] kstenger: yep, gdm logs to the journal only [23:59:58] gdm might be running with the wayland backend though